path: root/lib/prediction_data.rb
diff options
authormguetlein <>2011-12-13 11:20:04 +0100
committermguetlein <>2011-12-13 11:20:04 +0100
commitd02b54b2c58d2d71e29700bbedbb38768d6c9e35 (patch)
treef1605efcc90744581e450bea6e2587dd9e8d7511 /lib/prediction_data.rb
parentcc5e2bb442a45351a191d1b69d03412991a20500 (diff)
add filtering of validation reports
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/prediction_data.rb')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/prediction_data.rb b/lib/prediction_data.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..154d11a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/prediction_data.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+module Lib
+ class PredictionData
+ CHECK_VALUES = ENV['RACK_ENV'] =~ /debug|test/
+ def self.filter_data( data, compounds, min_confidence, min_num_predictions, max_num_predictions, prediction_index=nil )
+ raise "please specify either min_confidence or max_num_predictions" if
+ (min_confidence!=nil and max_num_predictions!=nil) || (min_confidence==nil and max_num_predictions==nil)
+ raise "min_num_predictions only valid for min_confidence" if
+ (min_confidence==nil and min_num_predictions!=nil)
+ min_num_predictions = 0 if min_num_predictions==nil
+ LOGGER.debug("filtering predictions, conf:'"+min_confidence.to_s+"' min_num_predictions: '"+
+ min_num_predictions.to_s+"' max_num_predictions: '"+max_num_predictions.to_s+"' ")
+ orig_size = data[:predicted_values].size
+ valid_indices = []
+ data[:confidence_values].size.times do |i|
+ next if prediction_index!=nil and prediction_index!=data[:predicted_values][i]
+ valid = false
+ if min_confidence!=nil
+ valid = (valid_indices.size<=min_num_predictions or data[:confidence_values][i]>=min_confidence)
+ else
+ valid = valid_indices.size<max_num_predictions
+ end
+ valid_indices << i if valid
+ end
+ [ :predicted_values, :actual_values, :confidence_values ].each do |key|
+ arr = []
+ valid_indices.each{|i| arr << data[key][i]}
+ data[key] = arr
+ end
+ if compounds!=nil
+ new_compounds = []
+ valid_indices.each{|i| new_compounds << compounds[i]}
+ end
+ LOGGER.debug("filtered predictions remaining: "+data[:predicted_values].size.to_s+"/"+orig_size.to_s)
+, new_compounds)
+ end
+ def data
+ @data
+ end
+ def compounds
+ @compounds
+ end
+ def self.create( feature_type, test_dataset_uris, test_target_dataset_uris,
+ prediction_feature, prediction_dataset_uris, predicted_variables, predicted_confidences,
+ subjectid=nil, task=nil )
+ test_dataset_uris = [test_dataset_uris] unless test_dataset_uris.is_a?(Array)
+ test_target_dataset_uris = [test_target_dataset_uris] unless test_target_dataset_uris.is_a?(Array)
+ prediction_dataset_uris = [prediction_dataset_uris] unless prediction_dataset_uris.is_a?(Array)
+ predicted_variables = [predicted_variables] unless predicted_variables.is_a?(Array)
+ predicted_confidences = [predicted_confidences] unless predicted_confidences.is_a?(Array)
+ LOGGER.debug "loading prediction -- test-dataset: "+test_dataset_uris.inspect
+ LOGGER.debug "loading prediction -- test-target-datset: "+test_target_dataset_uris.inspect
+ LOGGER.debug "loading prediction -- prediction-dataset: "+prediction_dataset_uris.inspect
+ LOGGER.debug "loading prediction -- predicted_variable: "+predicted_variables.inspect
+ LOGGER.debug "loading prediction -- predicted_confidence: "+predicted_confidences.inspect
+ LOGGER.debug "loading prediction -- prediction_feature: "+prediction_feature.to_s
+ raise "prediction_feature missing" unless prediction_feature
+ all_compounds = []
+ all_predicted_values = []
+ all_actual_values = []
+ all_confidence_values = []
+ accept_values = nil
+ if task
+ task_step = 100 / (test_dataset_uris.size*2 + 1)
+ task_status = 0
+ end
+ test_dataset_uris.size.times do |i|
