path: root/views/lazar.haml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'views/lazar.haml')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/views/lazar.haml b/views/lazar.haml
index deb0c18..6ae6b20 100644
--- a/views/lazar.haml
+++ b/views/lazar.haml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-%p= link_to "New prediction", "/predict"
- -# explanations
- = haml :lazar_algorithm, :layout => false
- = haml :confidence, :layout => false
- = haml :similarity, :layout => false
- = haml :significant_fragments, :layout => false
- = haml :training_data, :layout => false
- %a{:name => "prediction"}
- %table
- %thead
- %tr
- %th= @prediction.title
- %th= toggle_link("#lazar_algorithm","Prediction")
- %th= toggle_link("#confidence","Confidence")
- %th Supporting information
- %tr
- -# %td
- %img{:src => @compound.to_image_uri, :alt => @compound.to_smiles}
- %td.image= compound_image(@compound,@prediction.descriptors(@compound))
- %td= activity_markup(@prediction.value(@compound))
- %td= sprintf('%.03g', @prediction.confidence(@compound))
- -#%td= @prediction.confidence(@compound)
- %td
- %ul
- %li
- %a{:href => "#prediction", :id => "show_names"} Names and synonyms
- :javascript
- $("a#show_names").click(function () {
- $("#compound_names").load("#{File.join("/compound",@compound.inchi)}");
- $("tr#names").toggle();
- });
- %li= toggle_link("#fragments","Significant fragments")
- -# This does not work, ask nina/vedrin
- -# %li
- %a{:href => "{@compound.smiles}", :rel => "external"} Ambit data
- -# %li
- %a{:href => "{URI.encode('"'+@compound.inchi+'"[InChI]')}", :rel => "external"} PubChem data
+%p= link_to "New prediction", "/predict"
+ -# explanations
+ = haml :lazar_algorithm, :layout => false
+ = haml :confidence, :layout => false
+ = haml :similarity, :layout => false
+ = haml :significant_fragments, :layout => false
+ = haml :training_data, :layout => false
+ %a{:name => "prediction"}
+ %table
+ %thead
+ %tr
+ %th= @prediction.title
+ %th= toggle_link("#lazar_algorithm","Prediction")
+ %th= toggle_link("#confidence","Confidence")
+ %th Supporting information
+ %tr
+ -# %td
+ %img{:src => @compound.to_image_uri, :alt => @compound.to_smiles}
+ %td.image= compound_image(@compound,@prediction.descriptors(@compound))
+ %td= activity_markup(@prediction.value(@compound))
+ %td= sprintf('%.03g', @prediction.confidence(@compound))
+ -#%td= @prediction.confidence(@compound)
+ %td
+ %ul
+ %li
+ %a{:href => "#prediction", :id => "show_names"} Names and synonyms
+ :javascript
+ $("a#show_names").click(function () {
+ $("#compound_names").load("#{File.join("/compound",@compound.inchi)}");
+ $("tr#names").toggle();
+ });
+ %li= toggle_link("#fragments","Significant fragments")
+ -# This does not work, ask nina/vedrin
+ -# %li
+ %a{:href => "{@compound.smiles}", :rel => "external"} Ambit data
+ -# %li
+ %a{:href => "{URI.encode('"'+@compound.inchi+'"[InChI]')}", :rel => "external"} PubChem data
- -# %li
- %a{:href => "{URI.encode @compound.inchi}", :rel => "external"} ToxNet data
- -#
- %tr#names{ :style => "display: none;" }
- %td{:colspan => '4'}
- %a{:name => 'names'}
- = hide_link('#names')
- #compound_names
- %tr#fragments{ :style => "display: none;" }
- %td{:colspan => '4'}
- = hide_link('#fragments')
- = haml :feature_table, :locals => {:features => sort(@prediction.descriptors(@compound))}, :layout => false
- %tbody#neighbors
- = haml :neighbors, :locals => {:neighbors => @prediction.neighbors(@compound), :page => @page}, :layout => false
+ -# %li
+ %a{:href => "{URI.encode @compound.inchi}", :rel => "external"} ToxNet data
+ -#
+ %tr#names{ :style => "display: none;" }
+ %td{:colspan => '4'}
+ %a{:name => 'names'}
+ = hide_link('#names')
+ #compound_names
+ %tr#fragments{ :style => "display: none;" }
+ %td{:colspan => '4'}
+ = hide_link('#fragments')
+ = haml :feature_table, :locals => {:features => sort(@prediction.descriptors(@compound))}, :layout => false
+ %tbody#neighbors
+ = haml :neighbors, :locals => {:neighbors => @prediction.neighbors(@compound), :page => @page}, :layout => false