require 'fileutils' require 'mkmf' require 'rbconfig' $:.unshift File.expand_path('../../../lib', __FILE__) require 'openbabel/version' ob_num_ver = OpenBabel::VERSION ob_ver = "openbabel-"+ob_num_ver RUBY=File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) main_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","..")) src_dir = File.join main_dir, ob_ver build_dir = File.join main_dir, "build" install_dir = main_dir install_lib_dir = File.join install_dir, "lib" lib_dir = File.join main_dir, "lib", "openbabel" ruby_src_dir = File.join src_dir, "scripts", "ruby" begin nr_processors = `grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l` # speed up compilation, Linux only rescue nr_processors = 1 end begin Dir.chdir main_dir do FileUtils.rm_rf src_dir puts "Downloading OpenBabel sources" system "curl -L -d use_mirror=netcologne '{ob_num_ver}/openbabel-#{ob_num_ver}.tar.gz' | tar xz" system "sed -i -e 's/-Wl,-flat_namespace//;s/-flat_namespace//' #{File.join ruby_src_dir, "extconf.rb"}" # remove unrecognized compiler option system "sed -i -e 's/Init_OpenBabel/Init_openbabel/g' #{File.join ruby_src_dir,"*cpp"}" # fix swig bindings system "sed -i -e 's/Config::CONFIG/RbConfig::CONFIG/' #{File.join src_dir, "scripts", "CMakeLists.txt" }" # fix Ruby Config system "sed -i -e 's/Config::CONFIG/RbConfig::CONFIG/' #{File.join ruby_src_dir, "extconf.rb" }" # fix Ruby Config end FileUtils.mkdir_p build_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p install_dir Dir.chdir build_dir do puts "Configuring OpenBabel" cmake = "cmake #{src_dir} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=#{install_dir} -DBUILD_GUI=OFF -DENABLE_TESTS=OFF -DRUBY_BINDINGS=ON" # set rpath for local installations # # cmake += " -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH:STRING=\"#{install_lib_dir}\"" unless have_library('openbabel') system cmake end unless have_library('openbabel') # local installation in gem directory Dir.chdir build_dir do puts "OpenBabel not installed. Compiling sources." system "make -j#{nr_processors}" system "make install" ENV["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"] = File.dirname(File.expand_path(Dir["#{install_dir}/**/openbabel*pc"].first)) end end # compile ruby bindings puts "Compiling and installing OpenBabel Ruby bindings." Dir.chdir ruby_src_dir do # fix rpath system "sed -i 's|with_ldflags.*$|with_ldflags(\"#\$LDFLAGS -dynamic -Wl,-rpath,#{install_lib_dir}\") do|' #{File.join(ruby_src_dir,'extconf.rb')}" unless have_library('openbabel') # get include and lib from pkg-config ob_include=`pkg-config openbabel-2.0 --cflags-only-I`.sub(/\s+/,'').sub(/-I/,'') ob_lib=`pkg-config openbabel-2.0 --libs-only-L`.sub(/\s+/,'').sub(/-L/,'') system "#{RUBY} extconf.rb --with-openbabel-include=#{ob_include} --with-openbabel-lib=#{ob_lib}" system "make -j#{nr_processors}" end FileUtils.cp(ruby_src_dir+"/openbabel.#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]}", "./")'Makefile', 'w') do |makefile| makefile.write <<"EOF" .PHONY: openbabel.#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]} openbabel.#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]}: chmod 755 openbabel.#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]} .PHONY: install install: mkdir -p #{lib_dir} mv openbabel.#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]} #{lib_dir} EOF FileUtils.remove_entry_secure src_dir, build_dir end ensure # Do NOT remove scr_dir and build_dir after build fails, they are necessary for debugging. end