@@cactus_uri="http://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure/" @@ambit_uri="http://ambit.uni-plovdiv.bg:8080/ambit2/depict/cdk?search=" module OpenTox # Ruby wrapper for OpenTox Compound Webservices (http://opentox.org/dev/apis/api-1.2/structure). class Compound attr_accessor :inchi, :uri # Create compound with optional uri # @example # compound = OpenTox::Compound.new("http://webservices.in-silico.ch/compound/InChI=1S/C6H6/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-6H"") # @param [optional, String] uri Compound URI # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound def initialize(uri=nil) @uri = uri case @uri when /InChI/ # shortcut for IST services @inchi = @uri.sub(/^.*InChI/, 'InChI') else @inchi = RestClientWrapper.get(@uri, :accept => 'chemical/x-inchi').to_s.chomp if @uri end if @uri and @inchi.to_s.size==0 LOGGER.warn "REMOVE ABMIT HACK: no inchi for compound "+@uri.to_s+", load via smiles" @inchi = Compound.smiles2inchi(Compound.smiles(@uri)) end end # request smiles from compound service via accept header # @return smiles as string def self.smiles(uri) RestClientWrapper.get(uri, :accept => 'chemical/x-daylight-smiles').to_s.chomp end # Create a compound from smiles string # @example # compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles("c1ccccc1") # @param [String] smiles Smiles string # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound def self.from_smiles(smiles) c = Compound.new c.inchi = Compound.smiles2inchi(smiles) c.uri = File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-compound"],URI.escape(c.inchi)) c end # Create a compound from inchi string # @param [String] smiles InChI string # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound def self.from_inchi(inchi) c = Compound.new c.inchi = inchi c.uri = File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-compound"],URI.escape(c.inchi)) c end # Create a compound from sdf string # @param [String] smiles SDF string # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound def self.from_sdf(sdf) c = Compound.new c.inchi = Compound.sdf2inchi(sdf) c.uri = File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-compound"],URI.escape(c.inchi)) c end # Create a compound from name. Relies on an external service for name lookups. # @example # compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_name("Benzene") # @param [String] name name can be also an InChI/InChiKey, CAS number, etc # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound def self.from_name(name) c = Compound.new # paranoid URI encoding to keep SMILES charges and brackets c.inchi = RestClientWrapper.get("#{@@cactus_uri}#{URI.encode(name, Regexp.new("[^#{URI::PATTERN::UNRESERVED}]"))}/stdinchi").to_s.chomp c.uri = File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-compound"],URI.escape(c.inchi)) c end # Get InChI # @return [String] InChI string def to_inchi @inchi end # Get (canonical) smiles # @return [String] Smiles string def to_smiles Compound.obconversion(@inchi,'inchi','can') end # Get sdf # @return [String] SDF string def to_sdf Compound.obconversion(@inchi,'inchi','sdf') end # Get gif image # @return [image/gif] Image data def to_gif RestClientWrapper.get("#{@@cactus_uri}#{@inchi}/image") end # Get png image # @example # image = compound.to_png # @return [image/png] Image data def to_png RestClientWrapper.get(File.join @uri, "image") end # Get URI of compound image # @return [String] Compound image URI def to_image_uri File.join @uri, "image" end # Get all known compound names. Relies on an external service for name lookups. # @example # names = compound.to_names # @return [String] Compound names def to_names begin RestClientWrapper.get("#{@@cactus_uri}#{@inchi}/names").split("\n") rescue "not available" end end # Match a smarts string # @example # compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_name("Benzene") # compound.match?("cN") # returns false # @param [String] smarts Smarts string def match?(smarts) obconversion = OpenBabel::OBConversion.new obmol = OpenBabel::OBMol.new obconversion.set_in_format('inchi') obconversion.read_string(obmol,@inchi) smarts_pattern = OpenBabel::OBSmartsPattern.new smarts_pattern.init(smarts) smarts_pattern.match(obmol) end # Match an array of smarts strings, returns array with matching smarts # @example # compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_name("Benzene") # compound.match(['cc','cN']) # returns ['cc'] # @param [Array] smarts_array Array with Smarts strings # @return [Array] Array with matching Smarts strings def match(smarts_array) # avoid recreation of OpenBabel objects obconversion = OpenBabel::OBConversion.new obmol = OpenBabel::OBMol.new obconversion.set_in_format('inchi') obconversion.read_string(obmol,@inchi) smarts_pattern = OpenBabel::OBSmartsPattern.new smarts_array.collect do |smarts| smarts_pattern.init(smarts) smarts if smarts_pattern.match(obmol) end.compact #smarts_array.collect { |s| s if match?(s)}.compact end # Match_hits an array of smarts strings, returns hash with matching smarts as key and number of non-unique hits as value # @example # compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_name("Benzene") # compound.match(['cc','cN']) # returns ['cc'] # @param [Array] smarts_array Array with Smarts strings # @return [Hash] Hash with matching smarts as key and number of non-unique hits as value def match_hits(smarts_array) # avoid recreation of OpenBabel objects obconversion = OpenBabel::OBConversion.new obmol = OpenBabel::OBMol.new obconversion.set_in_format('inchi') obconversion.read_string(obmol,@inchi) smarts_pattern = OpenBabel::OBSmartsPattern.new smarts_hits = {} #LOGGER.debug "dv ----------- obmol #{Compound.new(@inchi).to_smiles}" smarts_array.collect do |smarts| #LOGGER.debug "dv ----------- all smarts #{smarts}" smarts_pattern.init(smarts) if smarts_pattern.match(obmol) hits = smarts_pattern.get_map_list smarts_hits[smarts] = hits.size end end #LOGGER.debug "dv ----------- smarts => hits #{smarts_hits}" return smarts_hits #smarts_array.collect { |s| s if match?(s)}.compact end # Get URI of compound image with highlighted fragments # # @param [Array] activating Array with activating Smarts strings # @param [Array] deactivating Array with deactivating Smarts strings # @return [String] URI for compound image with highlighted fragments def matching_smarts_image_uri(activating, deactivating) activating_smarts = "\"#{activating.collect{|smarts| CGI.escape(smarts)}.join("\"/\"")}\"" deactivating_smarts = "\"#{deactivating.collect{|smarts| CGI.escape(smarts)}.join("\"/\"")}\"" File.join @uri, "smarts/activating", activating_smarts, "deactivating", deactivating_smarts end private # Convert sdf to inchi def self.sdf2inchi(sdf) Compound.obconversion(sdf,'sdf','inchi') end # Convert smiles to inchi def self.smiles2inchi(smiles) Compound.obconversion(smiles,'smi','inchi') end # Convert smiles to canonical smiles def self.smiles2cansmi(smiles) Compound.obconversion(smiles,'smi','can') end # Convert identifier from OpenBabel input_format to OpenBabel output_format def self.obconversion(identifier,input_format,output_format) obconversion = OpenBabel::OBConversion.new obmol = OpenBabel::OBMol.new obconversion.set_in_and_out_formats input_format, output_format obconversion.read_string obmol, identifier case output_format when /smi|can|inchi/ obconversion.write_string(obmol).gsub(/\s/,'').chomp else obconversion.write_string(obmol) end end end end