diff options
1 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/application.rb b/application.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a892c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+['rubygems', "haml", "sass", "rack-flash"].each do |lib|
+ require lib
+gem "opentox-ruby", "~> 0"
+require 'opentox-ruby'
+gem 'sinatra-static-assets'
+require 'sinatra/static_assets'
+require 'ftools'
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'model.rb')
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'helper.rb')
+#require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'parser.rb')
+use Rack::Session::Cookie, :expire_after => 28800,
+ :secret => "ui6vaiNi-change_me"
+use Rack::Flash
+helpers do
+ def error(message)
+ @model.error_messages = message
+ LOGGER.error message
+ @model.status = "Error"
+ #@dataset.delete
+ flash[:notice] = message
+ redirect url_for('/create')
+ end
+ private
+ def delete_model(model, subjectid=nil)
+ task = OpenTox::Task.create("Deleting model: #{model.uri}",url_for("/delete",:full)) do |task|
+ begin RestClient.put(File.join(model.task_uri, 'Cancelled'),subjectid) if model.task_uri rescue LOGGER.warn "Can not cancel task #{model.task_uri}" end
+ task.progress(15)
+ delete_dependent(model.uri, subjectid) if model.uri
+ task.progress(30)
+ delete_dependent(model.validation_uri, subjectid) if model.validation_uri
+ task.progress(45)
+ delete_dependent(model.validation_report_uri, subjectid) if model.validation_report_uri
+ task.progress(60)
+ delete_dependent(model.validation_qmrf_uri, subjectid) if model.validation_qmrf_uri
+ task.progress(75)
+ delete_dependent(model.training_dataset, subjectid) if model.training_dataset
+ task.progress(90)
+ delete_dependent(model.feature_dataset, subjectid) if model.feature_dataset
+ task.progress(100)
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ def delete_dependent(uri, subjectid=nil)
+ begin
+ RestClient.delete(uri, :subjectid => subjectid) if subjectid
+ RestClient.delete(uri) if !subjectid
+ rescue
+ LOGGER.warn "Can not delete uri: #{uri}"
+ end
+ end
+before do
+ #unless env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET" or ( env['REQUEST_URI'] =~ /\/login$/ and env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" ) or !AA_SERVER
+ if !logged_in and !( env['REQUEST_URI'] =~ /\/login$/ and env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" ) #or !AA_SERVER
+ login("guest","guest")
+ #flash[:notice] = "You have to login first to do this."
+ #redirect url_for('/login')
+ end
+ #end
+get '/?' do
+ redirect url_for('/create')
+get '/login' do
+ haml :login
+get '/models/?' do
+ @models = ToxCreateModel.all(:order => [ :created_at.desc ])
+ subjectstring = session[:subjectid] ? "?subjectid=#{CGI.escape(session[:subjectid])}" : ""
+ #@models.each { |model| model.process }
+ haml :models, :locals=>{:models=>@models, :subjectstring => subjectstring}
+get '/model/:id/status/?' do
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
+ model = ToxCreateModel.get(params[:id])
+ #percentage_completed = task.metadata[OT.percentageCompleted] if (task = OpenTox::Task.exist?(model.task_uri))
+ begin
+ haml :model_status, :locals=>{:model=>model}, :layout => false
+ rescue
+ return "unavailable"
+ end
+get '/model/:id/progress/?' do
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
+ model = ToxCreateModel.get(params[:id])
+ if model.task_uri
+ if (OpenTox::Task.exist?(model.task_uri))
+ task = OpenTox::Task.exist?(model.task_uri)
+ percentage_completed = task.percentageCompleted
+ end
+ begin
+ haml :model_progress, :locals=>{:percentage_completed=>percentage_completed}, :layout => false
+ rescue
+ return "unavailable"
+ end
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+get '/model/:id/name/?' do
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
+ model = ToxCreateModel.get(params[:id])
+ begin
+ case params[:mode]
+ when 'edit'
+ haml :model_name_edit, :locals=>{:model=>model}, :layout => false
+ when 'show'
+ haml :model_name, :locals=>{:model=>model}, :layout => false
+ else
+ params.inspect
+ end
+ rescue
+ return "unavailable"
+ end
