require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),"setup.rb") #TODO: check 4store entries/errors class UploadTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @tmpdir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"tmp") FileUtils.mkdir_p @tmpdir FileUtils.rm_r Dir[File.join @tmpdir, '*'] end def test_01_get_all response = `curl -Lk -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" -i #{$toxbank_investigation[:uri]}` assert_match /200/, response end def test_02_get_inexisting response = `curl -Lk -H "Accept:text/uri-list" -i -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{$toxbank_investigation[:uri]}/foo`.chomp assert_match /401/, response response = `curl -Lk -H "Accept:application/rdf+xml" -i -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{$toxbank_investigation[:uri]}/999999/metadata`.chomp assert_match /401/, response end def test_03_valid_zip_upload # upload ["",""].each do |f| file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/valid", f response = `curl -Lk -X POST -i -F file="@#{file};type=application/zip" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{$toxbank_investigation[:uri]}`.chomp assert_match /202/, response taskuri = response.split("\n")[-1] t = t.wait assert_equal true, t.completed? assert_match t.hasStatus, "Completed" uri = t.resultURI metadata = `curl -Lk -H accept:application/rdf+xml -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri}/metadata` assert_match /#{uri}/, metadata zip = File.join @tmpdir,"" `curl -Lk -H "Accept:application/zip" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri} > #{zip}` `unzip -o #{zip} -d #{@tmpdir}` files = `unzip -l #{File.join File.dirname(__FILE__),"data/toxbank-investigation/valid",f}|grep txt|cut -c 31- | sed 's#^.*/##'`.split("\n") files.each{|f| assert_equal true, File.exists?(File.join(File.expand_path(@tmpdir),f)) } # get isatab files urilist = `curl -Lk -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" -H "Accept:text/uri-list" #{$toxbank_investigation[:uri]}`.split("\n") urilist.each do |u| unless u.match(/[n3|zip]$/) response = `curl -Lk -i -H "Accept:text/tab-separated-values" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{u}` assert_match /HTTP\/1.1 200 OK/, response.to_s.encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace) end end # delete response = `curl -Lk -i -X DELETE -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri}` assert_match /200/, response response = `curl -Lk -i -H "Accept:text/uri-list" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri}` assert_match /401/, response response = `curl -I -Lk -i -H "Accept:text/uri-list" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri}` assert_match /404/, response end end def test_04_invalid_zip_upload file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/invalid/" response = `curl -Lk -X POST -i -F file="@#{file};type=application/zip" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{$toxbank_investigation[:uri]}`.chomp assert_match /202/, response uri = response.split("\n")[-1] t = t.wait assert_match t.hasStatus, "Error" # TODO: test errorReport, rdf output of tasks has to be fixed for that purpose end =begin def test_rest_client_wrapper [""].each do |f| file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "toxbank-investigation","data/toxbank-investigation/valid", f investigation_uri = $toxbank_investigation[:uri], {:file =>,:name => file}, {:content_type => "application/zip", :subjectid => @@subjectid} puts investigation_uri zip = File.join @tmpdir,"" #puts "curl -Lk -H 'Accept:application/zip' -H 'subjectid:#{@@subjectid}' #{uri} > #{zip}" `curl -Lk -H "Accept:application/zip" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri} > #{zip}` `unzip -o #{zip} -d #{@tmpdir}` files = `unzip -l toxbank-investigation/data/toxbank-investigation/valid/#{f}|grep txt|cut -c 31- | sed 's#^.*/##'`.split("\n") files.each{|f| assert_equal true, File.exists?(File.join(File.expand_path(@tmpdir),f)) } # get isatab files `curl -Lk -H "Accept:text/uri-list" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri}`.split("\n").each do |u| unless u.match(/n3$/) response = `curl -Lk -i -H Accept:text/tab-separated-values -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{u}` assert_match /HTTP\/1.1 200 OK/, response.to_s.encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace) end end # delete response = `curl -Lk -i -X DELETE -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri}` assert_match /200/, response response = `curl -Lk -i -H "Accept:text/uri-list" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri}` assert_match /404/, response end end =end =begin def test_ruby_api [""].each do |f| file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/valid", f investigation = OpenTox::Investigation.create $toxbank_investigation[:uri], :file => file, :headers => {:content_type => "application/zip", :subjectid => @@subjectid} zip = File.join @tmpdir,"" #puts "curl -Lk -H 'Accept:application/zip' -H 'subjectid:#{@@subjectid}' #{uri} > #{zip}" `curl -Lk -H "Accept:application/zip" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri} > #{zip}` `unzip -o #{zip} -d #{@tmpdir}` files = `unzip -l data/toxbank-investigation/valid/#{f}|grep txt|cut -c 31- | sed 's#^.*/##'`.split("\n") files.each{|f| assert_equal true, File.exists?(File.join(File.expand_path(@tmpdir),f)) } # get isatab files `curl -Lk -H "Accept:text/uri-list" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri}`.split("\n").each do |u| unless u.match(/n3$/) response = `curl -Lk -i -H Accept:text/tab-separated-values -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{u}` assert_match /HTTP\/1.1 200 OK/, response.to_s.encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace) end end # delete response = `curl -Lk -i -X DELETE -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri}` assert_match /200/, response response = `curl -Lk -i -H "Accept:text/uri-list" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}" #{uri}` assert_match /404/, response end end =end end