path: root/views
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2010-07-29 19:34:34 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2010-07-29 19:34:34 +0200
commitdeb9d2c9a005c152983a70c17c227fc59c917f0b (patch)
treefde5715579c1e15b6501cc1c6bf18f364d11caa2 /views
parent617fee94e1824515dc699a6265260c7b92a0fcea (diff)
html representation of lazar predictions moved from model service to toxcreate
Diffstat (limited to 'views')
7 files changed, 221 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/views/fragment.haml b/views/fragment.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa7495d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/fragment.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+%form{:name => "form", :action => url_for('/lazar'), :method => "post", :enctype => "multipart/form-data" }
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :compound_uri, :value => compound_uri}
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :model_uri, :value => model_uri}
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :highlight, :value => smarts}
+ - if smarts.nil?
+ %input{ :type => "submit", :value => "Reset"}
+ - else
+ %input{ :type => "submit", :value => smarts}
diff --git a/views/layout.haml b/views/layout.haml
index 7935b33..61d1650 100755
--- a/views/layout.haml
+++ b/views/layout.haml
@@ -10,11 +10,7 @@
.logo= image_tag "/ToxCreate_rgb_72.png", :alt => 'ToxCreate', :align => "right"
- -#.headline
- .logo
- .span1="Tox"
- .span2="Create"
%li{:class => ("selected" if /\/create/ =~ request.path )}
@@ -27,7 +23,7 @@
= link_to "Help", "/help"
- - if `hostname`.match(/ot-test|ot-dev/)
+ - if `hostname`.match(/ot-test/)
This service is for testing purposes only - once a week all models will be deleted. Please send bug reports and feature requests to our
%a{:href => ''} issue tracker.
diff --git a/views/lazar.haml b/views/lazar.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..057b1cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/lazar.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ %table
+ %tr
+ %th= @title.gsub(/_lazar_.*$/,' ').capitalize
+ %th Prediction
+ %th
+ %a{:href => "#", :id => "linkConfidence#{p.object_id}"} Confidence
+ :javascript
+ $("a#linkConfidence#{p.object_id}").click(function () {
+ $("dl#confidence").toggle();
+ });
+ -#%th
+ Significant fragments
+ = haml :fragment, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => nil}, :layout => false
+ -#%th Additional data
+ %tr
+ %td
+ %img{:src => @compound.display_smarts_uri(@features[:activating].keys,@features[:deactivating].keys, params[:highlight]), :alt => @compound.smiles}
+ %td
+ - if @measured_activities
+ %br
+ - @measured_activities.each do |a|
+ - if activity(a) == 'active'
+ .active
+ = activity(a)
+ - elsif activity(a) == 'inactive'
+ .inactive
+ = activity(a)
+ - else
+ = a
+ %br
+ (
+ %a{:href => "#", :id => "linkTrainingData#{p.object_id}"} Training data
+ :javascript
+ $("a#linkTrainingData#{p.object_id}").click(function () {
+ $("dl#training_data").toggle();
+ });
+ )
+ - else
+ - if activity(@activity) == 'active'
+ .active
+ = activity(@activity)
+ - elsif activity(@activity) == 'inactive'
+ .inactive
+ = activity(@activity)
+ - elsif @activity.is_a?(Float)
+ .other
+ = sprintf('%.03g', @activity)
+ - else
+ .other
+ %em= @activity.to_s
+ %td= sprintf('%.03g', @confidence.to_f.abs) if @confidence
+ -#%td
+ %table
+ - unless @features[:activating].empty?
+ %tr
+ %th activating
+ %th p value
+ - if @features[:activating]
+ - @features[:activating].sort{|a,b| b.last <=> a.last }.each do |f|
+ %tr
+ - if @highlight == f[0]
+ %td.selected= haml :fragment, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => f[0]}, :layout => false
+ %td.selected= f[1]
+ - else
+ %td= haml :fragment, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => f[0]}, :layout => false
+ %td= f[1]
+ - unless @features[:deactivating].empty?
+ %tr
+ %th deactivating
+ %th p value
+ - if @features[:deactivating]
+ - @features[:deactivating].sort{|a,b| b.last <=> a.last }.each do |f|
+ %tr
+ - if @highlight == f[0]
+ %td.selected= haml :fragment, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => f[0]}, :layout => false
+ %td.selected= f[1]
+ - else
+ %td= haml :fragment, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => f[0]}, :layout => false
+ %td= f[1]
+ -#%td
+ %tr
+ %th
+ Neighbors
+ = haml :prev, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => @highlight, :page => @page, :size => @neighbors.size}, :layout => false
+ = "(#{5*@page+1}-#{5*@page+5}/#{@neighbors.size})"
+ = haml :next, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => @highlight, :page => @page, :size => @neighbors.size}, :layout => false
+ %th Activity
+ %th Similarity (activity specific)
+ -#%th
+ Significant fragemnts
+ = haml :fragment, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => nil}, :layout => false
+ -#%th Additional data
+ -#%th Exclude
+ - first = 5*@page
+ - last = first+4
+ - @neighbors.sort{|a,b| b.last[:similarity] <=> a.last[:similarity]}[first..last].each do |uri,data|
+ - c = => uri)
+ %tr
+ %td
+ -#%br
+ %a{:href => c.display_smarts_uri(data[:features][:activating].collect{|f| f[:smarts]}, data[:features][:deactivating].collect{|f| f[:smarts]}, params[:highlight])} #{c.smiles}
+ %br
+ %img{:src => c.display_smarts_uri(data[:features][:activating].collect{|f| f[:smarts]}, data[:features][:deactivating].collect{|f| f[:smarts]}, params[:highlight]), :alt => c.smiles}
+ %td
+ - data[:activities].each do |act|
+ - if activity(act) == 'active'
+ .active
+ = activity(act)
+ - elsif activity(act) == 'inactive'
+ .inactive
+ = activity(act)
+ - elsif act.is_a?(Float)
+ .other
+ = sprintf('%.03g', act)
+ - else
+ .other
+ %em= act.to_s
+ %td
+ = sprintf('%.03g', data[:similarity])
+ -#%td
+ %table
+ - unless data[:features][:activating].empty?