+put '/model/:id/?' do
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
+ model = ToxCreateModel.get(params[:id])
+ begin
+ if params[:name] && != params[:name]
+ = params[:name]
+ end
+ redirect url_for("/model/#{}/name?mode=show")
+ rescue
+ return "unavailable"
+ end
+get '/model/:id/:view/?' do
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
+ model = ToxCreateModel.get(params[:id])
+ subjectstring = session[:subjectid] ? "?subjectid=#{CGI.escape(session[:subjectid])}" : ""
+ begin
+ #model.process
+ case params[:view]
+ when "model"
+ haml :model, :locals=>{:model=>model,:subjectstring => subjectstring}, :layout => false
+ when /validation/
+ haml :validation, :locals=>{:model=>model,:subjectstring => subjectstring}, :layout => false
+ else
+ return "unable to render model: id #{params[:id]}, view #{params[:view]}"
+ end
+ rescue
+ return "unable to render model: id #{params[:id]}, view #{params[:view]}"
+ end
+get '/predict/?' do
+ @models = ToxCreateModel.all(:order => [ :created_at.desc ])
+ @models = @models.collect{|m| m if m.status == 'Completed'}.compact
+ haml :predict
+get '/create' do
+ haml :create
+get '/help' do
+ haml :help
+get "/confidence" do
+ haml :confidence
+# proxy to get data from compound service
+# (jQuery load does not work with external URIs)
+get %r{/compound/(.*)} do |inchi|
+ inchi = URI.unescape request.env['REQUEST_URI'].sub(/^\//,'').sub(/.*compound\//,'')
+ OpenTox::Compound.from_inchi(inchi).to_names.join(', ')
+post '/models' do # create a new model
+ unless params[:file] and params[:file][:tempfile] #params[:endpoint] and
+ flash[:notice] = "Please upload a Excel or CSV file."
+ redirect url_for('/create')
+ end
+ unless logged_in()
+ logout
+ flash[:notice] = "Please login to create a new model."
+ redirect url_for('/create')
+ end
+ subjectid = session[:subjectid] ? session[:subjectid] : nil
+ @model = ToxCreateModel.create(:name => params[:file][:filename].sub(/\..*$/,""), :subjectid => subjectid)
+ @model.update :web_uri => url_for("/model/#{}", :full), :warnings => ""
+ task = OpenTox::Task.create("Uploading dataset and creating lazar model",url_for("/models",:full)) do |task|
+ @model.update :status => "Uploading and saving dataset"
+ begin
+ @dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.create(nil, subjectid)
+ # check format by extension - not all browsers provide correct content-type])
+ case File.extname(params[:file][:filename])
+ when ".csv"
+ csv = params[:file][:tempfile].read
+ LOGGER.debug csv
+ @dataset.load_csv(csv, subjectid)
+ when ".xls", ".xlsx"
+ @dataset.load_spreadsheet( params[:file][:tempfile].path, subjectid)
+ else
+ error "#{params[:file][:filename]} has a unsupported file type."
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ error "Dataset creation failed with #{e.message}"
+ end
+ task.progress(10)
+ if @dataset.compounds.size < 10
+ error "Too few compounds to create a prediction model. Did you provide compounds in SMILES format and classification activities as described in the #{link_to "instructions", "/excel_format"}? As a rule of thumb you will need at least 100 training compounds for nongeneric datasets. A lower number could be sufficient for congeneric datasets."
+ end
+ if @dataset.features.keys.size != 1
+ error "More than one feature in dataset #{params[:file][:filename]}. Please delete irrelvant columns and try again."
+ end
+ if @dataset.metadata[OT.Errors]
+ error "Incorrect file format. Please follow the instructions for #{link_to "Excel", "/excel_format"} or #{link_to "CSV", "/csv_format"} formats."
+ end
+ @model.training_dataset = @dataset.uri
+ @model.nr_compounds = @dataset.compounds.size
+ @model.warnings = @dataset.metadata[OT.Warnings] unless @dataset.metadata[OT.Warnings].empty?
+ @model.update :status => "Creating prediction model"
+ task.progress(15)
+ begin
+ lazar = OpenTox::Model::Lazar.create(:dataset_uri => @dataset.uri, :subjectid => subjectid)
+ rescue => e
+ error "Model creation failed with '#{e.message}'. Please check if the input file is in a valid #{link_to "Excel", "/excel_format"} or #{link_to "CSV", "/csv_format"} format."
