--- layout: post title: "Set Up Virtual Machine in Proxmox Virtual Environment" description: "Short description of a scenario " category: Installation tags: [Setup] --- {% include JB/setup %} ![Proxmox Virtual Environment](/images/fw_dmz.png) ##Scenario * Physical Server with public IP * Proxmox 2.0 (virtualization management solution for servers) * Shorewall (gateway/firewall configuration tool for GNU/Linux) * Apache 2 Webserver * Virtual Machine in DMZ (Demilitarized Zone behind firewall) * local network (IPs in Range of 10.0.0.X, 192.168.X.X, ...) * full virtualization with KVM
##Shorewall Setup Set ssh login for virtual machines to a different port and forward it to virtual machine (VM) port 22 in `/etc/shorewall/rules` # ssh access DNAT net dmz: tcp 100 DNAT net dmz: tcp 101 DNAT net dmz: tcp 102 DNAT net dmz: tcp 103 # and so on... ssh login is `ssh user@SERVERIP -p 10X` . Restart shorewall after changes with `shorewall restart &` dmz and network is defined in `/etc/shorewall/interfaces` #ZONE INTERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONS net eth0 detect blacklist,nosmurfs dmz venet0 detect routeback dmz vmbr0 detect routeback,bridge ##Apache 2 Setup Let's suppose to setup a website mysite.net at the virtual machine Edit `/etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite` ProxyPreserveHost On #ProxyVia Block ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / TransferLog /var/log/apache2/mysite.access ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/mysite.error ServerName mysite.net ServerAlias www.mysite.net enable the site with `a2ensite mysite` and reload apache e.G.: `/etc/init.d/apache2 reload`. Or in a more complex setup one can route specific directories to different webservices on the virtual machine. ProxyPreserveHost On #ProxyVia Block ProxyPass /task ProxyPassReverse /task ProxyPass /investigation ProxyPassReverse /investigation TransferLog /var/log/apache2/mysite.access ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/mysite.error ServerName mysite.net ServerAlias www.mysite.net
## Proxmox Setup ### Create VM from a snapshot If one have a snapshot of a ready debian machine do: * create a new KVM virtual machine at the proxmox webinterface. * Click __Create VM__. * __General__: select Node, VM ID and Name. * __OS__: Select the operating system type of your virtual machine. * __CD/DVD__: Do not use any media. * __Hard Disk__: Select existing lvm storage for __storage__ and choose same or better bigger disk size as the original VM disk size. * __other Tabs__: as needed for the new virtual machine. * __Confirm__: Click __Finish__ Proxmox has created a new VM. __Do not start it__. Restore your snapshot MyReadyDebian-disk.tar to the new VM. qmrestore MyReadyDebian-disk.tar 10X -force __IMPORTANT__ change the MAC address of the network device. Or remove the network device and add a new one (this will also create a new MAC address). Start the virtual machine via the proxmox webinterface. ### Setup VM and networking with the Proxmox console * `/etc/hostname` change the name to servername (myserver) * `/etc/network/interfaces` configure network
# The primary network interface
    allow-hotplug eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
        gateway 10.0.0.XXX # your vm bridge
        # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed
        dns-nameservers DNS-IP   
use one or more of the Hetzner nameservers for DNS-IP (,