+ test_dataset_uri = test_dataset_uris[i]
+ test_target_dataset_uri = test_target_dataset_uris[i]
+ prediction_dataset_uri = prediction_dataset_uris[i]
+ predicted_variable = predicted_variables[i]
+ predicted_confidence = predicted_confidences[i]
+ predicted_variable=prediction_feature if predicted_variable==nil
+ test_dataset = Lib::DatasetCache.find test_dataset_uri,subjectid
+ raise "test dataset not found: '"+test_dataset_uri.to_s+"'" unless test_dataset
+ if test_target_dataset_uri == nil || test_target_dataset_uri.strip.size==0 || test_target_dataset_uri==test_dataset_uri
+ test_target_dataset_uri = test_dataset_uri
+ test_target_dataset = test_dataset
+ raise "prediction_feature not found in test_dataset, specify a test_target_dataset\n"+
+ "prediction_feature: '"+prediction_feature.to_s+"'\n"+
+ "test_dataset: '"+test_target_dataset_uri.to_s+"'\n"+
+ "available features are: "+test_target_dataset.features.inspect if test_target_dataset.features.keys.index(prediction_feature)==nil
+ else
+ test_target_dataset = Lib::DatasetCache.find test_target_dataset_uri,subjectid
+ raise "test target datset not found: '"+test_target_dataset_uri.to_s+"'" unless test_target_dataset
+ test_dataset.compounds.each do |c|
+ raise "test compound not found on test class dataset "+c.to_s unless test_target_dataset.compounds.include?(c)
+ end
+ end
+ raise "prediction_feature not found in test_target_dataset\n"+
+ "prediction_feature: '"+prediction_feature.to_s+"'\n"+
+ "test_target_dataset: '"+test_target_dataset_uri.to_s+"'\n"+
+ "available features are: "+test_target_dataset.features.inspect if test_target_dataset.features.keys.index(prediction_feature)==nil
+ end
+ compounds = test_dataset.compounds
+ LOGGER.debug "test dataset size: "+compounds.size.to_s
+ raise "test dataset is empty "+test_dataset_uri.to_s unless compounds.size>0
+ if feature_type=="classification"
+ av = test_target_dataset.accept_values(prediction_feature)
+ raise "'"+OT.acceptValue.to_s+"' missing/invalid for feature '"+prediction_feature.to_s+"' in dataset '"+
+ test_target_dataset_uri.to_s+"', acceptValues are: '"+av.inspect+"'" if av==nil or av.length<2
+ if accept_values==nil
+ accept_values=av
+ else
+ raise "accept values (in folds) differ "+av.inspect+" != "+accept_values.inspect if av!=accept_values
+ end
+ end
+ actual_values = []
+ compounds.each do |c|
+ case feature_type
+ when "classification"
+ actual_values << classification_val(test_target_dataset, c, prediction_feature, accept_values)
+ when "regression"
+ actual_values << regression_val(test_target_dataset, c, prediction_feature)
+ end
+ end
+ task.progress( task_status += task_step ) if task # loaded actual values
+ prediction_dataset = Lib::DatasetCache.find prediction_dataset_uri,subjectid
+ raise "prediction dataset not found: '"+prediction_dataset_uri.to_s+"'" unless prediction_dataset
+ # allow missing prediction feature if there are no compounds in the prediction dataset
+ raise "predicted_variable not found in prediction_dataset\n"+
+ "predicted_variable '"+predicted_variable.to_s+"'\n"+
+ "prediction_dataset: '"+prediction_dataset_uri.to_s+"'\n"+
+ "available features are: "+prediction_dataset.features.inspect if prediction_dataset.features.keys.index(predicted_variable)==nil and prediction_dataset.compounds.size>0
+ raise "predicted_confidence not found in prediction_dataset\n"+
+ "predicted_confidence '"+predicted_confidence.to_s+"'\n"+
+ "prediction_dataset: '"+prediction_dataset_uri.to_s+"'\n"+
+ "available features are: "+prediction_dataset.features.inspect if predicted_confidence and prediction_dataset.features.keys.index(predicted_confidence)==nil and prediction_dataset.compounds.size>0
+ raise "more predicted than test compounds, #test: "+compounds.size.to_s+" < #prediction: "+
