AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-07-13fix invalid HTMLmr
2011-07-13fix invalid HTMLmr
2011-07-12fix broken prediction details
2011-07-12fix broken prediction details
2011-07-11modify error handling in toxcreate model creationmguetlein
2011-07-11do not refresh when an error occursmr
2011-06-16add notice if there are no modelsmr
2011-06-16replace GMT with %Zmr
2011-06-16add GMT to time informationmr
2011-06-16external links for classification validationmr
2011-06-15cactvs name lookup disabledopentox
2011-06-15Merge branch 'hotfix/v2.0.1' into developmentmr
2011-06-15Merge branch 'hotfix/v2.0.1'mr
2011-06-15comment select ambit datamr
2011-06-14activity markup fixedChristoph Helma
2011-05-31regression example dataset addedChristoph Helma
2011-05-30cached predictions fixedChristoph Helma
2011-05-30cached predictions fixedChristoph Helma
2011-05-25fixing nil errormguetlein
2011-05-24Merge branch 'development' of into developmentChristoph Helma
2011-05-24error message if prediction value nilChristoph Helma
2011-05-24Changed hamster to true/false schemaAndreas Maunz
2011-05-23Merge branch 'development' of into developmentChristoph Helma
2011-05-23opentox-ruby version fixedChristoph Helma
2011-05-23Merge branch 'master' of
2011-05-23Merge branch 'release/2.0.0' into developmentmr
2011-05-23Merge branch 'release/2.0.0'v2.0.0mr
2011-05-23configure new version requested opentox-ruby gemmr
2011-05-16Merge branch 'development' of into developmentChristoph Helma
2011-05-16haml format error fixed in views/lazar.hamlChristoph Helma
2011-05-16haml error in lazar.hamlmr
2011-05-13Merge branch 'hotfix/login_page_haml_3' into developmentmr
2011-05-13Merge branch 'hotfix/login_page_haml_3'mr
2011-05-13fix haml 3 errormr
2011-05-12checkboxes move to leftDenis Gebele
2011-05-11label cursor changesDenis Gebele
2011-05-09copyrights for JME, image fix for Safari browserDenis Gebele
2011-05-05fix cancelling task on deletionmr
2011-05-05Merge branch 'hotfix/fix_external_datasets_seletion' into developmentmr
2011-05-05Merge branch 'hotfix/fix_external_datasets_seletion'mr
2011-05-05fix deletion of external datasetsmr
2011-05-04to_f conversionmr
2011-05-04Merge branch 'hotfix/regression_experimental_advice'mr
2011-05-04regression is experimental remark on create viewmr
2011-05-04create view: regression models are experimentalmr
2011-05-02link to excel csv help on upload errormr
2011-05-02link to excel csv help on upload errormr
2011-05-02link to excel csv help on upload errormr
2011-05-02first line added to example datasetsChristoph Helma
2011-04-19Merge branch 'hotfix/float_error_in_regession_validation_view'mr