LOGGER.progname = File.expand_path(__FILE__) module OpenTox class Dataset attr_accessor :uri, :title, :creator, :data, :features, :compounds def initialize( owl=nil ) @data = {} @features = [] @compounds = [] # creates dataset object from Opentox::Owl object # use Dataset.find( ) to load dataset from rdf-supporting datasetservice # note: does not load all feature values, as this is time consuming if owl raise "invalid param" unless owl.is_a?(OpenTox::Owl) @title = owl.get("title") @creator = owl.get("creator") @uri = owl.uri # when loading a dataset from owl, only compound- and feature-uris are loaded owl.load_dataset(@compounds, @features) # all features are marked as dirty # as soon as a feature-value is requested all values for this feature are loaded from the rdf @dirty_features = @features.dclone @owl = owl end end def self.find(uri, accept_header=nil) unless accept_header if (@@config[:yaml_hosts].include?(URI.parse(uri).host)) accept_header = 'application/x-yaml' else accept_header = "application/rdf+xml" end end case accept_header when "application/x-yaml" d = YAML.load RestClientWrapper.get(uri.to_s.strip, :accept => 'application/x-yaml').to_s d.uri = uri unless d.uri when "application/rdf+xml" owl = OpenTox::Owl.from_uri(uri.to_s.strip, "Dataset") d = Dataset.new(owl) else raise "cannot get datset with accept header: "+accept_header.to_s end d end # converts a dataset represented in owl to yaml # (uses a temporary dataset) # note: to_yaml is overwritten, loads complete owl dataset values def self.owl_to_yaml( owl_data, uri) owl = OpenTox::Owl.from_data(owl_data, uri, "Dataset") d = Dataset.new(owl) d.to_yaml end # creates a new dataset, using only those compounsd specified in new_compounds # returns uri of new dataset def create_new_dataset( new_compounds, new_features, new_title, new_creator ) LOGGER.debug "create new dataset with "+new_compounds.size.to_s+"/"+compounds.size.to_s+" compounds" raise "no new compounds selected" unless new_compounds and new_compounds.size>0 # load require features if ((defined? @dirty_features) && (@dirty_features - new_features).size > 0) (@dirty_features - new_features).each{|f| load_feature_values(f)} end dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.new dataset.title = new_title dataset.creator = new_creator dataset.features = new_features dataset.compounds = new_compounds # Copy dataset data for compounds and features # PENDING: why storing feature values in an array? new_compounds.each do |c| data_c = [] raise "no data for compound '"+c.to_s+"'" if @data[c]==nil @data[c].each do |d| m = {} new_features.each do |f| m[f] = d[f] end data_c << m end dataset.data[c] = data_c end return dataset.save end # returns classification value def get_predicted_class(compound, feature) v = get_value(compound, feature) if v.is_a?(Hash) k = v.keys.grep(/classification/).first unless k.empty? #if v.has_key?(:classification) return v[k] else return "no classification key" end elsif v.is_a?(Array) raise "predicted class value is an array\n"+ "value "+v.to_s+"\n"+ "value-class "+v.class.to_s+"\n"+ "dataset "+@uri.to_s+"\n"+ "compound "+compound.to_s+"\n"+ "feature "+feature.to_s+"\n" else return v end end # returns regression value def get_predicted_regression(compound, feature) v = get_value(compound, feature) if v.is_a?(Hash) k = v.keys.grep(/regression/).first unless k.empty? return v[k] else return "no regression key" end elsif v.is_a?(Array) raise "predicted regression value is an array\n"+ "value "+v.to_s+"\n"+ "value-class "+v.class.to_s+"\n"+ "dataset "+@uri.to_s+"\n"+ "compound "+compound.to_s+"\n"+ "feature "+feature.to_s+"\n" else return v end end # returns prediction confidence if available def get_prediction_confidence(compound, feature) v = get_value(compound, feature) if v.is_a?(Hash) k = v.keys.grep(/confidence/).first unless k.empty? #if v.has_key?(:confidence) return v[k].abs #return v["http://ot-dev.in-silico.ch/model/lazar#confidence"].abs else # PENDING: return nil isntead of raising an exception raise "no confidence key" end else LOGGER.warn "no confidence for compound: "+compound.to_s+", feature: "+feature.to_s return 1 end end # return compound-feature value def get_value(compound, feature) if (defined? @dirty_features) && @dirty_features.include?(feature) load_feature_values(feature) end v = @data[compound] return nil if v == nil # missing values for all features if v.is_a?(Array) # PENDING: why using an array here? v.each do |e| if e.is_a?(Hash) if e.has_key?(feature) return e[feature] end else raise "invalid internal value type" end end return nil #missing value else raise "value is not an array\n"+ "value "+v.to_s+"\n"+ "value-class "+v.class.to_s+"\n"+ "dataset "+@uri.to_s+"\n"+ "compound "+compound.to_s+"\n"+ "feature "+feature.to_s+"\n" end end # loads specified feature and removes dirty-flag, loads all features if feature is nil def load_feature_values(feature=nil) if feature raise "feature already loaded" unless @dirty_features.include?(feature) @owl.load_dataset_feature_values(@compounds, @data, [feature]) @dirty_features.delete(feature) else @data = {} unless @data @owl.load_dataset_feature_values(@compounds, @data, @dirty_features) @dirty_features.clear end end # overwrite to yaml: # in case dataset is loaded from owl: # * load all values # * set @owl to nil (not necessary in yaml) def to_yaml # loads all features if ((defined? @dirty_features) && @dirty_features.size > 0) load_feature_values end @owl = nil super.to_yaml end # saves (changes) as new dataset in dataset service # returns uri # uses to yaml method (which is overwritten) def save OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.post(@@config[:services]["opentox-dataset"],{:content_type => "application/x-yaml"},self.to_yaml).strip end end end