+ %tr
+ %th activating
+ %th p value
+ - data[:features][:activating].sort{|a,b| b[:p_value] <=> a[:p_value] }.each do |f|
+ %tr
+ - if @highlight == f[:smarts]
+ %td.selected= haml :fragment, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => f[:smarts]}, :layout => false
+ %td.selected= f[:p_value]
+ - else
+ %td= haml :fragment, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => f[:smarts]}, :layout => false
+ %td= f[:p_value]
+ - unless data[:features][:deactivating].empty?
+ %tr
+ %th deactivating
+ %th p value
+ - data[:features][:deactivating].sort{|a,b| b[:p_value] <=> a[:p_value] }.each do |f|
+ %tr
+ - if @highlight == f[:smarts]
+ %td.selected= haml :fragment, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => f[:smarts]}, :layout => false
+ %td.selected= f[:p_value]
+ - else
+ %td= haml :fragment, :locals => {:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :model_uri => @model_uri, :smarts => f[:smarts]}, :layout => false
+ %td= f[:p_value]
+ -#%td
+ -#%td
+%dl#confidence{ :style => "display: none;" }
+ %dt Confidence:
+ %dd Indicates the applicability domain of a model. Predictions with a high confidence can be expected to be more reliable than predictions with low confidence. Confidence values may take any value between 0 and 1. For most models confidence &gt; 0.025 is a sensible (hard) cutoff to distiguish between reliable and unreliable predictions.
+%dl#training_data{ :style => "display: none;" }
+ %dt Training data:
+ %dd Experimental result(s) from the training dataset are displayed here.
diff --git a/views/next.haml b/views/next.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7a2b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/next.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- unless 5*page.to_i+5 >= size
+ %form{:name => "form", :action => url_for('/lazar'), :method => "post", :enctype => "multipart/form-data" }
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :compound_uri, :value => compound_uri}
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :model_uri, :value => model_uri}
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :highlight, :value => smarts}
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :page, :value => page.to_i+1}
+ %input{ :type => "submit", :value => "&gt;&gt;"}
diff --git a/views/prediction.haml b/views/prediction.haml
index 1edb2e8..94d7987 100644
--- a/views/prediction.haml
+++ b/views/prediction.haml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
%th{:colspan => @predictions.size+1}
= @identifier
- %th
+ %td
%img{:src => @compound.image_uri, :alt => @compound.smiles}
- @predictions.each do |p|
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@
+ %br
+ %form{:name => "form", :action => url_for('/lazar'), :method => "post", :enctype => "multipart/form-data" }
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :compound_uri, :value => @compound.uri}
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :model_uri, :value => p[:model_uri]}
+ %input{ :type => "submit", :value => "Details"}
%dl#confidence{ :style => "display: none;" }
%dt Confidence:
diff --git a/views/prev.haml b/views/prev.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a00579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/prev.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+- unless page.to_i == 0
+ %form{:name => "form", :action => url_for('/lazar'), :method => "post", :enctype => "multipart/form-data" }
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :compound_uri, :value => compound_uri}
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :model_uri, :value => model_uri}
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :highlight, :value => smarts}
+ %input{:type => :hidden, :name => :page, :value => page.to_i-1}
+ %input{ :type => "submit", :value => "&lt;&lt;"}
diff --git a/views/style.sass b/views/style.sass
index 1900517..ce579e3 100644
--- a/views/style.sass
+++ b/views/style.sass
@@ -138,6 +138,32 @@ body
padding: 0
height: 100%
+ .lazar-predictions
+ clear: both
+ margin-top: 2%
+ table
+ border-spacing: 0
+ border-collapse: collapse
+ margin: 0
+ th
+ border: 1px solid
+ color: $body_color
+ background-color: $fg_color
+ //border: 1px solid
+ margin: 0.5em
+ td
+ border: 1px solid
+ background-color: $bg_color2
+ padding: 0.5em
+ table
+ font-size: x-small
+ td
+ border: none
+ td.selected
+ background-color: blue
+ //img
+ padding: 0
+ //height: 100%
padding: 0em 1em
background-color: $bg_color2