diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2012-07-28 15:22:53 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2012-07-28 15:22:53 +0200
commitdbf513ce686f1c0db1ed2d6af1fa96c86352e709 (patch)
initial commit
3 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/application.rb b/application.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09f3188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+require 'sinatra'
+require "sinatra/reloader"
+require "haml"
+require 'yaml'
+require "./pubchem.rb"
+also_reload './pubchem.rb'
+get '/?' do
+ @compound =
+ smiles = "OC(=O)C1=C(C=CC=C1)OC(=O)C"
+ #smiles = "c1cc(CC)ccc1"
+ #smiles = "CC(=O)Nc1ccc(O)cc1"
+ smiles = "C1=CC(=C(C=C1Cl)Cl)OCC(=O)O"
+ #@compound.from_smiles smiles
+ @compound.get_neighbors smiles
+"compound.yaml","w+"){|f| f.puts @compound.to_yaml}
+ @compound = YAML.load_file "compound.yaml"
+ haml :index
diff --git a/pubchem.rb b/pubchem.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2574d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pubchem.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+require '../opentox-client/lib/opentox-client.rb'
+require 'json'
+# get assay from endpoint
+# search in endpoint ontology
+# get measurements
+# search for compound and assay
+# get affected pathways
+# search for compound and genes
+# identify affected pathways
+# identify relations between affected genes/pathways and endpoint
+# get related assays
+# search for assays in ontology tree
+# search for compound and related assays
+# get similar compounds
+# search for similar compounds
+module PubChem
+ def pubchem_search url
+ puts url
+ #json = RestClient.get url, :accept => "application/json", :timeout => 90000000
+ json = `curl "#{url}"`#, :accept => "application/json", :timeout => 90000000
+ @result = JSON.parse json
+ end
+ class Assay
+ attr_accessor :aid
+ end
+ class Result
+ attr_accessor :aid, :cid, :sid
+ end
+ class Substance
+ end
+ class Compound
+ # doc @
+ include OpenTox
+ include PubChem
+ attr_accessor :result, :cid, :neighbors, :tanimoto
+ def initialize
+ @uri = ""
+ @similarity_threshold = 95
+ @summary = []
+ @neighbors = []
+ end
+ def to_smiles
+ RestClient.get(File.join(@uri, "compound", "cid", @cid, "property", "CanonicalSMILES", "TXT")).strip
+ end
+ def name
+ RestClient.get(File.join(@uri, "compound", "cid", @cid, "property", "IUPACName", "TXT")).strip
+ end
+ def image
+ File.join @uri, "compound", "cid", @cid, "PNG?record_type=3d&image_size=small"
+ end
+ def properties
+ properties = [
+ "XLogP",
+ "ExactMass",
+ "MonoisotopicMass",
+ "TPSA",
+ "Complexity",
+ "Charge",
+ "HBondDonorCount",
+ "HBondAcceptorCount",
+ "RotatableBondCount",
+ "HeavyAtomCount",
+ "IsotopeAtomCount",
+ "AtomStereoCount",
+ "DefinedAtomStereoCount",
+ "UndefinedAtomStereoCount",
+ "BondStereoCount",
+ "DefinedBondStereoCount",
+ "UndefinedBondStereoCount",
+ "CovalentUnitCount",
+ "Volume3D",
+ "XStericQuadrupole3D",
+ "YStericQuadrupole3D",
+ "ZStericQuadrupole3D",
+ "FeatureCount3D",
+ "FeatureAcceptorCount3D",
+ "FeatureDonorCount3D",
+ "FeatureAnionCount3D",
+ "FeatureCationCount3D",
+ "FeatureRingCount3D",
+ "FeatureHydrophobeCount3D",
+ "ConformerModelRMSD3D",
+ "EffectiveRotorCount3D",
+ "ConformerCount3D",
+ ]
+ pubchem_search File.join(@uri, "compound", "cid", @cid, "property", properties.join(","), "JSON")
+ @result["PropertyTable"]["Properties"].first
+ end
+ def from_smiles smiles
+ pubchem_search File.join(@uri, "compound", "smiles", smiles, "assaysummary", "JSON")
+ from_summary @result["Table"]["Columns"]["Column"], @result["Table"]["Row"].collect{|cell| cell.values.flatten}
+ end
+ def from_summary columns, table
+ table.each do |row|
+ @summary << {}
+ row.each_with_index do |cell,i|
+ if columns[i] == "CID"
+ @cid = cell if @cid.nil?