+ prediction_dataset.compounds.size.to_s+", test-dataset: "+test_dataset_uri.to_s+", prediction-dataset: "+
+ prediction_dataset_uri if compounds.size < prediction_dataset.compounds.size
+ prediction_dataset.compounds.each do |c|
+ raise "predicted compound not found in test dataset:\n"+c+"\ntest-compounds:\n"+
+ compounds.collect{|c| c.to_s}.join("\n") if compounds.index(c)==nil
+ end
+ end
+ predicted_values = []
+ confidence_values = []
+ count = 0
+ compounds.each do |c|
+ if prediction_dataset.compounds.index(c)==nil
+ predicted_values << nil
+ confidence_values << nil
+ else
+ case feature_type
+ when "classification"
+ predicted_values << classification_val(prediction_dataset, c, predicted_variable, accept_values)
+ when "regression"
+ predicted_values << regression_val(prediction_dataset, c, predicted_variable)
+ end
+ if predicted_confidence
+ confidence_values << confidence_val(prediction_dataset, c, predicted_confidence)
+ else
+ confidence_values << nil
+ end
+ end
+ count += 1
+ end
+ all_compounds += compounds
+ all_predicted_values += predicted_values
+ all_actual_values += actual_values
+ all_confidence_values += confidence_values
+ task.progress( task_status += task_step ) if task # loaded predicted values and confidence
+ end
+ #sort according to confidence if available
+ if all_confidence_values.compact.size>0
+ values = []
+ all_predicted_values.size.times do |i|
+ values << [all_predicted_values[i], all_actual_values[i], all_confidence_values[i], all_compounds[i]]
+ end
+ values = values.sort_by{ |v| v[2] || 0 }.reverse # sorting by confidence
+ all_predicted_values = []
+ all_actual_values = []
+ all_confidence_values = []
+ all_compounds = []
+ values.each do |v|
+ all_predicted_values << v[0]
+ all_actual_values << v[1]
+ all_confidence_values << v[2]
+ all_compounds << v[3]
+ end
+ end
+ raise "illegal num compounds "+all_compounds.size.to_s+" != "+all_predicted_values.size.to_s if
+ all_compounds.size != all_predicted_values.size
+ task.progress(100) if task # done with the mathmatics
+ data = { :predicted_values => all_predicted_values, :actual_values => all_actual_values, :confidence_values => all_confidence_values,
+ :feature_type => feature_type, :accept_values => accept_values }
+, all_compounds)
+ end
+ private
+ def initialize( data, compounds )
+ @data = data
+ @compounds = compounds
+ end
+ private
+ def self.regression_val(dataset, compound, feature)
+ v = value(dataset, compound, feature)
+ begin
+ v = v.to_f unless v==nil or v.is_a?(Numeric)
+ v
+ rescue
+ LOGGER.warn "no numeric value for regression: '"+v.to_s+"'"
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def self.confidence_val(dataset, compound, confidence)
+ v = value(dataset, compound, confidence)
+ begin
+ v = v.to_f unless v==nil or v.is_a?(Numeric)
+ v
+ rescue
+ LOGGER.warn "no numeric value for confidence '"+v.to_s+"'"
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def self.classification_val(dataset, compound, feature, accept_values)
+ v = value(dataset, compound, feature)
+ i = accept_values.index(v.to_s)
+ raise "illegal class_value of prediction (value is '"+v.to_s+"'), accept values are "+
+ accept_values.inspect unless v==nil or i!=nil
+ i
+ end
+ def self.value(dataset, compound, feature)
+ return nil if dataset.data_entries[compound]==nil
+ if feature==nil
+ v = dataset.data_entries[compound].values[0]
+ else
+ v = dataset.data_entries[compound][feature]
+ end
+ return nil if v==nil
+ raise "no array "+v.class.to_s+" : '"+v.to_s+"'" unless v.is_a?(Array)
+ if v.size>1
+ v.uniq!
+ if v.size>1
+ v = nil
+ LOGGER.warn "not yet implemented: multiple non-equal values "+compound.to_s+" "+v.inspect
+ else
+ v = v[0]
+ end
+ elsif v.size==1
+ v = v[0]
+ else
+ v = nil
+ end
+ raise "array" if v.is_a?(Array)
+ v = nil if v.to_s.size==0
+ v
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file