module Lib def self.compute_variance( old_variance, n, new_mean, old_mean, new_value ) # use revursiv formular for computing the variance # ( see Tysiak, Folgen: explizit und rekursiv, ISSN: 0025-5866 # ) return (n>1 ? old_variance * (n-2)/(n-1) : 0) + (new_mean - old_mean)**2 + (n>1 ? (new_value - new_mean)**2/(n-1) : 0 ) end module MergeObjects @@merge_count = {} @@avg_attributes = {} @@sum_attributes = {} @@non_numeric_attributes = {} def self.merge_array_objects( array ) return nil if array.size == nil return array[0] if array.size==1 m = self.merge_objects(array[0], array[1]) (2..array.size-1).each do |i| m = self.merge_objects(m, array[i] ) end return m end def self.merged?(object) return merge_count(object)>1 end def self.merge_count( object ) @@merge_count[object] = 1 if @@merge_count[object]==nil return @@merge_count[object] end def self.merge_objects( object1, object2 ) internal_server_error "classes not equal : "+object1.class.to_s+" != "+object2.class.to_s if object1.class != object2.class object_class = object1.class internal_server_error "register which attributes to merge first, nothing found for class "+object_class.to_s unless merge_attributes_registered?(object_class) internal_server_error "not supported, successivly add unmerged object to a merge object" if merge_count(object2)>1 new_object = # actually instance_variables would be appropriate, but the datamanager creates objects dynamically object1.public_methods.each do |method| v = method.to_sym if merge_attribute?(object_class, v) old_variance = (avg_attribute?(object_class,v) and variance_attribute?(new_object,v)) ? object1.send(variance_symbol(v)) : nil m = merge_value( object_class, v, object1.send(v), object2.send(v), merge_count(object1), old_variance ) new_object.send("#{v.to_s}=".to_sym, m[:value]) new_object.send("#{v.to_s}_variance=".to_sym, m[:variance]) if (m[:variance] and variance_attribute?(new_object,v)) end end set_merge_count(new_object,merge_count(object1)+1) return new_object end def self.register_merge_attributes( object_class, avg_attributes, sum_attributes, non_numeric_attributes) @@avg_attributes[object_class] = avg_attributes + avg_attributes.collect{ |a| (a.to_s+"_ranking").to_sym } @@sum_attributes[object_class] = sum_attributes @@non_numeric_attributes[object_class] = non_numeric_attributes end def self.merge_attributes_registered?( object_class ) [ @@avg_attributes, @@sum_attributes, @@non_numeric_attributes ].each{ |map| return false unless map.has_key?(object_class) } return true end protected def self.merge_value( object_class, attribute, value1, value2, weight1=1, variance1=nil ) variance = nil if (avg=avg_attribute?(object_class, attribute)) || sum_attribute?(object_class, attribute) # we string to numerics if wanted, value1 is no string anymore if weight>1 if value2.is_a?(String) and ((weight1==1 and value1.is_a?(String)) or (weight1>1 and value1.is_a?(Numeric))) value1 = value1.to_f value2 = value2.to_f end if (value1==nil and value2==nil ) #do nothing elsif value1.is_a?(Numeric) and value2.is_a?(Numeric) if avg value = (value1 * weight1 + value2) / (weight1 + 1).to_f; variance = Lib::compute_variance( variance1!=nil ? variance1 : 0, weight1+1, value, value1, value2 ) else value = value1 + value2 end elsif value1.is_a?(Array) and value2.is_a?(Array) internal_server_error "cannot merge arrays with unequal sizes" if !value2.is_a?(Array) || value1.size!=value2.size value = [] variance = [] if avg (0..value1.size-1).each do |i| if avg value << (value1[i] * weight1 + value2[i]) / (weight1 + 1).to_f; variance << Lib::compute_variance( (variance1!