module OpenTox module Model include OpenTox # Run a model with parameters # @param [Hash] params Parameters for OpenTox model # @param [optional,OpenTox::Task] waiting_task (can be a OpenTox::Subtask as well), progress is updated accordingly # @return [text/uri-list] Task or resource URI def run( params, accept_header=nil, waiting_task=nil ) unless accept_header if CONFIG[:yaml_hosts].include?(URI.parse(@uri).host) accept_header = 'application/x-yaml' else accept_header = 'application/rdf+xml' end end "running model "+@uri.to_s+", params: "+params.inspect+", accept: "+accept_header.to_s,params,{:accept => accept_header},waiting_task).to_s end # Generic OpenTox model class for all API compliant services class Generic include Model # Find Generic Opentox Model via URI, and loads metadata, could raise NotFound/NotAuthorized error # @param [String] uri Model URI # @return [OpenTox::Model::Generic] Model instance def self.find(uri,subjectid=nil) return nil unless uri model = model.load_metadata(subjectid) raise "could not load model metadata '"+uri.to_s+"'" if model.metadata==nil or model.metadata.size==0 model end # provides feature type, possible types are "regression" or "classification" # @return [String] feature type, "unknown" if type could not be estimated def feature_type(subjectid=nil) return @feature_type if @feature_type # dynamically perform restcalls if necessary load_metadata(subjectid) if @metadata==nil or @metadata.size==0 or (@metadata.size==1 && @metadata.values[0]==@uri) algorithm = OpenTox::Algorithm::Generic.find(@metadata[OT.algorithm], subjectid) algorithm_title = algorithm ? algorithm.metadata[DC.title] : nil algorithm_type = algorithm ? algorithm.metadata[OT.isA] : nil dependent_variable = OpenTox::Feature.find( @metadata[OT.dependentVariables],subjectid ) dependent_variable_type = dependent_variable ? dependent_variable.feature_type : nil type_indicators = [dependent_variable_type, @metadata[OT.isA], @metadata[DC.title], @uri, algorithm_type, algorithm_title] type_indicators.each do |type| case type when /(?i)classification/ @feature_type = "classification" break when /(?i)regression/ @feature_type = "regression" end end raise "unknown model "+type_indicators.inspect unless @feature_type @feature_type end end # Lazy Structure Activity Relationship class class Lazar include Model include Algorithm attr_accessor :compound, :prediction_dataset, :features, :effects, :activities, :p_values, :fingerprints, :feature_calculation_algorithm, :similarity_algorithm, :prediction_algorithm, :min_sim, :subjectid def initialize(uri=nil) if uri super uri else super CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"] end @metadata[OT.algorithm] = File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-algorithm"],"lazar") @features = [] @effects = {} @activities = {} @p_values = {} @fingerprints = {} @feature_calculation_algorithm = "Substructure.match" @similarity_algorithm = "Similarity.tanimoto" @prediction_algorithm = "Neighbors.weighted_majority_vote" @min_sim = 0.3 end # Get URIs of all lazar models # @return [Array] List of lazar model URIs def self.all(subjectid=nil) RestClientWrapper.get(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"], :subjectid => subjectid).to_s.split("\n") end # Find a lazar model # @param [String] uri Model URI # @return [OpenTox::Model::Lazar] lazar model def self.find(uri, subjectid=nil) YAML.load RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{:accept => 'application/x-yaml', :subjectid => subjectid}) end # Create a new lazar model # @param [optional,Hash] params Parameters for the lazar algorithm (OpenTox::Algorithm::Lazar) # @return [OpenTox::Model::Lazar] lazar model def self.create(params) subjectid = params[:subjectid] lazar_algorithm = File.join( CONFIG[:services]["opentox-algorithm"],"lazar") model_uri = OpenTox::Model::Lazar.find(model_uri, subjectid) end # Get a parameter value # @param [String] param Parameter name # @return [String] Parameter value def parameter(param) @metadata[OT.parameters].collect{|p| p[OT.paramValue] if p[DC.title] == param}.compact.first end # Predict a dataset # @param [String] dataset_uri Dataset URI # @param [optional,subjectid] # @param [optional,OpenTox::Task] waiting_task (can be a OpenTox::Subtask as well), progress is updated accordingly # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Dataset with predictions def predict_dataset(dataset_uri, subjectid=nil, waiting_task=nil) @prediction_dataset = Dataset.create(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-dataset"], subjectid) @prediction_dataset.add_metadata({ OT.hasSource => @uri, DC.creator => @uri, DC.title => URI.decode(File.basename( @metadata[OT.dependentVariables] )), OT.parameters => [{DC.title => "dataset_uri", OT.paramValue => dataset_uri}] }) d =,subjectid) d.load_compounds(subjectid) count = 0 d.compounds.each do |compound_uri| begin predict(compound_uri,false,subjectid) count += 1 waiting_task.progress( count/d.compounds.size.to_f*100.0 ) if waiting_task rescue => ex LOGGER.warn "prediction for compound "+compound_uri.to_s+" failed: "+ex.message end end @prediction_dataset end # Predict a compound # @param [String] compound_uri Compound URI # @param [optinal,Boolean] verbose Verbose prediction (output includes neighbors and features) # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Dataset with prediction def predict(compound_uri,verbose=false,subjectid=nil) @compound = compound_uri features = {} unless @prediction_dataset #@prediction_dataset = cached_prediction #return @prediction_dataset if cached_prediction @prediction_dataset = Dataset.create(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-dataset"], subjectid) @prediction_dataset.add_metadata( { OT.hasSource => @uri, DC.creator => @uri, # TODO: fix dependentVariable DC.title => URI.decode(File.basename( @metadata[OT.dependentVariables] )), OT.parameters => [{DC.title => "compound_uri", OT.paramValue => compound_uri}] } ) end return @prediction_dataset if database_activity(subjectid) neighbors prediction = eval("#{@prediction_algorithm}(@neighbors,{:similarity_algorithm => @similarity_algorithm, :p_values => @p_values})") prediction_feature_uri = File.join( @prediction_dataset.uri, "feature", "prediction", File.basename(@metadata[OT.dependentVariables]),@prediction_dataset.compounds.size.to_s) # TODO: fix dependentVariable @prediction_dataset.metadata[OT.dependentVariables] = prediction_feature_uri if @neighbors.size == 0 @prediction_dataset.add_feature(prediction_feature_uri, { OT.isA => OT.MeasuredFeature, OT.hasSource => @uri, DC.creator => @uri, DC.title => URI.decode(File.basename( @metadata[OT.dependentVariables] )), OT.error => "No similar compounds in training dataset.", OT.parameters => [{DC.title => "compound_uri", OT.paramValue => compound_uri}] }) @prediction_dataset.add @compound.uri, prediction_feature_uri, prediction[:prediction] else @prediction_dataset.add_feature(prediction_feature_uri, { OT.isA => OT.ModelPrediction, OT.hasSource => @uri, DC.creator => @uri, DC.title => URI.decode(File.basename( @metadata[OT.dependentVariables] )), OT.prediction => prediction[:prediction], OT.confidence => prediction[:confidence], OT.parameters => [{DC.title => "compound_uri", OT.paramValue => compound_uri}] }) @prediction_dataset.add @compound.uri, prediction_feature_uri, prediction[:prediction] if verbose if @feature_calculation_algorithm == "Substructure.match" f = 0 @compound_features.each do |feature| feature_uri = File.join( @prediction_dataset.uri, "feature", "descriptor", f.to_s) features[feature] = feature_uri @prediction_dataset.add_feature(feature_uri, { OT.isA => OT.Substructure, OT.smarts => feature, OT.pValue => @p_values[feature], OT.effect => @effects[feature] }) @prediction_dataset.add @compound.uri, feature_uri, true f+=1 end else @compound_features.each do |feature| features[feature] = feature @prediction_dataset.add @compound.uri, feature, true end end n = 0 @neighbors.each do |neighbor| neighbor_uri = File.join( @prediction_dataset.uri, "feature", "neighbor", n.to_s ) @prediction_dataset.add_feature(neighbor_uri, { OT.compound => neighbor[:compound], OT.similarity => neighbor[:similarity], OT.measuredActivity => neighbor[:activity], OT.isA => OT.Neighbor }) @prediction_dataset.add @compound.uri, neighbor_uri, true f = 0 unless f neighbor[:features].each do |feature| if @feature_calculation_algorithm == "Substructure.match" feature_uri = File.join( @prediction_dataset.uri, "feature", "descriptor", f.to_s) unless feature_uri = features[feature] else feature_uri = feature end @prediction_dataset.add neighbor[:compound], feature_uri, true unless features.has_key? feature features[feature] = feature_uri @prediction_dataset.add_feature(feature_uri, { OT.isA => OT.Substructure, OT.smarts => feature, OT.pValue => @p_values[feature], OT.effect => @effects[feature] }) f+=1 end end n+=1 end # what happens with dataset predictions? end end @prediction_dataset end # Find neighbors and store them as object variable def neighbors @compound_features = eval("#{@feature_calculation_algorithm}(@compound,@features)") if @feature_calculation_algorithm @neighbors = [] @fingerprints.each do |training_compound,training_features| sim = eval("#{@similarity_algorithm}(@compound_features,training_features,@p_values)") if sim > @min_sim @activities[training_compound].each do |act| @neighbors << { :compound => training_compound, :similarity => sim, :features => training_features, :activity => act } end end end end # Find database activities and store them in @prediction_dataset # @return [Boolean] true if compound has databasse activities, false if not def database_activity(subjectid) if @activities[@compound.uri] @activities[@compound.uri].each { |act| @prediction_dataset.add @compound.uri, @metadata[OT.dependentVariables], act } @prediction_dataset.add_metadata(OT.hasSource => @metadata[OT.trainingDataset]) true else false end end # Save model at model service def save(subjectid) self.uri =,self.to_yaml,{:content_type => "application/x-yaml", :subjectid => subjectid}) end # Delete model at model service def delete(subjectid) RestClientWrapper.delete(@uri, :subjectid => subjectid) unless @uri == CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"] end end end end