!!! %html{:xmlns => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "xml:lang" => "en", :lang => "en"} %head %meta{'http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', :content => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'} %title lazar (Lazy Structure Activity Relationships) %script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "javascripts/jquery.js"} %script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "javascripts/toxcreate.js"} %script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "javascripts/jquery-ui-progressbar.js"} %link{:rel=>'stylesheet', :href=>'stylesheets/style.css', :type => "text/css"} %link{:rel=>'stylesheet', :href=>'progressbar/progressbar.css', :type => "text/css"} %body .logo %h1= "Lazar Toxicity Predictions" .index %ul -#%li{:class => ("selected" if /\/create|echa|ambit|feature/ =~ request.path )} -#= link_to "Create", "/create" %li{:class => ("selected" if /predict|lazar/ =~ request.path )} = link_to "Prediction", "/predict" %li{:class => ("selected" if /models/ =~ request.path )} = link_to "Validation", "/models" - if AA_SERVER -#%li{:class => ("selected" if /login/ =~ request.path )} -#= link_to "Login", "/login" -#%li{:class => ("selected" if /help/ =~ request.path )} -#= link_to "Documentation", "/help" .content .login_info - if session[:username].size > 0 User: %b= session[:username] .notice This is an experimental version based on %a{:href => "http://www.opentox.org", :rel => "external"} OpenTox services. Please report problems and feature requests to our %a{:href => 'http://github.com/opentox/toxcreate/issues', :rel => "external"} issue tracker. - if `hostname`.match(/ot-test/) .notice This service is for testing purposes only - once a week all models will be deleted. Please send bug reports and feature requests to our %a{:href => 'http://github.com/opentox/toxcreate/issues', :rel => "external"} issue tracker. - if flash[:notice] %p .notice#flashnotice = flash[:notice] = yield .footer © %a{:href => 'http://www.in-silico.ch', :rel => "external"} in silico toxicology gmbh 2004-2011