require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),"setup.rb") class BasicTest < Test::Unit::TestCase # check response from service def test_01_get_investigations_200 response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $toxbank_investigation[:uri], {}, :subjectid => @@subjectid assert_equal 200, response.code end # check if default response header is text/uri-list def test_02_get_investigations_type response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $toxbank_investigation[:uri], {}, { :accept => 'text/uri-list', :subjectid => @@subjectid } assert_equal "text/uri-list", response.headers[:content_type] end # check sparql query call to all investigations def test_03_get_investigations_query response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $toxbank_investigation[:uri], {:query => "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 5" }, { :accept => 'application/sparql-results+xml', :subjectid => @@subjectid } assert_equal 200, response.code end end class BasicTestCRUDInvestigation < Test::Unit::TestCase # check post to investigation service without file def test_01_post_investigation_400 assert_raise OpenTox::RestCallError do response = $toxbank_investigation[:uri], {}, { :accept => 'text/dummy', :subjectid => @@subjectid } end end # create an investigation by uploading a zip file def test_02_post_investigation @@uri = "" file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "data/toxbank-investigation/valid", "" #task_uri = `curl -k -X POST #{$toxbank_investigation[:uri]} -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@#{file};type=application/zip" -H "subjectid:#{@@subjectid}"` response = $toxbank_investigation[:uri], {:file =>}, { :subjectid => @@subjectid } task_uri = response.chomp task = task_uri task.wait uri = task.resultURI @@uri = URI(uri) assert == URI($toxbank_investigation[:uri]).host # check_rdf response = `curl -i -k -H subjectid:#{@@subjectid} -H accept:application/rdf+xml #{uri}`.chomp assert_match /[Term Source Name, OBI, DOID, BTO, NEWT, UO, CHEBI, PATO, TBP, TBC, TBO, TBU, TBK]/, response assert_match /[Investigation Identifier, BII\-I\-1]/, response assert_match /[Investigation Title, Growth control of the eukaryote cell\: a systems biology study in yeast]/, response assert_match /[Investigation Description, Background Cell growth underlies many key cellular and developmental processes]/, response assert_match /[Owning Organisation URI, TBO\:G176, Public]/, response assert_match /[Consortium URI, TBC\:G2, Douglas Connect]/, response assert_match /[Principal Investigator URI, TBU\:U115, Glenn Myatt]/, response assert_match /[Investigation keywords, TBK\:Blotting, Southwestern;TBK\:Molecular Imaging;DOID\:primary carcinoma of the liver cells]/, response end # get investigation/{id} as text/uri-list def test_03_get_investigation_uri_list #puts @@uri #@@uri = "" result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => @@subjectid} #puts result.to_yaml assert_equal "text/uri-list", result.headers[:content_type] end # get investigation/{id} as application/zip def test_04_get_investigation_zip result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "application/zip", :subjectid => @@subjectid} assert_equal "application/zip", result.headers[:content_type] end # get investigation/{id} as text/tab-separated-values def test_05_get_investigation_tab result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "text/tab-separated-values", :subjectid => @@subjectid} assert_equal "text/tab-separated-values;charset=utf-8", result.headers[:content_type] end # get investigation/{id} as application/sparql-results+json def test_06_get_investigation_sparql result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get @@uri.to_s, {}, {:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => @@subjectid} assert_equal "application/rdf+xml", result.headers[:content_type] end # check if uri is in uri-list def test_98_get_investigation response = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get $toxbank_investigation[:uri], {}, :subjectid => @@subjectid assert response.index(@@uri.to_s) != nil, "URI: #{@@uri} is not in uri-list" end # delete investigation/{id} def test_99_delete_investigation result = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete @@uri.to_s, {}, :subjectid => @@subjectid assert result.match(/^Investigation [\d]+ deleted$/) assert !OpenTox::Authorization.uri_has_policy(@@uri.to_s, @@subjectid) end end