require 'rubygems' gem "opentox-ruby", "~> 0" require 'opentox-ruby' class Task include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :uri, String, :length => 255 property :created_at, DateTime property :finished_at, DateTime property :due_to_time, DateTime property :pid, Integer property :resultURI, String, :length => 255 property :percentageCompleted, Float, :default => 0 property :hasStatus, String, :default => "Running" #possible states are: "Cancelled", "Completed", "Running", "Error" property :title, String, :length => 255 property :creator, String, :length => 255 property :description, Text def metadata { DC.creator => @creator, DC.title => @title, => @created_at, OT.hasStatus => @hasStatus, OT.resultURI => @resultURI, OT.percentageCompleted => @percentageCompleted, #text fields are lazy loaded, using member variable can cause description to be nil DC.description => description #:due_to_time => @due_to_timer } end end DataMapper.auto_upgrade! # Get a list of all tasks # @return [text/uri-list] List of all tasks get '/?' do LOGGER.debug "list all tasks "+params.inspect response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' Task.all(params).collect{|t| t.uri}.join("\n") + "\n" end # Get task representation # @param [Header] Accept Mime type of accepted representation, may be one of `application/rdf+xml,application/x-yaml,text/uri-list` # @return [application/rdf+xml,application/x-yaml,text/uri-list] Task representation in requested format, Accept:text/uri-list returns URI of the created resource if task status is "Completed" get '/:id/?' do task = Task.get(params[:id]) halt 404, "Task '#{params[:id]}' not found." unless task code = task.hasStatus == "Running" ? 202 : 200 case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] when /yaml/ response['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-yaml' halt code, task.metadata.to_yaml when /application\/rdf\+xml|\*\/\*/ # matches 'application/x-yaml', '*/*' response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml' t = task.uri t.add_metadata task.metadata halt code, t.to_rdfxml when /text\/uri\-list/ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' halt code, task.resultURI else halt 400, "MIME type '"+request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].to_s+"' not supported, valid Accept-Headers are \"application/rdf+xml\" and \"application/x-yaml\"." end end # Get Task properties. Works for # - /task/id # - /task/uri # - /task/created_at # - /task/finished_at # - /task/due_to_time # - /task/pid # - /task/resultURI # - /task/percentageCompleted # - /task/hasStatus # - /task/title # - /task/creator # - /task/description # @return [String] Task property get '/:id/:property/?' do response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' task = Task.get(params[:id]) halt 404,"Task #{params[:id]} not found." unless task begin eval("task.#{params[:property]}").to_s rescue halt 404,"Unknown task property #{params[:property]}." end end # Create a new task # @param [optional,String] max_duration # @param [optional,String] pid # @param [optional,String] resultURI # @param [optional,String] percentageCompleted # @param [optional,String] hasStatus # @param [optional,String] title # @param [optional,String] creator # @param [optional,String] description # @return [text/uri-list] URI for new task post '/?' do LOGGER.debug "Creating new task with params "+params.inspect max_duration = params.delete(:max_duration.to_s) if params.has_key?(:max_duration.to_s) task = Task.create(params) task.uri = url_for("/#{}", :full) task.due_to_time = DateTime.parse((Time.parse(task.created_at.to_s) + max_duration.to_f).to_s) if max_duration raise "Could not save task #{task.uri}" unless response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' task.uri + "\n" end # Change task status. Possible URIs are: ` # - /task/Cancelled # - /task/Completed: requires taskURI argument # - /task/Running # - /task/Error # - /task/pid: requires pid argument # IMPORTANT NOTE: Rack does not accept empty PUT requests. Please send an empty parameter (e.g. with -d '' for curl) or you will receive a "411 Length Required" error. # @param [optional, String] resultURI URI of created resource, required for /task/Completed # @param [optional, String] pid Task PID, required for /task/pid # @param [optional, String] description Task description # @param [optional, String] percentageCompleted progress value, can only be set while running # @return [] nil put '/:id/:hasStatus/?' do task = Task.get(params[:id]) halt 404,"Task #{params[:id]} not found." unless task task.hasStatus = params[:hasStatus] unless /pid/ =~ params[:hasStatus] task.description = params[:description] if params[:description] case params[:hasStatus] when "Completed" LOGGER.debug "Task " + params[:id].to_s + " completed" halt 402,"no param resultURI when completing task" unless params[:resultURI] task.resultURI = params[:resultURI] task.finished_at = task.percentageCompleted = 100 = nil when "pid" = params[:pid] when "Running" halt 400,"Task cannot be set to running after not running anymore" if task.hasStatus!="Running" task.percentageCompleted = params[:percentageCompleted].to_f LOGGER.debug "Task " + params[:id].to_s + " set percentage completed to: "+params[:percentageCompleted].to_s when /Cancelled|Error/ Process.kill(9, unless = nil else halt 402,"Invalid value for hasStatus: '"+params[:hasStatus].to_s+"'" end halt 500,"could not save task" unless end # Delete a task # @return [text/plain] Status message delete '/:id/?' do task = Task.get(params[:id]) halt 404, "Task #{params[:id]} not found." unless task begin Process.kill(9, unless rescue halt 500,"Cannot kill task with pid #{}" end task.destroy! response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' "Task #{params[:id]} deleted." end # Delete all tasks # @return [text/plain] Status message delete '/?' do Task.all.each do |task| begin Process.kill(9, unless rescue "Cannot kill task with pid #{}" end #task.destroy! end Task.auto_migrate! response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' "All tasks deleted." end