!!! %html{:xmlns => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "xml:lang" => "en", :lang => "en"} %head %meta{'http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', :content => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'} %title ToxCreate %script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "#{url_for('/javascripts/jquery.js')}"} %script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "#{url_for('/javascripts/toxcreate.js')}"} %script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "#{url_for('/javascripts/jquery-ui-progressbar.js')}"} %link{:rel=>'stylesheet', :href=>"#{url_for('/stylesheets/style.css')}", :type => "text/css"} %link{:rel=>'stylesheet', :href=>"#{url_for('/progressbar/progressbar.css')}", :type => "text/css"} %body .logo %img{:src => "#{url_for('/ToxCreate_rgb_72.png')}", :alt => 'ToxCreate', :align => 'right'}/ %br Creates computational models to predict toxicity .index %ul %li{:class => ("selected" if /\/create|echa|ambit|feature/ =~ request.path )} = link_to "Create", "/create" %li{:class => ("selected" if /models/ =~ request.path )} = link_to "Inspect", "/models" %li{:class => ("selected" if /predict|lazar/ =~ request.path )} = link_to "Predict", "/predict" - if AA_SERVER %li{:class => ("selected" if /login/ =~ request.path )} = link_to "Login", "/login" %li{:class => ("selected" if /help/ =~ request.path )} = link_to "Help", "/help" .content .login_info - if session[:username].size > 0 User: %b= session[:username] - if `hostname`.match(/ot-test/) .notice This service is for testing purposes only - once a week all models will be deleted. Please send bug reports and feature requests to our %a{:href => 'http://github.com/opentox/toxcreate/issues', :rel => "external"} issue tracker. - if flash[:notice] %p .notice#flashnotice = flash[:notice] = yield .footer Disclaimer: ToxCreate uses state-of-the-art published and tested algorithms and methodologies with full validation information. However, just as with experimental measurements, computational predictions are subject to varying degrees of accuracy and uncertainty, so please read the full report carefully, particularly the validation information. No liability is accepted for any inaccuracy in predictions. %p - tag = `git tag`.split("\n").last - tagdate = `git show #{tag}|grep Date`.split("\n").last Version: = tag , = tagdate © %a{:href => 'http://www.in-silico.ch', :rel => "external"} in silico toxicology 2009-2012, powered by %a{:href => 'http://www.opentox.org', :rel => "external"} OpenTox (a project funded by the %a{:href => "http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/", :rel => "external"} 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission)