require_relative "toxbank-setup.rb" require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),".." ,".." ,"toxbank-investigation", "util.rb") begin puts "Service URI is: #{$investigation[:uri]}" rescue puts "Configuration Error: $investigation[:uri] is not defined in: " + File.join(ENV["HOME"],".opentox","config","test.rb") exit end class TBInvestigationBasic < MiniTest::Test #i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! # check response from service without header, # @note expect OpenTox::BadRequestError def test_01_get_investigations_400 assert_raises OpenTox::BadRequestError do response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $investigation[:uri], {}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } end end # give wrong header # @note expect OpenTox::BadRequestError def test_01_b_wrong_header assert_raises OpenTox::BadRequestError do response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $investigation[:uri], {:accept => "text/text"}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } end end # check response from service with header text/uri-list, application/rdf+xml # @note expect code 200 def test_02_get_investigations_200 response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $investigation[:uri], {}, { :accept => 'text/uri-list', :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } assert_equal "text/uri-list", response.headers[:content_type] assert_equal 200, response.code end def test_02b_get_investigations_200 response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $investigation[:uri], {}, { :accept => 'application/rdf+xml', :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } assert_equal "application/rdf+xml", response.headers[:content_type] assert_equal 200, response.code end # check header from service without accept + subjectid # @note expect 200 def test_03_get_service_header response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.head($investigation[:uri]) assert_equal 200, response.code end end class TBInvestigationREST < MiniTest::Test i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! def test_00_pre_01_check_subjectids assert OpenTox::Authorization.is_token_valid(OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.subjectid), "Subjectid for default test user is not valid." assert OpenTox::Authorization.is_token_valid($pi[:subjectid]), "Subjectid for user: #{$pi[:subjectid]} is not valid." assert OpenTox::Authorization.is_token_valid($secondpi[:subjectid]), "Subjectid for user: #{$secondpi[:subjectid]} is not valid." end # check if the userservice is available # @note return the secondpi user URI def test_00_pre_get_user_from_userservice #guesturi = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{$user_service[:uri]}/user?username=guest", nil, {:Accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]}).sub("\n","") pi2uri = `curl -Lk -X GET -H "Accept:text/uri-list" -H "subjectid:#{$pi[:subjectid]}" #{$user_service[:uri]}/user?username=#{$secondpi[:name]}`.chomp.sub("\n","") assert_equal "#{$secondpi[:uri]}", pi2uri end # check post to investigation service without file, # @note expect OpenTox::BadRequestError def test_01a_post_investigation_400_no_file response = $investigation[:uri], {}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = response.chomp task = task_uri task.wait puts "\nno file: #{task.uri} \n" assert_equal "Error", task.hasStatus, "Task should be not completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." end # post with wrong mime type, # @note expect OpenTox::BadRequestError def test_01b_wrong_mime_type file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/invalid", "empty.zup" response = $investigation[:uri], {:file =>}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = response.chomp task = task_uri task.wait puts "wrong mime: #{task.uri} \n" assert_equal "Error", task.hasStatus, "Task should be not completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." end # post an empty zip, # @note expect OpenTox::BadRequestError def test_01c_upload_empty_zip file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/invalid", "" response = $investigation[:uri], {:file =>}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = response.chomp task = task_uri task.wait puts "empty file: #{task.uri} \n" assert_equal "Error", task.hasStatus, "Task should be not completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." end # post a zip file with whitespace in title, def test_01d_upload_zip_with_whitespace_in_title file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/invalid", "BII\ I\ 1\" response = $investigation[:uri], {:file =>}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = response.chomp task = task_uri task.wait uri = task.resultURI assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete uri.to_s, {}, {:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} end def test_01e_upload_zip_with_whitespace_in_file_title file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/valid", "" response = $investigation[:uri], {:file =>}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = response.chomp task = task_uri task.wait uri = task.resultURI assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." urilist = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get( uri, {}, {:accept => 'text/uri-list', :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] }).split("\n") assert_match /a_micro%20array\.txt/, urilist.to_s singlefile = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{uri}/isatab/a_micro%20array.txt", {}, {:accept => 'text/plain', :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } assert_equal singlefile.code.to_s, "200" OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete uri.to_s, {}, {:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} end # create an investigation by uploading a zip file, # @todo TODO create by uploading text/tab-separated-values # @todo TODO create by uploading application/ # @note return metadata as application/rdf+xml, # check for title "BII-I-1b" def test_02_post_investigation @@uri = "" file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/valid", "" response = $investigation[:uri], {:file =>}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = response.chomp #puts task_uri task = task_uri task.wait uri = task.resultURI assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." #puts uri @@uri = URI(uri) response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert == URI($investigation[:uri]).host @g = RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(response.