namespace :renew do desc "renews the triple store backend in case of damage or disfunction." task :backend do #TODO finish require_relative '../setup.rb' STDOUT.puts "Remind this command does not enable data save of a destroyed backend!" STDOUT.puts "do you really want to proceed (y/n)" answer = STDIN.gets.strip case answer when "y" puts "delete" when "n" puts "exit" else puts "exit" end end end namespace :service_uri do desc "Rewriting service uris for prediction models and components" task :rewrite do #TODO fix sed STDOUT.puts "Please enter models directory name.\n#{`ls -d */`}\n" input = STDIN.gets.strip dir = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path __FILE__), input) if STDOUT.puts "Directory found." else STDOUT.puts "Directory not found." end # change working directory Dir.chdir dir original = IO.readlines("logfile.txt")[1].gsub(/\/model\/[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$/, "") STDOUT.puts "Service url is: #{original}\nPlease enter new service path:" new = STDIN.gets.strip if new != ""# and new.uri? puts "processing with '#{new}'" #cmd for rewriting service url `sed -i 's,#{original},#{new},g' *.nt` `sed -i 's,#{original},#{new},g' *.txt` else STDOUT.puts "Original service url is #{}.\nPlease enter new service url:" end end #task end #namespace namespace :save do desc "Save models used to predict compounds" task :prediction_models do require_relative '../setup.rb' d = date = d.strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S") dir = File.join File.dirname(File.expand_path __FILE__), "models_save_#{date}" puts "Created dir 'models_save_#{date}'." `mkdir #{dir}`"#{dir}/logfile.txt", "w")"#{dir}/details.txt", "w") models = `curl -Lk -X GET -H accept:text/plain #{$model[:uri]}`.chomp.split("\n") model_uris = models.collect{|m| m.split(" ").first.gsub(/\<|\>/, "")} puts "#{model_uris.size} models found." unless model_uris.size == 0 puts "-----------------------------" puts "service uri is: #{$model[:uri]}" model_uris.each_with_index do |model_uri, idx| # get model by uri model = OpenTox::Model::Lazar.find "#{model_uri}" puts "model details:\n#{model.metadata}\n" if model.type.include?(RDF::OT.PredictionModel) # store model as nt file `curl -Lk -X GET -H accept:text/plain #{model_uri} -o #{dir}/model_#{idx}.nt`.chomp puts "model #{idx}:\t#{model.title} stored." # write to logfile"#{dir}/logfile.txt", 'a'){|f| f.write("model_#{idx}\n#{model_uri}\n\n")} # write details"#{dir}/details.txt", 'a'){|f| f.write("ID:\tmodel_#{idx}\ntitle:\t#{model.title}\nuri:\t#{model_uri}\n---\n")} # get models features model_features = [] model_features << model[RDF::OT.dependentVariables] model_features << model[RDF::OT.predictedVariables] puts "#{model_features.flatten.size} features for model #{idx} found." model_features.flatten!.each_with_index do |uri, i| `curl -Lk -X GET -H accept:text/plain #{uri} -o #{dir}/feature_#{i}_model#{idx}.nt`.chomp # write to logfile"#{dir}/logfile.txt", 'a'){|f| f.write("feature_#{i}_model#{idx}\n#{uri}\n\n")} puts "model feature #{i} stored." end puts " | | " # get all datasets and single dataset features puts "collect datasets." [model[RDF::OT.trainingDataset], model[RDF::OT.featureDataset]].each_with_index do |dataset_uri, index| if index == 0 which = "trainingDataset" else which = "featureDataset" end # get dataset dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.find "#{dataset_uri}" # store dataset puts "#{which}: #{dataset_uri}" `curl -Lk -X GET -H accept:text/plain #{dataset_uri} -o #{dir}/#{which}_model_#{idx}.nt`.chomp puts "#{which} of model #{idx} stored." # write to logfile"#{dir}/logfile.txt", 'a'){|f| f.write("#{which}_model_#{idx}\n#{dataset_uri}\n\n")} features =[] feature_uris =[] dataset.features.each{|f| features << f} features.each{|f| feature_uris << f.uri} # store each feature as file feature_uris.each_with_index do |uri, i| `curl -Lk -X GET -H accept:text/plain #{uri} -o #{dir}/feature_#{i}_#{which}_model_#{idx}.nt`.chomp puts "feature #{i} of #{which} stored." # write to logfile"#{dir}/logfile.txt", 'a'){|f| f.write("feature_#{i}_#{which}_model_#{idx}\n#{uri}\n\n")} end end else puts "ignore #{model.title}, is no prediction model." end puts "#######################################" end puts "------------------------------\n" puts "all prediction models from #{$model[:uri]} locally stored !" puts "------------------------------\n" puts "Execute 'rake models:rewrite' to set a new service uri inside the saved models and components." end # task end # namespace namespace :prediction_models do desc "Imports local models to service backend." task :import do require_relative "../setup.rb" require File.join "../../../opentox-server/lib/4store.rb" pair = {} #files = Dir["models_save/*.nt"] STDOUT.puts "Please enter models directory name.\n#{`ls -d */`}\n" input = STDIN.gets.strip dir = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path __FILE__), input) if STDOUT.puts "Directory found." else STDOUT.puts "Directory not found." end files = Dir["#{input}/*.nt"] # change working directory Dir.chdir dir uris = "logfile.txt") uris.split("\n\n").each do |u| pair["#{u.split.first}"] = u.split.last end files.each do |file| file = file.split("/").last f = file.split("/").last.gsub(".nt", "") puts "file:\t#{file}\ntarget:\t#{pair[f]}\n" OpenTox::Backend::FourStore.put pair[f].to_s,, "text/plain" puts "imported." end end #task end #namespace