=nil && variance1[i]!=nil) ? variance1[i] : 0, weight1+1, value[-1], value1[i], value2[i] ) else value << value1[i] + value2[i] end end elsif value1.is_a?(Hash) and value2.is_a?(Hash) value = {} variance = {} if avg value1.keys.each do |k| if avg value[k] = (value1[k] * weight1 + value2[k]) / (weight1 + 1).to_f; variance[k] = Lib::compute_variance( (variance1!=nil && variance1[k]!=nil) ? variance1[k] : 0, weight1+1, value[k], value1[k], value2[k] ) else value[k] = value1[k] + value2[k] end end else internal_server_error "invalid, cannot avg/sum non-numeric content for attribute: "+attribute.to_s+" contents: '"+value1.to_s+"' ("+ value1.class.to_s+"), '"+value2.to_s+"' ("+value2.class.to_s+")" end elsif non_numeric_attribute?(object_class, attribute) if (value1.is_a?(Hash) and value2.is_a?(Hash)) value = {} value1.keys.each do |k| if merge_attribute?(object_class, k) m = merge_value( object_class, k, value1[k], value2[k], weight1, (variance1!=nil ? variance1[k] : nil) ) value[k] = m[:value] value[variance_symbol(k)] = m[:variance] if m[:variance] end end elsif value1.is_a?(Array) internal_server_error "non-numerical arrays not yet supported" else if value1==nil && value2==nil value = nil elsif value1.to_s != value2.to_s value = value1.to_s + ";" + value2.to_s else value = value2.to_s end end else internal_server_error "invalid type '"+attribute.to_s+"'" end {:value => value, :variance => variance } end def self.set_merge_count(object, merge_count) @@merge_count[object] = merge_count end def self.avg_attribute?(object_class, attribute) return @@avg_attributes[object_class].index(attribute) != nil end def self.sum_attribute?(object_class, attribute) return @@sum_attributes[object_class].index(attribute) != nil end def self.non_numeric_attribute?(object_class, attribute) return @@non_numeric_attributes[object_class].index(attribute) != nil end def self.merge_attribute?(object_class, attribute) return avg_attribute?(object_class, attribute)|| sum_attribute?(object_class, attribute) || non_numeric_attribute?(object_class,attribute) end def self.variance_symbol(attribute) return (attribute.to_s+"_variance").to_sym end def self.variance_attribute?(object, attribute) return false unless avg_attribute?(object.class, attribute) begin return object.respond_to?( variance_symbol(attribute) ) rescue return false end end end class MergeTest attr_accessor :string, :integer, :float, :hash_value, :float, :float_array, :float_variance, :float_array_variance, :is_nil AVG = [:float, :float_array, :int_key ] SUM = [:integer ] ELSE = [:string, :hash_value, :is_nil] def to_s res = [:is_nil, :string, :integer, :float, :hash_value, :float_array].collect do |var| variance = nil begin variance = "+-"+send((var.to_s+"_variance")).inspect if AVG.index(var)!=nil rescue end var.to_s+":"+send(var).inspect+variance.to_s end res.join(" ") end def self.demo to_merge = [] p = p.string = "asdf" p.integer = 39 p.float = 78.6 p.float_array = [1, 2] p.hash_value = {:mixed_key=>80, :string_key=>"tu", :int_key=>70} to_merge << p p = p.string = "jkl" p.integer = 25 p.float = 35.6 p.float_array = [1, 3] p.hash_value = {:mixed_key=>"bla", :string_key=>"iu", :int_key=>34} to_merge << p p = p.string = "qwert" p.integer = 100 p.float = 100 p.float_array = [2, 3] p.hash_value = {:mixed_key=>45, :string_key=>"op", :int_key=>20} to_merge << p puts "single:\n"+to_merge.collect{|t| t.to_s+"\n"}.to_s+"\n" MergeObjects.register_merge_attributes(to_merge[0].class, AVG, SUM, ELSE) puts "merged:\n"+MergeObjects.merge_array_objects(to_merge).to_s end end end #Lib::MergeTest.demo