2012-04-20 * Support for joelib and openbabel descriptors in a completely unified interface with CDK (Ambit) * Features can have multiple types (nominal and numeric), PC descriptors have detailed meta data * Myriads of bugfixes to CSV download code (e.g. missing descriptors, handling of duplicates) v3.1.0 2012-02-24 * utils.rb: added for special routines (e.g. descriptor calculation) * task.rb: Polling with increasing interval * parser.rb: CSV up and download fixed * transform.rb: routines to create machine learning data matrices * algorithm.rb: SVM parameter grid search, cos similarity as algorithm, gauss() removed v3.0.1 2011-10-19 * feature: model registration to ontology service * ontology lib gets endpoints from ontology service v3.0.0 2011-09-23 * datasets stored as json (with Yajl) to improve performance