.input This service creates %ul %li = toggle_link("#lazar_description","lazar") %em= toggle_link("#classification","classification") models and %li = toggle_link("#lazar_description","lazar") %em= toggle_link("#regression","regression") models from your uploaded datasets. Further modelling algorithms will be added in future versions. %p Please read the = link_to "instructions for creating training datasets", '/help' before submitting. %form{ :action => url_for('/models'), :method => "post", :enctype => "multipart/form-data" } %input{:type => 'hidden', :name => 'subjectid', :id => 'subjectid', :value => session[:subjectid]} %fieldset %label{:for => 'file'} Select training data in = link_to "Excel", '/help' or = link_to "CSV", '/help' format: %input{:type => 'file', :name => 'file', :id => 'file', :size => '41'} %input{ :type => "submit", :value => "Create model"} = link_to "Cancel", '/create' -# explanations = haml :lazar_description, :layout => false = haml :classification, :layout => false = haml :regression, :layout => false = haml :endpoint, :layout => false = haml :unit, :layout => false .login_notice - if session[:username] == "guest" You are currently logged in as %b guest and your models can be modified or deleted by other guests. Please = link_to "log in", "/login" with your %a{:href => "www.opentox.org"} OpenTox account to control your model permissions.