module OpenTox AA ||= "" #if not set in .opentox/conf/[environment].yaml #Module for Authorization and Authentication #@example Authentication # require "opentox-client" # OpenTox::Authorization::AA = "" #if not set in .opentox/conf/[environment].yaml # token = OpenTox::Authorization.authenticate("benutzer", "passwort") #@see OpenTox A&A API 1.2 specification module Authorization #Helper Class to create and send default policies out of xml templates #@example Creating a default policy to a URI # # xml=aa.get_xml('http://uri....') # OpenTox::Authorization.create_policy(xml,tok) class Helper attr_accessor :user, :subjectid, :policy #Generates AA object - requires subjectid # @param [String] subjectid def initialize(subjectid) @user = Authorization.get_user(subjectid) @subjectid = subjectid @policy = end #Cleans AA Policies and loads default xml file into policy attribute #set uri and user, returns Policyfile(XML) for open-sso # @param [String] URI to create a policy for def get_xml(uri) @policy.drop_policies @policy.load_default_policy(@user, uri) return @policy.to_xml end #Loads and sends Policyfile(XML) to open-sso server # @param [String] URI to create a policy for def send(uri) xml = get_xml(uri) ret = false ret = Authorization.create_policy(xml, @subjectid) $logger.debug "Policy send with subjectid: #{@subjectid}" $logger.warn "Not created Policy is: #{xml}" if !ret ret end end #Returns the open-sso server set in the config file .opentox/config/[environment].yaml # @return [String, nil] the openSSO server URI or nil def self.server return AA end #Authentication against OpenSSO. Returns token. Requires Username and Password. # @param [String, String]Username,Password # @return [String, nil] gives subjectid or nil def self.authenticate(user, pw) return nil if !AA begin resource ="#{AA}/auth/authenticate") out =>user, :password => pw).sub("","").sub("\n","") return out rescue return nil end end #Logout on opensso. Make token invalid. Requires token # @param [String]subjectid the subjectid # @return [Boolean] true if logout is OK def self.logout(subjectid) begin resource ="#{AA}/auth/logout") => subjectid) return true rescue return false end end #Authorization against OpenSSO for a URI with request-method (action) [GET/POST/PUT/DELETE] # @param [String,String,String]uri,action,subjectid # @return [Boolean, nil] returns true, false or nil (if authorization-request fails). def self.authorize(uri, action, subjectid) return true if !AA begin resource ="#{AA}/auth/authorize") return true if => uri, :action => action, :subjectid => subjectid) == "boolean=true\n" rescue return nil end end #Checks if a token is a valid token # @param [String]subjectid subjectid from openSSO session # @return [Boolean] subjectid is valid or not. def self.is_token_valid(subjectid) return true if !AA begin resource ="#{AA}/auth/isTokenValid") return true if => subjectid) == "boolean=true\n" rescue return false end end #Returns array with all policies of the token owner # @param [String]subjectid requires subjectid # @return [Array, nil] returns an Array of policy names or nil if request fails def self.list_policies(subjectid) begin resource ="#{AA}/pol") out = resource.get(:subjectid => subjectid) return out.split("\n") rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e raise e.response rescue return nil end end #Returns a policy in xml-format # @param [String, String]policy,subjectid # @return [String] XML of the policy def self.list_policy(policy, subjectid) begin resource ="#{AA}/pol") return resource.get(:subjectid => subjectid,:id => policy) rescue return nil end end # Lists policies alongside with affected uris # @param [String] subjectid # @return [Hash] keys: all policies of the subjectid owner, values: uris affected by those policies def self.list_policies_uris( subjectid ) names = list_policies(subjectid) policies = {} names.each do |n| policies[n] = list_policy_uris( n, subjectid ) end policies end # Lists policies alongside with affected uris # @param [String] subjectid # @return [Hash] keys: all policies of the subjectid owner, values: uris affected by those policies def self.list_policy_uris( policy, subjectid ) p = p.load_xml( list_policy(policy, subjectid) ) p.uris end #Returns the owner (who created the first policy) of an URI # @param [String, String]uri,subjectid # return [String, nil]owner,nil returns owner of the URI def self.get_uri_owner(uri, subjectid) begin resource ="#{AA}/pol") return resource.get(:uri => uri, :subjectid => subjectid).sub("\n","") rescue return nil end end #Checks if a policy exists to a URI. Requires URI and token. # @param [String, String]uri,subjectid # return [Boolean] def self.uri_has_policy(uri, subjectid) owner = get_uri_owner(uri, subjectid) return true if owner and owner != "null" false end #List all policynames for a URI. Requires URI and token. # @param [String, String]uri,subjectid # return [Array, nil] returns an Array of policy names or nil if request fails def self.list_uri_policies(uri, subjectid) begin resource ="#{AA}/pol") out = resource.get(:uri => uri, :polnames => true, :subjectid => subjectid) policies = []; notfirstline = false out.split("\n").each do |line| policies << line if notfirstline notfirstline = true end return policies rescue return nil end end #Sends a policy in xml-format to opensso server. Requires policy-xml and token. # @param [String, String]policyxml,subjectid # return [Boolean] returns true if policy is created def self.create_policy(policy, subjectid) begin resource ="#{AA}/Pol/opensso-pol") $logger.debug "OpenTox::Authorization.create_policy policy: #{policy[168,43]} with token:" + subjectid.to_s + " length: " + subjectid.length.to_s return true if, :subjectid => subjectid, :content_type => "application/xml") rescue return false end end #Deletes a policy # @param [String, String]policyname,subjectid # @return [Boolean,nil] def self.delete_policy(policy, subjectid) begin resource ="#{AA}/pol") $logger.debug "OpenTox::Authorization.delete_policy policy: #{policy} with token: #{subjectid}" return true if resource.delete(:subjectid => subjectid, :id => policy) rescue return nil end end #Returns array of all possible LDAP-Groups # @param [String]subjectid # @return [Array] def self.list_groups(subjectid) begin resource ="#{AA}/opensso/identity/search") grps = => subjectid, :attributes_names => "objecttype", :attributes_values_objecttype => "group") grps = grps.split("\n").collect{|x| x.sub("string=","")} grps.delete_if{|g|g=="MemberManagement"||g=="Webmasters"} grps rescue [] end end #Returns array of the LDAP-Groups of an user # @param [String]subjectid # @return [Array] gives array of LDAP groups of a user def self.list_user_groups(user, subjectid) begin resource ="#{AA}/opensso/identity/read") out = => user, :admin => subjectid, :attributes_names => "group") grps = [] out.split("\n").each do |line| grps << line.sub("","") if line.include?("") end return grps rescue [] end end #Returns the owner (user id) of a token # @param [String]subjectid # @return [String]user def self.get_user(subjectid) begin resource ="#{AA}/opensso/identity/attributes") out = => subjectid, :attributes_names => "uid") user = ""; check = false out.split("\n").each do |line| if check user = line.sub("userdetails.attribute.value=","") if line.include?("userdetails.attribute.value=") check = false end check = true if line.include?("") end return user rescue nil end end #Send default policy with Authorization::Helper class # @param [String, String]URI,subjectid def self.send_policy(uri, subjectid) return true if !AA aa = ret = aa.send(uri) $logger.debug "OpenTox::Authorization send policy for URI: #{uri} | subjectid: #{subjectid} - policy created: #{ret}" ret end #Deletes all policies of an URI # @param [String, String]URI,subjectid # @return [Boolean] def self.delete_policies_from_uri(uri, subjectid) policies = list_uri_policies(uri, subjectid) if policies policies.each do |policy| ret = delete_policy(policy, subjectid) $logger.debug "OpenTox::Authorization delete policy: #{policy} - with result: #{ret}" end end return true end # Checks (if subjectid is valid) if a policy exist and create default policy if not # @param [String] uri # @param [String] subjectid # @return [Boolean] true if policy checked/created successfully (or no uri/subjectid given), false else def self.check_policy(uri, subjectid) return true unless uri and subjectid token_valid = OpenTox::Authorization.is_token_valid(subjectid) $logger.debug "OpenTox::Authorization.check_policy with uri: #{uri}, subjectid: #{subjectid} is valid: #{token_valid}" # check if subjectid is valid unless token_valid # abort if invalid $logger.error "OpenTox::Authorization.check_policy, subjectid NOT valid: #{subjectid}" return false end if !uri_has_policy(uri, subjectid) # if no policy exists, create a policy, return result of send policy send_policy(uri, subjectid) else # if policy exists check for POST rights if authorize(uri, "POST", subjectid) true else $logger.error "OpenTox::Authorization.check_policy, already exists, but no POST-authorization with subjectid: #{subjectid}" false end end true end class << self alias :token_valid? :is_token_valid end # Check Authorization for a resource (identified via URI) with method and subjectid. # @param [String] uri # @param [String] request_method, should be GET, POST, PUT, DELETE # @param [String] subjectid # @return [Boolean] true if access granted, else otherwise def self.authorized?(uri, request_method, subjectid) if CONFIG[:authorization][:free_request].include?(request_method) #$logger.debug "authorized? >>true<< (request is free), method: #{request_method}, URI: #{uri}, subjectid: #{subjectid}" true elsif OpenTox::Authorization.free_uri?(uri, request_method) #$logger.debug "authorized? >>true<< (uris is free_uri), method: #{request_method}, URI: #{uri}, subjectid: #{subjectid}" true elsif CONFIG[:authorization][:authenticate_request].include?(request_method) ret = OpenTox::Authorization.is_token_valid(subjectid) $logger.debug "authorized? >>#{ret}<< (token is in/valid), method: #{request_method}, URI: #{uri}, subjectid: #{subjectid}" unless ret ret elsif OpenTox::Authorization.authorize_exception?(uri, request_method) ret = OpenTox::Authorization.is_token_valid(subjectid) $logger.debug "authorized? >>#{ret}<< (uris is authorize exception, token is in/valid), method: #{request_method}, URI: #{uri}, subjectid: #{subjectid}" unless ret ret elsif CONFIG[:authorization][:authorize_request].include?(request_method) ret = OpenTox::Authorization.authorize(uri, request_method, subjectid) $logger.debug "authorized? >>#{ret}<< (uri (not) authorized), method: #{request_method}, URI: #{uri}, subjectid: #{subjectid}" unless ret ret else $logger.error "invalid request/uri method: #{request_method}, URI: #{uri}, subjectid: #{subjectid}" false end end private def self.free_uri?(uri, request_method) if CONFIG[:authorization][:free_uris] CONFIG[:authorization][:free_uris].each do |request_methods,uris| if request_methods and uris and request_methods.include?(request_method.to_sym) uris.each do |u| return true if u.match uri end end end end return false end def self.authorize_exception?(uri, request_method) if CONFIG[:authorization][:authorize_exceptions] CONFIG[:authorization][:authorize_exceptions].each do |request_methods,uris| if request_methods and uris and request_methods.include?(request_method.to_sym) uris.each do |u| return true if u.match uri end end end end return false end end end