# lazar-report QMRF reporting extension to OpenTox ruby modules and lazar ## About Class for QMRF reporting. Provides a ruby OpenTox class to prepare an initial version of a QMRF report. The XML output is in QMRF version 1.3 and can be finalized with the QMRF editor 2.0 (https://sourceforge.net/projects/qmrf/) ## Usage create a new report, add some content and show output: ```ruby require "" # create a new report report = OpenTox::QMRFReport.new # add a title report.change_qmrf_tag "QSAR_title", "My QSAR Title" # add a publication to the publication catalog report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1, {:title => "MyName M (2016) My Publication Title, QSAR News, 10, 14-22", :url => "http://myqsarnewsmag.dom"} # link/reference the publication to the report bibliography report.ref_catalog :bibliography, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1 # output puts report.to_xml # validate a report (as created above) against qmrf.xsd report.validate ```