- stati = @models.map{|m| "#{m.id}" if m.status !~ /Completed|Error/}.compact - stati_to_check = stati.length > 0 ? stati.join(", ") : stati = 0 :javascript $(function() { if(#{stati != 0}) { setTimeout('checkStati("#{stati_to_check}", "#{subjectstring}")',5000); } var reload_validation = true; //if(reload_validation) setTimeout('checkValidation()',15000); }); -# %p Get an overview about ToxCreate models. This page is refreshed every 15 seconds to update the model status. %p Get an overview about ToxCreate models. This page is refreshed every 5 seconds to update the model status. -# explanations = haml :lazar_description, :layout => false = haml :classification, :layout => false = haml :regression, :layout => false - @models.each do |model| = haml :model, :locals=>{:model=>model,:subjectstring=>subjectstring}, :layout => false