path: root/pug.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pug.rb')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pug.rb b/pug.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a8b102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pug.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+require "json"
+require 'base64'
+require 'sinatra/base'
+require "sinatra/reloader"
+require "rest-client"
+require 'memcache'
+class Application < Sinatra::Base
+ # doc @
+ @@pug_uri = ""
+ @@similarity_threshold = 90
+ @@max_neighbors = 100
+ CACHE = 'localhost:11211'
+ helpers do
+ def local route
+ status, headers, body = call env.merge("PATH_INFO" => route)
+ begin
+ Float body[0]
+ rescue
+ JSON.parse body[0]
+ end
+ end
+ def pubchem_search url
+ attempts = 0
+ begin
+ attempts += 1
+ puts url
+ json = RestClient.get url, :timeout => 90000000
+ JSON.parse json
+ rescue
+ if $!.message =~ /Timeout/i and attempts < 4
+ sleep 2
+ retry
+ elsif $!.message =~ /Timeout/i and attempts >= 4
+"timeouts","a+"){|f| f.puts url}
+ puts url
+ puts $!.message
+ nil
+ elsif $!.message.match /404/
+ nil
+ else
+ puts url
+ puts $!.message
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def fingerprint cid
+ local("/cid/#{cid}/fingerprint")
+ end
+ def neighbors cid
+ local "/cid/#{cid}/neighbors"
+ end
+ def assays cid
+ local "/cid/#{cid}/assays"
+ end
+ def similarity cid1, cid2
+ local("/cid/#{cid1}/cosine/#{cid2}")
+ end
+ def cosine fp1, fp2
+ if fp1 and fp2
+ m11 = 0.0
+ m01 = 0.0
+ m10 = 0.0
+ m00 = 0.0
+ fp1.each_index do |i|
+ m11 += 1 if (fp1[i] and fp2[i])
+ m01 += 1 if (!fp1[i] and fp2[i])
+ m10 += 1 if (fp1[i] and !fp2[i])
+ m00 += 1 if (!fp1[i] and !fp2[i])
+ end
+ m11/((m01+m11)*(m10+m11))**0.5
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ before do
+ @result = CACHE.get request.path
+ halt 200, @result unless @result.nil? # should be 304, but this does not work with local()
+ end
+ after do
+ CACHE.add request.path, @result, 7200
+ end
+ get '/cid/:cid/name' do
+ @result = RestClient.get(File.join(@@pug_uri, "compound", "cid", params[:cid], "property", "IUPACName","TXT")).chomp
+ end
+ get '/cid/:cid/fingerprint' do
+ #
+ # it seems that only SDF formats contain fingerprints
+ sdf_lines = RestClient.get(File.join(@@pug_uri, "compound", "cid", params[:cid], "SDF")).split("\n")
+ index = sdf_lines.index(sdf_lines.grep(/PUBCHEM_CACTVS_SUBSKEYS/).first)
+ @result = Base64.decode64(sdf_lines[index+1])[4..-1].unpack("B*").first[0..-8].split(//).collect{|c| c == "1"}.to_json
+ end
+ get '/cid/:cid/assays' do
+ assays = []
+ result = pubchem_search File.join(@@pug_uri, "compound", "cid", params[:cid], "assaysummary", "JSON")
+ if result and result["Table"]
+ columns = result["Table"]["Columns"]["Column"]
+ result["Table"]["Row"].collect{|cell| cell.values.flatten}.each do |row|
+ assay = {}
+ row.each_with_index do |cell,i|
+ assay[columns[i]] = cell unless cell.empty? or columns[i] == "CID"
+ end
+ assays << assay unless assay.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ @result = assays.to_json
+ end
+ get '/cid/:cid/neighbors' do
+ result = pubchem_search File.join(@@pug_uri, "compound", "similarity", "cid", params[:cid], "JSON")+"?Threshold=#{@@similarity_threshold}&MaxRecords=#{@@max_neighbors}"
+ while result["Waiting"] do
+ sleep 2
+ listkey = result["Waiting"]["ListKey"]
+ result = pubchem_search File.join(@@pug_uri, "compound", "listkey", listkey, "cids", "JSON")
+ end
+ result["IdentifierList"]["CID"].delete params[:cid].to_i
+ @result = result["IdentifierList"]["CID"].to_json
+ end
+ get '/name/:name' do
+ @result = RestClient.get(File.join(@@pug_uri,"compound","name",CGI.escape(params[:name]),"cids","TXT")).split("\n").to_json
+ end
+ get '/cid/:cid/image' do
+ @result = RestClient.get File.join(@@pug_uri, "compound", "cid", params[:cid], "PNG")
+ end
+ get '/cid/:cid1/cosine/:cid2' do
+ fp1 = fingerprint params[:cid1]
+ fp2 = fingerprint params[:cid2]
+ @result = cosine(fp1, fp2).to_json
+ end
+ get '/cid/:cid/predictions' do
+ assays = {}
+ assay_details = {}
+ neighbors(params[:cid]).each do |cid|
+ neighbor_assays = assays cid
+ unless neighbor_assays.empty?
+ neighbor_assays.each do |assay|
+ if assay["Activity Outcome"] == "active" or assay["Activity Outcome"] == "inactive"
+ assays[assay["AID"]] ||= []
+ assays[assay["AID"]] << [cid,similarity(params[:cid],cid),assay["Activity Outcome"]]
+ assay_details[assay["AID"]] ||= {}
+ ["Target GI", "Target Name", "Assay Name"].each do |d|
+ assay_details[assay["AID"]][d] = assay[d] #if assay[d]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ predictions = []
+ assays.each do |aid,neighbors|
+ prediction = {"AID" => aid}
+ neighbors.each do |neighbor|
+ cid = neighbor[0]
+ sim = neighbor[1]
+ activity = neighbor[2]
+ if activity == "active"
+ prediction[:p_active] ? prediction[:p_active] = prediction[:p_active]*sim : prediction[:p_active] = sim
+ prediction[:p_inactive] ? prediction[:p_inactive] = prediction[:p_inactive]*(1-sim) : prediction[:p_inactive] = 1-sim
+ elsif activity == "inactive"
+ prediction[:p_active] ? prediction[:p_active] = prediction[:p_active]*(1-sim) : prediction[:p_active] = 1-sim
+ prediction[:p_inactive] ? prediction[:p_inactive] = prediction[:p_inactive]*sim : prediction[:p_inactive] = sim
+ end
+ ["Target GI", "Target Name", "Assay Name"].each do |d|
+ prediction[d] = assay_details[aid][d] if assay_details[aid][d]
+ end
+ end
+ predictions << prediction
+ end
+ @result = predictions.to_json
+ end
+# get '/*' do |path|
+# RestClient.get File.join(@@pug_uri,path), params
+# end