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} assert @g.has_predicate?(RDF::DC.title), "Metadata Graph don't have predicate #{RDF::DC.title}" @g.query(:predicate => RDF::DC.title){|r| assert_match /Growth control of the eukaryote cell: a systems biology study in yeast/, r[2].to_s} end # check that policy files not listed in uri-list # check that log, modified, published, searchable helper files not listed in uri-list def test_02a_check_policy_file_not_listed result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{@@uri}", {}, {:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]}).split("\n") assert result.grep(/user_policies/).size == 0 assert result.grep(/log|modified|published|searchable/i).size == 0 end # check for uri-list as text/uri-list # @note returns all listet investigations in service def test_02b_check_for_text_uri_list result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{$investigation[:uri]}", {}, {:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]}).split("\n") assert_match /#{@@uri}/, result.to_s end # check for uri-list as application/rdf+xml # @note returns all listet investigtions in service def test_02b2_check_for_rdfxml_uri_list result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{$investigation[:uri]}", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]}).split("\n") assert_match /rdf\:RDF xmlns\:rdf/, result.to_s assert_match /#{@@uri}/, result.to_s end # check for uri-list as application/rdf+xml # @note returns list of user investigations as rdf+xml def test_02c_check_for_rdf_uri_list result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{$investigation[:uri]}", {}, {:user => "#{$pi[:uri]}", :accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]}).split("\n") assert_match /#{@@uri}/, result.to_s end # check for uri-list of a given user as application/json # @note returns list of users investigations as json def test_02d_check_for_users_investigations result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{$investigation[:uri]}", {}, {:user => "#{$pi[:uri]}", :accept => "application/json", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]}) #puts result assert_match /#{@@uri}/, result assert_match /(\d{10})/, result # quickcheck for timestamp end # check for uri-list of an inexisting user # @note returns nothing if inexisting user def test_02e_check_with_inexisting_user result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{$investigation[:uri]}", {}, {:user => "#{$user_service[:uri]}/user/U01", :accept => "application/json", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]}) refute_match /#{@@uri}/, result.to_s end # check for uri-list of a secondpi user # @note returns nothing because there are no investigations of this user def test_02f_check_for_pi2user_uris result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{$investigation[:uri]}", {}, {:user => "#{$secondpi[:uri]}", :accept => "application/json", :subjectid => $secondpi[:subjectid]}) refute_match /#{@@uri}/, result.to_s end # check for flag "isPublished" is false, # @note default behaviour on new investigations def test_03a_check_published_false data = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} @g = RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(data.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isPublished){|r| assert_match /false/, r[2].to_s} end # update flag "isPublished", # @note try to update with other value than "true" and expect flag value "false", # try to update with value "true" and expect flag value "true", # update policy to allow read by group "G2", # @todo TODO try to get data without membership to "G2", # @todo TODO try to give inexisting group read policy def test_03b_put_published res = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.put @@uri.to_s, { :published => "yes"}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = res.chomp task = task_uri task.wait uri = task.resultURI assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." assert_equal uri, @@uri.to_s result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} @g = RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(result.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isPublished){|r| assert_match /false/, r[2].to_s} response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.put @@uri.to_s, { :published => "true", :allowReadByGroup => "#{$user_service[:uri]}/project/G2"},{ :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = response.chomp task = task_uri task.wait uri = task.resultURI assert_equal @@uri.to_s, uri data = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} @g = RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(data.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isPublished){|r| assert_match /true/, r[2].to_s} end # check flag "isSummarySearchable" is false, # @note default behaviour on new investigation def test_04a_check_summary_searchable_false data = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} @g = RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(data.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isSummarySearchable){|r| assert_match /false/, r[2].to_s} end # update flag "isSummarySearchable" to "true", # @note try to update with other value than "true" and expect flag value "false", # try to update with value "true" and expect flag value "true", def test_04b_put_summary_searchable res = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.put @@uri.to_s, { :summarySearchable => "yes"}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = res.chomp task = task_uri task.wait uri = task.resultURI assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." assert_equal uri, @@uri.to_s result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} @g = RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(result.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isSummarySearchabel){|r| assert_match /false/, r[2].to_s} response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.put @@uri.to_s,{ :summarySearchable => "true" },{ :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = response.chomp task = task_uri task.wait uri = task.resultURI assert_equal uri, @@uri.to_s data = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} @g = RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(data.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isSummarySearchable){|r| assert_match /true/, r[2].to_s} end # get investigation/{id}/metadata in rdf+xml # @note check nodes and content: title, abstract, # hasKeyword, hasOwner, isPublished, isSummarySearchable, hasOrganisation # @note accept:application/rdf+xml def test_05a_check_metadata response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} @g = RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(response.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::DC.modified){|r| @@modified_time = r[2].to_s} predicates_to_check = [RDF::TB.hasAuthor,RDF::DC.title,RDF::DC.abstract,RDF::TB.hasKeyword,RDF::TB.hasOwner,RDF::TB.isPublished,RDF::TB.isSummarySearchable,RDF::TB.hasProject,RDF::TB.hasOrganisation,RDF::DC.modified] predicates_to_check.each do |pred| assert @g.has_predicate?(pred), "Metadata do not have Predicate #{pred}" end @g.query(:predicate => RDF::DC.title){|r| assert_match /Growth control of the eukaryote cell: a systems biology study in yeast/, r[2].to_s} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.hasOwner){|r| assert_match /U271/, r[2].to_s.split("/").last} #@g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.hasOwner){|r| assert_match r[2].to_s.split("/").last, /U115/} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.hasOrganisation){|r| assert_match /G176/, r[2].to_s.split("/").last} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.hasProject){|r| assert_match /G2/, r[2].to_s} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.hasKeyword){|r| assert_match /[Epigenetics|CellViabilityAssay|CellMigrationAssays]/, r[2].to_s.split("#").last} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isPublished){|r| assert_match /true/, r[2].to_s} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isSummarySearchable){|r| assert_match /true/, r[2].to_s} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::ISA.hasStudy){|r| assert_match /[S192|S193]/, r[2].to_s.split("/").last} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::DC.abstract){|r| assert_match /Background Cell growth underlies many key cellular and developmental processes/, r[2].to_s} end # get related protocol uris # @note returns related protocol uri of a study def test_05_b response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/protocol", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_match /SEURAT\-Protocol\-245\-1/, response.to_s end # get metadata # @note accept:text/turtle def test_05c response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "text/turtle", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_equal "text/turtle", response.headers[:content_type] end # get metadata # @note accept:text/plain def test_05d response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "text/plain", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_match /^text\/plain/ , response.headers[:content_type] end # get a resource as owner # @note expect result def test_05e metadata = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} @g = @@resource = "" RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(metadata.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::ISA.hasStudy){|r| @@resource = r[2].to_s.split("/").last} response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/#{@@resource}", {}, {:accept => "text/plain", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} puts "\nresource: #{@@resource}" assert_match /Comprehensive high-throughput analyses at the levels of mRNAs|hasProtocol|hasAssay/, response end # get a resource as guest # @note expect no result until investigation is published def test_05f assert_raises OpenTox::UnauthorizedError do response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/#{@@resource}", {}, {:accept => "text/plain"} end end # get investigation/{id} # @note accept:text/uri-list def test_06_get_investigation_uri_list result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_equal "text/uri-list", result.headers[:content_type] end # check that linked FTP file is listed in uri-list def test_06a_check_ftpfiles result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{@@uri}", {}, {:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]}).split("\n") assert_match "#{@@uri}/isatab/JIC37_Ethanol_0.07_Internal_1_3.txt", result.to_s end # check that linked FTP file has mime_type def test_06b_check_ftpfiles_type result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{@@uri}/isatab/JIC37_Ethanol_0.07_Internal_1_3.txt", {}, {:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]}) assert_match "text/plain", result.headers[:content_type] end # get investigation/{id} # @note accept:application/zip def test_07_get_investigation_zip result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "application/zip", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_equal "application/zip", result.headers[:content_type] end # get investigation/{id} # @note accept:text/tab-separated-values def test_08_get_investigation_tab result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "text/tab-separated-values", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_equal "text/tab-separated-values;charset=utf-8", result.headers[:content_type] end # get investigation/{id} # @note accept:application/rdf+xml def test_09_get_investigation_check_accept_headers result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_equal "application/rdf+xml", result.headers[:content_type] end # update existing investigation with zip # @note check flags are "false" and update them to "true" # @todo TODO update existing investigation with single files def test_10_a_update_investigation file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/valid", "" response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.put @@uri.to_s, {:file =>}, { :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } assert_equal 202, response.code task_uri = response.chomp puts "update investigation:#{task_uri}" task = task_uri task.wait assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." end # check flags are working after update # @note expect flags are set to "false", # default behaviour after update without # given param on upload. # @note expect Guest user can not get metadata, # expect OpenTox::NotAuthorizedError def test_10_b_check_flags_after_update response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_match /<\?xml/, response #PI can get assert_raises OpenTox::UnauthorizedError do res = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $secondpi[:subjectid]} end #Guest can not get end # update flag isSummarySearchable # @note expect secondpi user can get metadata after update def test_10_c_update_flag_isSearchable response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.put @@uri.to_s,{ :summarySearchable => "true" },{ :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid] } task_uri = response.chomp puts "update isSS:#{task_uri}" task = task_uri task.wait assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_match /<\?xml/, response #PI can get #secondpi can not get unless published assert_raises OpenTox::UnauthorizedError do res = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $secondpi[:subjectid]} end end # check title has changed by update # @note expect title after update is "BII-I-1" def test_10_d_check_if_title_has_changed_by_update # check content res = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} @g = RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(res.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isPublished){|r| assert_match /false/, r[2].to_s} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isSummarySearchable){|r| assert_match /true/, r[2].to_s} end # check investigation data still not reachable as secondpi # @note expect OpenTox::NotAuthorizedError def test_10_e_check_investigation_data_still_not_reachable_for_pi2 assert_raises OpenTox::UnauthorizedError do res = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $secondpi[:subjectid]} end end # update flag isPublished def test_10_f_update_flag_isPublished response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.put @@uri.to_s, {:published => "true"},{:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} task_uri = response.chomp puts "isPublished:#{task_uri}" task = task_uri task.wait assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." # check owner can get res = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_match /<\?xml/, res # check guest can get now metadata res = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $secondpi[:subjectid]} assert_match /<\?xml/, res end # @note expect data is still not reachable without policy def test_10_g_guest_can_not_get assert_raises OpenTox::UnauthorizedError do res = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml"} end end # update policy def test_10_h_update_guest_policy response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.put @@uri.to_s, {:allowReadByUser => "#{$user_service[:uri]}/user/U479"},{:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} task_uri = response.chomp puts "update Policy: #{task_uri}" task = task_uri task.wait assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." end # @note data is available with policy def test_10_i_guest_can_get res = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $secondpi[:subjectid]} assert_match /<\?xml/, res #guest is authorized to get ftp file result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("#{@@uri}", {}, {:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => $secondpi[:subjectid]}).split("\n") assert_match "#{@@uri}/isatab/JIC37_Ethanol_0.07_Internal_1_3.txt", result.to_s end # get investigation/{id}/metadata in rdf and check content # @see test_05a_check_metadata # @note expect same content as in test_05a_check_metadata, # but title has changed def test_11_check_metadata_again response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri}/metadata", {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} @g = RDF::Reader.for(:rdfxml).new(response.to_s){|r| r.each{|s| @g << s}} [RDF::TB.hasAuthor,RDF::DC.title,RDF::DC.abstract,RDF::TB.hasKeyword,RDF::TB.hasOwner,RDF::TB.isPublished,RDF::TB.hasProject,RDF::TB.hasOrganisation]. each do |pred| assert @g.has_predicate?(pred), "Graph do not have predicate #{pred}" end @g.query(:predicate => RDF::DC.title){|r| assert_match /Growth control of the eukaryote cell: a systems biology study in yeast/, r[2].to_s} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.hasOwner){|r| assert_match /U271/, r[2].to_s.split("/").last} #@g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.hasOwner){|r| assert_match r[2].to_s.split("/").last, /U115/} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.hasOrganisation){|r| assert_match /G176/, r[2].to_s.split("/").last} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.hasProject){|r| assert_match /G2/, r[2].to_s} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.hasKeyword){|r| assert_match /[Epigenetics|CellViabilityAssay|CellMigrationAssays]/, r[2].to_s.split("#").last} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isPublished){|r| assert_match /true/, r[2].to_s} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::TB.isSummarySearchable){|r| assert_match /true/, r[2].to_s} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::ISA.hasStudy){|r| assert_match /[S192|S193]/, r[2].to_s.split("/").last} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::DC.abstract){|r| assert_match /Background Cell growth underlies many key cellular and developmental processes/, r[2].to_s} @g.query(:predicate => RDF::DC.modified){|r| assert r[2] > @@modified_time.to_s; puts "\nfirst mod: #{@@modified_time} \nsecond mod: #{r[2]}"} end # upload a investigation as secondpi # @note expect only secondpi uris in uri-list def test_20_a_post_data uri = "" file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/valid", "" response = $investigation[:uri], {:file =>}, { :subjectid => $secondpi[:subjectid] } task_uri = response.chomp task = task_uri task.wait u = task.resultURI assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." uri = URI(u) puts "secondpi-> uri: #{uri}" puts "pi-> uri: #{@@uri}" # pi get uris of secondpi response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $investigation[:uri], {}, {:user => "#{$user_service[:uri]}/user/U479", :accept => "application/json", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} refute_match /#{@@uri}/, response assert_match /#{uri}/, response result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete uri.to_s, {}, {:subjectid => $secondpi[:subjectid]} assert_equal 200, result.code end # check the investigation owner's policy def test_30_check_owner_policy assert_equal true, OpenTox::Authorization.authorize(@@uri.to_s, "POST", $pi[:subjectid]) assert_equal true, OpenTox::Authorization.authorize(@@uri.to_s, "PUT", $pi[:subjectid]) assert_equal true, OpenTox::Authorization.authorize(@@uri.to_s, "DELETE", $pi[:subjectid]) assert_equal true, OpenTox::Authorization.authorize(@@uri.to_s, "GET", $pi[:subjectid]) # check for guest policy assert_equal true, OpenTox::Authorization.authorize(@@uri.to_s, "GET", $secondpi[:subjectid]) end # check how many policies, # @note expect two policies, # one for owner, one for group def test_31_check_policies OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.subjectid = $pi[:subjectid] assert_equal Array, OpenTox::Authorization.list_uri_policies(@@uri.to_s).class assert_equal 3, OpenTox::Authorization.list_uri_policies(@@uri.to_s).size end # check if the UI index responses with 200 def test_40_check_ui_index response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{$search_service[:uri]}/search/index",{},{:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} puts response.inspect assert_equal 200, response.code n=0 begin @response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{$search_service[:uri]}/search/index/investigation?resourceUri=#{CGI.escape(@@uri.to_s)}",{},{:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} n+=1 sleep 1 end while @response.body != @@uri.to_s && n < 10 assert_equal 200, response.code assert_equal @@uri.to_s, @response.body end # try to delete investigation as "guest", # @note expect OpenTox::UnauthorizedError def test_90_try_to_delete_id_as_guest assert_raises OpenTox::UnauthorizedError do OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete @@uri.to_s, {}, {:subjectid => $guestid} end end # try to delete single file of investigation as "guest", # @note expect OpenTox::UnauthorizedError def test_91_try_to_delete_id_file_as_guest assert_raises OpenTox::UnauthorizedError do OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete "#{@@uri.to_s}/a_proteome.txt", {}, {:subjectid => $guestid} end end # try to update an investigation as 'guest', # @note expect OpenTox::UnauthorizedError def test_92_try_to_update_id_as_guest assert_raises OpenTox::UnauthorizedError do OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.put @@uri.to_s, {:published => "true"}, {:subjectid => $guestid} end end =begin # delete single file of investigation, currently not implemented def test_93a_delete_single_file response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete "#{@@uri.to_s}/a_proteome.txt", {}, {:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} task_uri = response.chomp task = task_uri task.wait assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus, "Task should be completed but is: #{task.hasStatus}. Task URI is #{task_uri} ." end # delete single file of investigation, currently not implemented def test_93b_delete_single_file assert_raises OpenTox::ResourceNotFoundError do OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{@@uri.to_s}/a_proteome.txt", {}, {:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} end end =end # check if uri is in uri-list # @note expect investigation uri exist def test_98_get_investigation response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $investigation[:uri], {}, {:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert response.index(@@uri.to_s) != nil, "URI: #{@@uri} is not in uri-list" end # delete investigation/{id} # @note expect code 200 def test_99_a_delete_investigation result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete @@uri.to_s, {}, {:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_equal 200, result.code #assert result.match(/^Investigation [a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12} deleted$/) assert !OpenTox::Authorization.uri_has_policy(@@uri.to_s) end # check if @@uri is indexed def test_99_b_investigation_not_in_index #response = request_ssl3 "#{$search_service[:uri]}/search/index/investigation?resourceUri=#{CGI.escape(@@uri.to_s)}", "get", $pi[:subjectid] response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get "#{$search_service[:uri]}/search/index/investigation?resourceUri=#{CGI.escape(@@uri.to_s)}",{},{:subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} assert_equal 200, response.code refute_match /#{@@uri}/, response.to_s end # check that deleted uri is no longer in uri-list # @note expect investigation uri not in uri-list def test_99_c_check_urilist response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $investigation[:uri], {}, {:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => $pi[:subjectid]} refute_match /#{@@uri}/, response.to_s end end