require 'sinatra/base' require "sinatra/reloader" ENV["RACK_ENV"] ||= "production" require File.join(ENV["HOME"],".opentox","config","default.rb") if File.exist? File.join(ENV["HOME"],".opentox","config","default.rb") require File.join(ENV["HOME"],".opentox","config","#{SERVICE}.rb") $aa[SERVICE.to_sym] = $aa logfile = File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".opentox","log","#{ENV["RACK_ENV"]}.log") $logger = module OpenTox # Base class for OpenTox services class Service < Sinatra::Base include Backend # use OpenTox error handling set :raise_errors, false set :show_exceptions, false set :static, false configure :development do register Sinatra::Reloader also_reload "./*.rb" also_reload "./**/*.rb" also_reload "../opentox-client/lib/*.rb" also_reload File.join(ENV["HOME"],".opentox","config","#{SERVICE}.rb") end # add CORS support for swagger use Rack::Cors do |config| config.allow do |allow| '*' allow.resource "/#{SERVICE}/*", :methods => [:head, :get, :post, :put, :options], :headers => :any, :max_age => 0 end end before do @uri = uri(request.env['PATH_INFO']) # prevent /algorithm/algorithm in algorithm service get_subjectid if respond_to? :get_subjectid # fix for IE, and set accept to 'text/html' as we do exact-matching later (sth. like text/html,application/xhtml+xml,*/* is not supported) request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = "text/html" if request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]=~/MSIE/ or request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT']=~/text\/html/ # support set accept via url by adding ?media= to the url request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = request.params["media"] if request.params["media"] # default is turtle request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = "text/turtle" if request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].size==0 or request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT']=~/\*\/\*/ @accept = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] request.content_type ? response['Content-Type'] = request.content_type : response['Content-Type'] = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] parse_input if request.request_method =~ /POST|PUT/ Authorization.check_policy(@uri) if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "PUT" && $aa[SERVICE.to_sym][:uri] && $aa[SERVICE.to_sym] response['Content-Type'] = @accept end after do Authorization.check_policy(@uri) if env['REQUEST_METHOD'].to_s == "POST" && $aa[SERVICE.to_sym][:uri] && $aa[SERVICE.to_sym] Authorization.delete_policies_from_uri(@uri) if env['REQUEST_METHOD'].to_s == "DELETE" && $aa[SERVICE.to_sym][:uri] && $aa[SERVICE.to_sym] end helpers do def parse_input case request.content_type when /multipart/ if params[:file] @body = params[:file][:tempfile].read # sdf files are incorrectly detected @content_type = params[:file][:type] @content_type = "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile" if File.extname(params[:file][:filename]) == ".sdf" end else @body = @content_type = request.content_type end end # format output according to accept header def render object if object.class == String case @accept when /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" object.to_html else content_type 'text/uri-list' object end elsif object.class == Array content_type 'text/uri-list' object.join "\n" else case @accept when "application/rdf+xml" content_type "application/rdf+xml" object.to_rdfxml when /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" object.to_html when /turtle/ content_type "text/turtle" object.to_turtle else content_type "text/plain" object.to_ntriples end end end end # ERROR HANDLING (for errors outside of tasks, errors inside of tasks are taken care of in def return_ot_error(ot_error) case @accept when /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" halt ot_error.http_code, ot_error.to_turtle.to_html else content_type "text/turtle" halt ot_error.http_code, ot_error.to_turtle end end error Exception do # wraps non-opentox-errors like NoMethodError within an InternalServerError error = request.env['sinatra.error'] return_ot_error(,error.message,nil,error.backtrace)) end error OpenTox::Error do # this covers all opentox errors return_ot_error(request.env['sinatra.error']) end def return_task( task ) raise "http_code == nil" unless task.code!=nil case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] when /rdf/ response['Content-Type'] = "application/rdf+xml" halt task.code,task.to_rdfxml when /yaml/ response['Content-Type'] = "application/x-yaml" halt task.code,task.to_yaml # PENDING differs from task-webservice when /html/ response['Content-Type'] = "text/html" # html -> task created with html form -> redirect to task uri redirect task.uri else # default /uri-list/ response['Content-Type'] = "text/uri-list" if task.completed? halt task.code,task.resultURI+"\n" else halt task.code,task.uri+"\n" end end end # Default methods, may be overwritten by derived services # see # HEAD methods only used if there is no GET method in the particular service # E.g. "head "/#{SERVICE}/:id/?"" is overwritten by "get '/task/:id/?'" # The following HEAD methods are only used by the feature service # HEAD route for service check # algorithm, dataset, model, compound, and validation overwrite this head "/#{SERVICE}/?" do end # HEAD request for object in backend # algorithm, dataset, model, compound, and validation overwrite this head "/#{SERVICE}/:id/?" do halt 404 unless FourStore.head(@uri.split('?').first) end # Get a list of objects at the server or perform a SPARQL query get "/#{SERVICE}/?" do if params[:query] case @accept when "text/uri-list" # result URIs are protected by A+A FourStore.query(params[:query], "text/uri-list") else # prevent searches for protected resources bad_request_error "Accept header '#{@accept}' is disabled for SPARQL queries at service URIs in order to protect private data. Use 'text/uri-list' and repeat the query at the result URIs.", uri("/#{SERVICE}") end else FourStore.list(@accept) end end # internal route not in API get "/#{SERVICE}/last/ordered/?" do FourStore.query("SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE {GRAPH ?g {?s <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT}#{SERVICE.capitalize}>; <#{}> ?o. } } ORDER BY ?o ", @accept) end # generic route to swagger API file get "/#{SERVICE}/api/#{SERVICE}.json" do response['Content-Type'] = "application/json" api_file = File.join("api", "#{SERVICE}.json") bad_request_error "API Documentation in Swagger JSON is not implemented.", uri("/#{SERVICE}/api") unless File.exists?(api_file) end # Create a new resource post "/#{SERVICE}/?" do @uri = uri("/#{SERVICE}/#{SecureRandom.uuid}") FourStore.put(@uri, @body, @content_type) response['Content-Type'] = "text/uri-list" @uri end # Get resource representation or perform a SPARQL query get "/#{SERVICE}/:id/?" do params[:query] ? FourStore.query(params[:query], @accept) : FourStore.get(@uri.split('?').first, @accept) end # Modify (i.e. add rdf statments to) a resource post "/#{SERVICE}/:id/?" do @uri, @body, @content_type end # Create or updata a resource put "/#{SERVICE}/:id/?" do FourStore.put @uri, @body, @content_type end # Delete a resource delete "/#{SERVICE}/:id/?" do FourStore.delete @uri end end end