require 'sinatra/base' require "sinatra/reloader" ENV["RACK_ENV"] ||= "production" require File.join(ENV["HOME"],".opentox","config","#{SERVICE}.rb") logfile = File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".opentox","log","#{ENV["RACK_ENV"]}.log") $logger = module OpenTox # Base class for OpenTox services class Service < Sinatra::Base include Backend # use OpenTox error handling set :raise_errors, false set :show_exceptions, false set :static, false configure :development do register Sinatra::Reloader also_reload "./*.rb" also_reload "../opentox-client/lib/*.rb" also_reload File.join(ENV["HOME"],".opentox","config","#{SERVICE}.rb") end before do request.content_type ? response['Content-Type'] = request.content_type : response['Content-Type'] = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] parse_input if request.request_method =~ /POST|PUT/ @accept = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] end before "/#{SERVICE}/:id" do @uri = uri("/#{SERVICE}/#{params[:id]}") end helpers do def parse_input case request.content_type when /multipart/ @body = params[:file][:tempfile].read # sdf files are incorrectly detected @content_type = params[:file][:type] @content_type = "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile" if File.extname(params[:file][:filename]) == ".sdf" else @body = @content_type = request.content_type end end end # Attention: Error within tasks are catched by Task.create error do error = request.env['sinatra.error'] if error.respond_to? :report body = else response['Content-Type'] = "text/plain" body = error.message body += "\n#{error.backtrace}" end error.respond_to?(:http_code) ? code = error.http_code : code = 500 halt code, body end # Default methods, may be overwritten by derived services # see # Get a list of objects at the server get "/#{SERVICE}/?" do FourStore.list uri("/#{SERVICE}"), @accept end # Create a new resource post "/#{SERVICE}/?" do @uri = uri("/#{SERVICE}/#{SecureRandom.uuid}") FourStore.put(@uri, @body, @content_type) response['Content-Type'] = "text/uri-list" @uri end # Get resource representation get "/#{SERVICE}/:id/?" do FourStore.get(@uri, @accept) end # Modify (i.e. add rdf statments to) a resource post "/#{SERVICE}/:id/?" do @uri, @body, @content_type end # Create or updata a resource put "/#{SERVICE}/:id/?" do FourStore.put @uri, @body, @content_type end # Delete a resource delete "/#{SERVICE}/:id/?" do FourStore.delete @uri end end end