require "json" require "haml" # OpenTox module module OpenTox #Class for QPRF reporting. # #Provides a ruby OpenTox class to prepare an initial version of a QPRF report. #The QPRF output is in QPRF version 1.1 from May 2008 #@example Report # require "qsar-report" # report = # report.Title = "My QPRF Report" # report.Version = "1" # report.Date ="%Y/%m/%d") # report.value "1.1", "7732-18-5" # set CAS number for H²O # puts report.to_html class QPRFReport # QPRF JSON Template file TEMPLATE_FILE = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"template/qprf.json") # QPRF MarkDown Template file MD_TEMPLATE_FILE = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"template/qprf.haml") attr_accessor :json, :report # Open an existing QPRF json report # @param [String] file Name of the file def open file json ="#{file}") @report = JSON.parse(json) end # Initialize a new report instance from QPRF template. With helper functions for Title, Version and Date def initialize json = @report = JSON.parse(json) attr_hash = {['singleCalculations'] => ["Title", "Version", "Date"] } attr_hash.each_pair do |block, attributes| attributes.each do |attribute| define_singleton_method "#{attribute}" do return block[attribute] end define_singleton_method "#{attribute}=" do |val=nil| block[attribute] = val unless val.nil? return block[attribute] end end end end # Set or Get a value in the QPRF report #@example for CAS Number # report = # report.value "1.1", "7732-18-5" # # @param [String] chapter Name of the chapter - e.g.: "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5 General", "1.5 a.", "1.5 b.", "1.5 c.", "1.5 d.", "2.1" ... # @param [String] value Value to set. If not set the function returns the current value # @return [String] returns Value def value chapter, value=nil case chapter when /^1\.\d*/ block = "1. Substance" when /^2\.\d*/ block = "2. General information" when /^3\.\d*/ block = "3. Prediction" when /^4\.\d*/ block = "4. Adequacy (Optional)" end @report["arrayCalculations"][block]['values'][chapter][1] = value unless value.nil? @report["arrayCalculations"][block]['values'][chapter][1] end # returns prettified JSON representation (QPRF JSON report) of report instance # @return [String] returns JSON def pretty_json JSON.pretty_generate(@report) end # Creates a HTML representation of the QPRF report # @return [String] returns HTML def to_html @report end end end