path: root/lib/qmrf-report.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/qmrf-report.rb')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/qmrf-report.rb b/lib/qmrf-report.rb
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index 0000000..fdce433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/qmrf-report.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+require "nokogiri"
+# OpenTox module
+module OpenTox
+ #Class for QMRF reporting.
+ #
+ #Provides a ruby OpenTox class to prepare an initial version of a QMRF report.
+ #The XML output is in QMRF version 1.3 and can be finalized with the QMRF editor 2.0 (
+ #@example Report
+ # require ""
+ # report =
+ # report.change_qmrf_tag "QSAR_title", "My QSAR Title"
+ # report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1, {:title => "MyName M (2016) My Publication Title, QSAR News, 10, 14-22", :url => "http://myqsarnewsmag.dom"}
+ # report.ref_catalog :bibliography, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1
+ # puts report.to_xml
+ class QMRFReport
+ # QMRF XML Schema file
+ SCHEMA_FILE = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"template/qmrf.xsd")
+ # QMRF XML Template file
+ TEMPLATE_FILE = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"template/qmrf.xml")
+ attr_accessor :xml, :report
+ # Open an existing QMRF xml report
+ # @param [String] file Name of the file
+ def open file
+ xml ="#{file}")
+ @report = Nokogiri.XML(xml)
+ end
+ # Initialize a new report instance from qmrf template
+ def initialize
+ xml =
+ @report = Nokogiri.XML(xml)
+ end
+ # returns XML representation (QMRF XML report) of report instance
+ # @return [String] returns XML
+ def to_xml
+ @report.to_xml
+ end
+ # Change a value
+ # e.G.: <QSAR_title chapter="1.1" help="" name="QSAR identifier (title)">Title of My QSAR</QSAR_title>
+ # @param [String] key Name of the node
+ # @param [String] value Value to change
+ # @return [Error] returns Error message if fails
+ def change_qmrf_tag key, value
+ raise "Can not edit attribute #{key} directly. Edit the catalog with 'report.change_catalog(catalog, key, value)'." if ["QSAR_software","QSAR_Algorithm", ""].include? key
+ t = @report.at_css key
+ t.content = value
+ end
+ # Change a catalog
+ # @param [String] catalog Name of the catalog - One of "software_catalog", "algorithms_catalog", "descriptors_catalog", "endpoints_catalog", "publications_catalog", "authors_catalog" in QMRF v1.3
+ # @param [String] id Single entry node in the catalog e.G.: "<software contact='mycontact@mydomain.dom' description="My QSAR Software " id="software_catalog_2" name="MySoftware" number="" url="https://mydomain.dom"/>
+ # @param [Hash] valuehash Key-Value Hash with attributes for a single catalog node
+ # @return [Error] returns Error message if fails
+ def change_catalog catalog, id, valuehash
+ catalog_exists? catalog
+ if @report.at_css("#{catalog}").at("//*[@id='#{id}']")
+ valuehash.each do |key, value|
+ @report.at_css("#{catalog}").at("//*[@id='#{id}']")["#{key}"]= value
+ end
+ else
+ cat = @report.at_css("#{catalog}")
+ newentry ="#{catalog.to_s.gsub(/s?_catalog/,'')}",
+ newentry["id"] = id
+ valuehash.each do |key, value|
+ newentry["#{key}"] = value
+ end
+ cat << newentry
+ end
+ end
+ # Set reference to a catalog entry.
+ # e.g.: reference an author entry from authors_catalog to Chapter 2.2 QMRF authors
+ #@example ref_catalog
+ # report.ref_catalog 'qmrf_authors', 'authors_catalog', 'firstauthor'
+ # @param [String] chapter Name of the chapter to add the catalog reference. e.g.: qmrf_authors, model_authors, QSAR_software, ...
+ # @param [String] catalog Name of the catalog
+ # @param [String] id entry node in the catalog
+ def ref_catalog chapter, catalog, id
+ catalog_exists? catalog
+ if @report.at_css("#{catalog}").at("//*[@id='#{id}']")
+ chap = @report.at_css("#{chapter}")
+ if"//*[@idref='#{id}']").nil?
+ newentry ="#{catalog.to_s.gsub(/s?_catalog/,'_ref')}",
+ newentry["idref"] = id
+ chap << newentry
+ end
+ else
+ raise "catalog entry with id: #{id} do not exist."
+ end
+ end
+ # get value of a QMRF node
+ # @param [String] key Nodename e.g.: "QSAR_title"
+ # @return [String] returns value
+ def get_qmrf_tag key
+ t = @report.at_css key
+ t.content
+ end
+ # get an attribute from a catalog entry
+ # @param [String] catalog Name of the catalog
+ # @param [String] id entry id in the catalog
+ # @param [String] key returns value of a key in a catalog node
+ # @return [String, false] returns value of a key in a catalog node or false if catalog entry do not exists.
+ def get_catalog_value catalog, id, key
+ catalog_exists? catalog
+ if @report.at_css("#{catalog}").at("//*[@id='#{id}']")
+ @report.at_css("#{catalog}").at("//*[@id='#{id}']")["#{key}"]
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ # Check if a catalog exists in this QMRF version
+ # @param [String] catalog Catalog
+ # @return [Error, true] returns true or Error if a catalog do not exists
+ def catalog_exists? catalog
+ raise "Unknown catalog: #{catalog}" unless ["software_catalog", "algorithms_catalog", "descriptors_catalog", "endpoints_catalog", "publications_catalog", "authors_catalog"].include? catalog.to_s
+ true
+ end
+ # Validates a report instance against qmrf.xsd (XML Structure Definition)
+ def validate
+ xsd = Nokogiri::XML::Schema(
+ out = ""
+ xsd.validate(@report).each do |error|
+ out << error.message unless error.message == "Element 'algorithm', attribute 'publication_ref': '' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:IDREF'." || error.message == "Element 'descriptor', attribute 'publication_ref': '' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:IDREF'."
+ end
+ return out
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file