--- layout: post title: "CoreOS Installation on a Hetzner Server" description: "" category: tags: [] --- {% include JB/setup %} - log into the rescue system ssh root@{sever-ip} - run `installimage` - choose "Other" -> "CoreOS-XXX" - keep the default install.conf (you may have to quit with ESC 0, if F10 does not work) - confirm deletion of partitions * reboot into CoreOS reboot - log into CoreOS (using the same password as for the rescue system) ssh root@{sever-ip} - set the hostname (if you have omitted it in install.conf) hostname {hostname} - change root password passwd - create a password for the `core` user passwd core - login as core user from another console to make sure everything works as expected (and to avoid lockouts) - disable root login - edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config - set PermitRootLogin no - restart sshd sudo systemctl daemon-reload - exit root exit