+ else
+ cell.blank? ? @summary.last[columns[i]] = nil : @summary.last[columns[i]] = cell
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def active_assays
+ @summary.collect{|a| a if a["Activity Outcome"] == "active"}.compact
+ end
+ def inactive_assays
+ @summary.collect{|a| a if a["Activity Outcome"] == "inactive"}.compact
+ end
+ def targets
+ active_assays.collect{|a| a["Target Name"]}.compact
+ end
+ def non_targets
+ inactive_assays.collect{|a| a["Target Name"]}.compact
+ end
+ def assay_similarity compound
+ a1 = active_assays.collect{|a| a["Assay Name"]}
+ a2 = compound.active_assays.collect{|a| a["Assay Name"]}
+ i1 = inactive_assays.collect{|a| a["Assay Name"]}
+ i2 = compound.inactive_assays.collect{|a| a["Assay Name"]}
+ self_assays = a1 + i1
+ compound_assays = a2 + i2
+ common_assays = self_assays & compound_assays
+ same_outcome = (a1 & a2) + (i1 & i2)
+ same_outcome.size.to_f/common_assays.size
+ end
+ def target_similarity compound
+ self_assays = targets + non_targets
+ compound_assays = compound.targets + compound.non_targets
+ common_assays = self_assays & compound_assays
+ same_outcome = (targets & compound.targets) + (non_targets & compound.non_targets)
+ same_outcome.size.to_f/common_assays.size
+ end
+ def assay_genes
+ active = []
+ @aids[:active].each do |aid|
+ begin
+ pubchem_search File.join(@uri, "assay", "aid", aid.to_s, "genes", "JSON")
+ active << @result["InformationList"]["Information"].collect{|i| i["GeneID"]}.flatten
+ rescue; end
+ end
+ @aids[:inactive].each do |aid|
+ begin
+ pubchem_search File.join(@uri, "assay", "aid", aid.to_s, "genes", "JSON")
+ inactive << @result["InformationList"]["Information"].collect{|i| i["GeneID"]}.flatten
+ rescue; end
+ end
+ {:active => active, :inactive => inactive }
+ end
+ def get_neighbors smiles
+ pubchem_search File.join(@uri, "compound", "similarity", "smiles", smiles, "JSON")+"?Threshold=#{@similarity_threshold}&MaxRecords=250"
+ listkey = @result["Waiting"]["ListKey"]
+ while @result["Waiting"] do
+ sleep 1
+ pubchem_search File.join(@uri, "compound", "listkey", listkey, "assaysummary", "JSON")
+ end
+"search.yaml","w+"){|s| s.puts @result.to_yaml}
+ columns = @result["Table"]["Columns"]["Column"]
+ table = @result["Table"]["Row"].collect{|cell| cell.values.flatten}
+ cid_idx = columns.index("CID")
+ cids = table.collect{|r| r[cid_idx]}.uniq
+ cids.each do |cid|
+ tab = table.collect{|r| r if r[cid_idx] == cid}.compact
+ c =
+ c.from_summary columns, tab
+ @neighbors << c unless (c.targets + c.active_assays).flatten.compact.empty?
+ end
+"smiles.smi","w+"){|f| f.puts @neighbors.collect{|n| n.to_smiles}.join("\n")}
+ `babel smiles.smi -ofpt 2>/dev/null| grep Tanimoto|cut -d "=" -f2`.split("\n").each_with_index do |t,i|
+ @neighbors[i].tanimoto = t.strip.to_f
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/views/index.haml b/views/index.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8481c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/index.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+!!! 5
+= @compound.neighbors.size
+ %tr
+ %th Structure
+ %th Properties
+ %th Targets
+ %th Assays
+ - @compound.neighbors.each do |neighbor|
+ %tr
+ %td
+ =
+ %img{:src => neighbor.image}
+ %dl
+ %dt Similarity
+ %dd
+ = neighbor.tanimoto
+ %td
+ %dl
+ - do |p,v|
+ %dt
+ = p
+ %dd
+ = v
+ %td
+ %dl
+ %dt Similarity
+ %dd
+ = neighbor.target_similarity @compound.neighbors.first
+ %dt Targets
+ %dd
+ = neighbor.targets.uniq
+ %dt Total
+ %dd
+ = neighbor.targets.size + neighbor.non_targets.size
+ %td
+ %dl
+ %dt Similarity
+ %dd
+ = neighbor.assay_similarity @compound.neighbors.first
+ %dt Active
+ %dd
+ = neighbor.active_assays.collect{|a| a["Assay Name"]}
+ %dt Total
+ %dd
+ = neighbor.active_assays.size + neighbor.inactive_assays.size
+ =# neighbor.inactive_assays.collect{|a| a["Assay Name"]}