require 'rubygems' gem "opentox-ruby" [ 'sinatra', 'sinatra/url_for', 'opentox-ruby', 'benchmark' ].each do |lib| require lib end #unless(defined? LOGGER) #LOGGER = #LOGGER.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S " #end #require "error_application.rb" require "example.rb" get '/examples/?' do LOGGER.debug "list examples" if request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] =~ /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" OpenTox.text_to_html Example.transform_example,@subjectid else content_type "text/plain" Example.transform_example end end get '/prepare_examples/?' do LOGGER.debug "prepare examples" content_type "text/plain" return_task(Example.prepare_example_resources) end post '/test_examples/?' do examples = params[:examples] "test examples "+examples.to_s content_type "text/plain" Example.test_examples(examples) end require "test/test_application.rb" require "nightly/nightly_application.rb" # order is important, first add example methods and reports, than validation # (otherwise sinatra will try to locate a validation with name examples or report) require "report/report_application.rb" require "reach_reports/reach_application.rb" require "validation/validation_application.rb"