+ end
+ task.progress(25)
+ @model.feature_dataset = lazar.metadata[OT.featureDataset]
+ @model.uri = lazar.uri
+ case lazar.metadata[OT.isA]
+ when /Classification/
+ @model.type = "classification"
+ when /Regression/
+ @model.type = "regression"
+ else
+ @model.type = "unknown"
+ end
+ unless url_for("",:full).match(/localhost/)
+ @model.update :status => "Validating model"
+ begin
+ validation = OpenTox::Crossvalidation.create(
+ {:algorithm_uri => lazar.metadata[OT.algorithm],
+ :dataset_uri => lazar.parameter("dataset_uri"),
+ :subjectid => subjectid,
+ :prediction_feature => lazar.parameter("prediction_feature"),
+ :algorithm_params => "feature_generation_uri=#{lazar.parameter("feature_generation_uri")}"},
+ nil,,25,80))
+ @model.update(:validation_uri => validation.uri)
+ LOGGER.debug "Validation URI: #{@model.validation_uri}"
+ rescue => e
+ LOGGER.debug "Model validation failed with #{e.message}."
+ @model.warnings += "Model validation failed with #{e.message}."
+ end
+ # create summary
+ validation.summary(subjectid).each do |k,v|
+ LOGGER.debug "mr ::: k: #{k.inspect} - v: #{v.inspect}"
+ begin
+ eval "@model.#{k.to_s} = v" if v
+ rescue
+ eval "@model.#{k.to_s} = 0"
+ end
+ end
+ @model.update :status => "Creating validation report"
+ begin
+ @model.update(:validation_report_uri => validation.find_or_create_report(subjectid,,80,90))) unless @model.dirty?
+ rescue => e
+ LOGGER.debug "Validation report generation failed with #{e.message}."
+ @model.warnings += "Validation report generation failed with #{e.message}."
+ end
+ @model.update :status => "Creating QMRF report"
+ begin
+ #@model.update(:validation_qmrf_report_uri => validation.create_qmrf_report(subjectid)) unless @model.dirty?
+ qmrf_report = OpenTox::Crossvalidation::QMRFReport.create(@model.uri, subjectid,,90,99))
+ @model.update(:validation_qmrf_uri => qmrf_report.uri)
+ rescue => e
+ LOGGER.debug "Validation QMRF report generation failed with #{e.message}."
+ @model.warnings += "Validation QMRF report generation failed with #{e.message}."
+ end
+ end
+ #@model.warnings += "<p>Incorrect Smiles structures (ignored):</p>" + parser.smiles_errors.join("<br/>") unless parser.smiles_errors.empty?
+ #@model.warnings += "<p>Irregular activities (ignored):</p>" + parser.activity_errors.join("<br/>") unless parser.activity_errors.empty?
+ #duplicate_warnings = ''
+ #parser.duplicates.each {|inchi,lines| duplicate_warnings += "<p>#{lines.join('<br/>')}</p>" if lines.size > 1 }
+ #@model.warnings += "<p>Duplicated structures (all structures/activities used for model building, please make sure, that the results were obtained from <em>independent</em> experiments):</p>" + duplicate_warnings unless duplicate_warnings.empty?
+ @model.update :status => "Completed"
+ lazar.uri
+ end
+ @model.update(:task_uri => task.uri)
+ flash[:notice] = "Model creation and validation started - this may last up to several hours depending on the number and size of the training compounds."
+ redirect url_for('/models')
+post '/predict/?' do # post chemical name to model
+ subjectid = session[:subjectid] ? session[:subjectid] : nil
+ @identifier = params[:identifier]
+ unless params[:selection] and params[:identifier] != ''
+ flash[:notice] = "Please enter a compound identifier and select an endpoint from the list."
+ redirect url_for('/predict')
+ end
+ begin
+ @compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_name(params[:identifier])
+ rescue
+ flash[:notice] = "Could not find a structure for '#{@identifier}'. Please try again."
+ redirect url_for('/predict')
+ end
+ @predictions = []
+ params[:selection].keys.each do |id|
+ model = ToxCreateModel.get(id.to_i)
+ #model.process unless model.uri
+ prediction = nil
+ confidence = nil
+ title = nil
+ db_activities = []
+ lazar = model.uri
+ prediction_dataset_uri ={:compound_uri => @compound.uri, :subjectid => subjectid})
+ prediction_dataset = OpenTox::LazarPrediction.find(prediction_dataset_uri, subjectid)
+ if prediction_dataset.metadata[OT.hasSource].match(/dataset/)
+ @predictions << {
+ :title =>,
+ :measured_activities => prediction_dataset.measured_activities(@compound)
+ }
+ else
+ predicted_feature = prediction_dataset.metadata[OT.dependentVariables]
+ prediction = OpenTox::Feature.find(predicted_feature)
+ LOGGER.debug prediction.to_yaml
+ if prediction.metadata[OT.error]
+ @predictions << {
+ :title =>,
+ :error => prediction.metadata[OT.error]
+ }
+ else
+ @predictions << {
+ :title =>,
+ :model_uri => model.uri,
+ :prediction => prediction.metadata[OT.prediction],
+ :confidence => prediction.metadata[OT.confidence]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ # TODO failed/unavailable predictions
+ source = prediction.creator
+ if[@compound.uri]
+ if source.to_s.match(/model/) # real prediction
+ prediction =[@compound.uri].first.values.first
+ #LOGGER.debug prediction[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#classification")]
+ #LOGGER.debug prediction[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#confidence")]
+ if !prediction[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#classification")].nil?
