--- layout: post title: "Bugzilla Authentication for specific LDAP group combined with Apache LDAP Auth" description: "" category: tags: [] --- {% include JB/setup %} Bugzilla has a plugin to support LDAP user authentication, but a support for group restricted access is not implemented. An easy workaround to solve this problem the Bugzilla LDAP authentication setup can be combined with Apache2 ldap_authz module based login. * Apache2 authentication gives login credentials to Bugzilla. AuthName "Bugzilla login required. " AuthType Basic AuthBasicProvider ldap AuthLDAPURL "ldap://myserver.org:389/ou=people,dc=myldapdomain,dc=org?uid,mail,cn?sub" AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=proxyagent,dc=myldapdomain,dc=org" AuthLDAPBindPassword "myverysecretpassword" Require ldap-group cn=MyGroup,ou=groups,dc=myldapdomain,dc=org AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute uid NOTE: Do set user access rights after the first login of a user.