require 'rubygems' require 'opentox-ruby' require 'test/unit' require "./validate-owl.rb" class AlgorithmTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @@subjectid = OpenTox::Authorization.authenticate(TEST_USER,TEST_PW) @algorithms = [ File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-algorithm"],"fminer","bbrc"), File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-algorithm"],"fminer","last"), File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-algorithm"],"lazar") #"", ] end def teardown end def test_metadata @algorithms.each do |algorithm| validate_owl(algorithm, @@subjectid) unless CONFIG[:services]["opentox-algorithm"].match(/localhost/) end end def test_p_sum_support params = {} params[:compound_features_hits] = { "c:c" => 10, "c:c:c" => 5, "O:N" => 2} params[:training_compound] = "http://localhost/compound/InChI=1S/CH2O/c1-2/h1H2" params[:training_compound_features_hits] = {"c:c" => 6, "c:c:c" => 3, "O:O" => 2} params[:weights] = { "c:c" => 0.95, "c:c:c" => 0.96, "O:N" => 0.97, "O:O" => 0.98} params[:features] = (params[:compound_features_hits].keys + params[:training_compound_features_hits].keys).uniq 2.times{ params[:mode] = "min" assert_in_delta OpenTox::Algorithm.p_sum_support(params), 12.8762796504849, 0.00001 params[:mode] = "max" assert_in_delta OpenTox::Algorithm.p_sum_support(params), 18.8034091184372, 0.00001 } end def test_tanimoto params = {} params[:training_compound] = "http://localhost/compound/InChI=1S/CH2O/c1-2/h1H2" weights = { "c:c" => 0.95, "c:c:c" => 0.96, "O:N" => 0.97, "O:O" => 0.98} params[:compound_features_hits] = { "c:c" => 10, "c:c:c" => 5, "O:N" => 2} features_a = params[:compound_features_hits].keys params[:training_compound_features_hits] = {"c:c" => 6, "c:c:c" => 3, "O:O" => 2} features_b = params[:training_compound_features_hits].keys 2.times{ params[:nr_hits] = false #test without weights assert_in_delta OpenTox::Algorithm::Similarity.tanimoto(features_a, features_b, nil, params), 0.5, 0.000001 #test with weights assert_in_delta OpenTox::Algorithm::Similarity.tanimoto(features_a, features_b, weights, params), 0.498056105472291, 0.000001 #test with weights and nr_hits true params[:nr_hits] = true assert_in_delta OpenTox::Algorithm::Similarity.tanimoto(features_a, features_b, weights, params), 0.472823526091916, 0.000001 } params[:training_compound_features_hits] = {"c:c" => 2, "O:N" => 2} features_c = params[:training_compound_features_hits].keys 2.times{ params[:nr_hits] = false #test without weights assert_in_delta OpenTox::Algorithm::Similarity.tanimoto(features_a, features_c, nil, params), 0.666666666666667, 0.000001 #test with weights assert_in_delta OpenTox::Algorithm::Similarity.tanimoto(features_a, features_c, weights, params), 0.666545393630348, 0.000001 #test with weights and nr_hits true params[:nr_hits] = true assert_in_delta OpenTox::Algorithm::Similarity.tanimoto(features_a, features_c, weights, params), 0.235749338271022, 0.000001 } end def test_mlr n_prop = [ [ -2.0, -2.0 ], [ -1.0, -1.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 1.0, 1.0 ], [ 2.0, 2.0 ] ] q_prop = [ 1.0, 1.0 ] #acts = [ -2.0, # -1.0, # 0.0, # 1.0, # 2.0 ] acts = [ 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 ] maxcols = 2 res1 = OpenTox::Algorithm::Neighbors::mlr(:n_prop => n_prop, :q_prop => q_prop, :acts => acts, :maxcols => maxcols) maxcols = 1 res2 = OpenTox::Algorithm::Neighbors::mlr(:n_prop => n_prop, :q_prop => q_prop, :acts => acts, :maxcols => maxcols) assert_in_delta res1, 1.4958008960423, 10E-06 assert_equal res1, res2 end def test_pcr n_prop = [ [ -2.0, -2.0 ], [ -1.0, -1.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 1.0, 1.0 ], [ 2.0, 2.0 ] ] q_prop = [ 1.0, 1.0 ] #acts = [ -2.0, # -1.0, # 0.0, # 1.0, # 2.0 ] acts = [ 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 ] maxcols = 2 res1 = OpenTox::Algorithm::Neighbors::pcr(:n_prop => n_prop, :q_prop => q_prop, :acts => acts, :maxcols => maxcols) maxcols = 1 res2 = OpenTox::Algorithm::Neighbors::pcr(:n_prop => n_prop, :q_prop => q_prop, :acts => acts, :maxcols => maxcols) assert_in_delta res1, 1.4958008960423, 10E-06 assert_equal res1, res2 end =begin def test_clustering # Parameters dataset_uri = @@classification_training_dataset.uri query_compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles("O1COc2cc(ccc12)C") c = dataset_uri cluster_datasets = if c.trained? c.get_clusters query_compound.uri cluster_datasets = c.target_clusters_array end assert_equal cluster_datasets.size, 2 end =end end