+ @predictions << {
+ :title =>,
+ :model_uri => model.uri,
+ :prediction => prediction[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#classification")],
+ :confidence => prediction[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#confidence")]
+ }
+ elsif !prediction[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#regression")].nil?
+ @predictions << {
+ :title =>,
+ :model_uri => model.uri,
+ :prediction => prediction[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#regression")],
+ :confidence => prediction[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#confidence")]
+ }
+ end
+ else # database value
+ prediction =[@compound.uri].first.values
+ @predictions << {:title =>, :measured_activities => prediction}
+ end
+ else
+ @predictions << {:title =>, :prediction => "not available (not enough similar compounds in the training dataset)"}
+ end
+ end
+ LOGGER.debug @predictions.inspect
+ haml :prediction
+post "/lazar/?" do # get detailed prediction
+ @page = 0
+ @page = params[:page].to_i if params[:page]
+ @model_uri = params[:model_uri]
+ lazar = @model_uri
+ prediction_dataset_uri = => params[:compound_uri], :subjectid => params[:subjectid])
+ @prediction = OpenTox::LazarPrediction.find(prediction_dataset_uri, session[:subjectid])
+ @compound =[:compound_uri])
+ #@title = prediction.metadata[DC.title]
+ # TODO dataset activity
+ #@activity = prediction.metadata[OT.prediction]
+ #@confidence = prediction.metadata[OT.confidence]
+ #@neighbors = []
+ #@features = []
+# if[@compound.uri]
+# if @prediction.creator.to_s.match(/model/) # real prediction
+# p =[@compound.uri].first.values.first
+# if !p[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#classification")].nil?
+# feature = File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#classification")
+# elsif !p[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#regression")].nil?
+# feature = File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#regression")
+# end
+# @activity = p[feature]
+# @confidence = p[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#confidence")]
+# @neighbors = p[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#neighbors")]
+# @features = p[File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-model"],"lazar#features")]
+# else # database value
+# @measured_activities =[@compound.uri].first.values
+# end
+# else
+# @activity = "not available (no similar compounds in the training dataset)"
+# end
+ haml :lazar
+post '/login' do
+ if session[:subjectid] != nil
+ flash[:notice] = "You are already logged in as user: #{session[:username]}. Please log out first."
+ redirect url_for('/login')
+ end
+ if params[:username] == '' || params[:password] == ''
+ flash[:notice] = "Please enter username and password."
+ redirect url_for('/login')
+ end
+ if login(params[:username], params[:password])
+ flash[:notice] = "Welcome #{session[:username]}!"
+ redirect url_for('/create')
+ #haml :create
+ else
+ flash[:notice] = "Login failed. Please try again."
+ haml :login
+ end
+post '/logout' do
+ logout
+ redirect url_for('/login')
+delete '/model/:id/?' do
+ model = ToxCreateModel.get(params[:id])
+ raise"Model with id: #{params[:id]} not found!") unless model
+ begin
+ delete_model(model, @subjectid)
+ model.destroy
+ unless ToxCreateModel.get(params[:id])
+ begin
+ aa = OpenTox::Authorization.delete_policies_from_uri(model.web_uri, @subjectid)
+ LOGGER.debug "Policy deleted for Dataset URI: #{uri} with result: #{aa}"
+ rescue
+ LOGGER.warn "Policy delete error for Dataset URI: #{uri}"
+ end
+ end
+ flash[:notice] = "#{} model deleted."
+ rescue
+ flash[:notice] = "#{} model delete error."
+ end
+ redirect url_for('/models')
+delete '/?' do
+ DataMapper.auto_migrate!
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
+ "All Models deleted."
+# SASS stylesheet
+get '/stylesheets/style.css' do
+ headers 'Content-Type' => 'text/css; charset=utf-8'
+ sass :style