ENV['JAVA_HOME'] = "/usr/bin" unless ENV['JAVA_HOME'] ENV['PATH'] = ENV['JAVA_HOME']+":"+ENV['PATH'] unless ENV['PATH'].split(":").index(ENV['JAVA_HOME']) ENV['RANK_PLOTTER_JAR'] = "RankPlotter/RankPlotter.jar" unless ENV['RANK_PLOTTER_JAR'] CONF_PLOT_RANGE = { :accuracy => [0.45,1.05], :true_positive_rate => [0.45,1.05],:true_negative_rate => [0.45,1.05], :false_positive_rate => [0.45,1.05], :false_negative_rate => [0.45,1.05], :positive_predictive_value => [0.45,1.05], :negative_predictive_value => [0.45,1.05], :r_square => [0, 1.05], :sample_correlation_coefficient => [0, 1.05], :concordance_correlation_coefficient => [0, 1.05] } class Array def swap!(i,j) tmp = self[i] self[i] = self[j] self[j] = tmp end # summing up values of fields where array __groups__ has equal values # EXAMPLE # self: [1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2] # __groups__: [100, 90, 70, 70, 30, 10, 0] # returns: # [ 1, 0, 3, 3, 0, 2] # (fields with equal value 70 are compressed) # PRECONDITION # __groups__ has to be sorted def compress_sum(groups) compress(groups) do |a,b| a+b end end # see compress_sum, replace sum with max def compress_max(groups) compress(groups) do |a,b| a > b ? a : b end end private def compress(groups) raise "length not equal" unless self.size==groups.size raise "to small" unless self.size>=2 a = [ self[0] ] (1..groups.size-1).each do |i| if groups[i]!=groups[i-1] a << self[i] else a[-1] = yield a[-1],self[i] end end a end end module Reports module PlotFactory def self.create_regression_plot( out_files, validation_set, name_attribute, logscale=true ) out_files = [out_files] unless out_files.is_a?(Array) LOGGER.debug "Creating regression plot, out-file:"+out_files.to_s omit_count = 0 names = [] x = [] y = [] validation_set.validations.each do |v| x_i = v.get_predictions.predicted_values y_i = v.get_predictions.actual_values # filter out nil-predictions and <=0 predictions if log-scale wanted valid_indices = [] x_i.size.times do |i| if x_i[i]!=nil and y_i[i]!=nil if !logscale or (x_i[i]>0 and y_i[i]>0) valid_indices << i else omit_count += 1 end end end if valid_indices.size < x_i.size x_i = valid_indices.collect{ |i| x_i[i] } y_i = valid_indices.collect{ |i| y_i[i] } end if x_i.size>0 names << ( name_attribute==:crossvalidation_fold ? "fold " : "" ) + v.send(name_attribute).to_s x << x_i y << y_i end end names = [""] if names.size==1 omit_str = omit_count>0 ? " ("+omit_count.to_s+" predictions omitted)" : "" raise "no predictions performed"+omit_str if x.size==0 || x[0].size==0 out_files.each do |out_file| RubyPlot::regression_point_plot(out_file, "Regression plot", "Predicted values", "Actual values", names, x, y, logscale) end omit_count end def self.create_train_test_plot( out_files, validation_set, only_prediction_feature, waiting_task ) if only_prediction_feature train = [] test = [] validation_set.validations.each do |v| [[v.test_dataset_uri, test, v.test_target_dataset_uri], [v.training_dataset_uri, train, v.training_dataset_uri]].each do |uri,array,uri2| d = Lib::DatasetCache.find(uri, validation_set.validations[0].subjectid) d2 = Lib::DatasetCache.find((uri2 ? uri2 : uri), validation_set.validations[0].subjectid) d.compounds.each do |c| d2.data_entries[c][v.prediction_feature].each do |val| array << val end if d2.data_entries[c] and d2.data_entries[c][v.prediction_feature] end end end waiting_task.progress(50) if waiting_task numerical = validation_set.unique_feature_type=="regression" Reports::r_util.double_hist_plot(out_files, train, test, numerical, numerical, "Training Data", "Test Data", "Prediction Feature Distribution", validation_set.validations.first.prediction_feature ) else binary = validation_set.validations[0].bbrc_training_features Reports::r_util.feature_value_plot(out_files, validation_set.validations[0].training_feature_dataset_uri, validation_set.validations[0].test_feature_dataset_uri, "Training Data", "Test Data", (binary ? "binary" : "numerical"), validation_set.validations[0].prediction_feature, validation_set.validations[0].subjectid, waiting_task ) end end # creates a roc plot (result is plotted into out_file) # * if (split_set_attributes == nil?) # * the predictions of all validations in the validation set are plotted as one average roc-curve # * if (show_single_curves == true) -> the single predictions of each validation are plotted as well # * if (split_set_attributes != nil?) # * the validation set is splitted into sets of validation_sets with equal attribute values # * each of theses validation sets is plotted as a roc-curve # def self.create_roc_plot( out_files, validation_set, class_value, split_set_attribute=nil, x_label="False positive rate", y_label="True Positive Rate" ) out_files = [out_files] unless out_files.is_a?(Array) LOGGER.debug "creating roc plot for '"+validation_set.size.to_s+"' validations, out-files:"+out_files.inspect data = [] if split_set_attribute attribute_values = validation_set.get_values(split_set_attribute) attribute_values.each do |value| begin data << transform_roc_predictions(validation_set.filter({split_set_attribute => value}), class_value, false ) data[-1].name = split_set_attribute.to_s.nice_attr+" "+value.to_s rescue LOGGER.warn "could not create ROC plot for "+value.to_s end end else data << transform_roc_predictions(validation_set, class_value ) end out_files.each do |out_file| RubyPlot::plot_lines(out_file, "ROC-Plot", x_label, y_label, data ) end end def self.confidence_plot_class_performance( validation_set, performance_attribute, performance_accept_value ) true_class = nil if performance_accept_value==nil perf = performance_attribute.to_s.nice_attr else invert_true_class = (validation_set.get_accept_values.size==2 and validation_set.get_true_accept_value==(validation_set.get_accept_values-[performance_accept_value])[0]) if invert_true_class && performance_attribute==:true_positive_rate perf = :true_negative_rate.to_s.nice_attr true_class = validation_set.get_true_accept_value elsif invert_true_class && performance_attribute==:positive_predictive_value perf = :negative_predictive_value.to_s.nice_attr true_class = validation_set.get_true_accept_value else perf = performance_attribute.to_s.nice_attr true_class = performance_accept_value end end title = perf+" vs Confidence Plot" title += " (with True-Class: '"+true_class.to_s+"')" if true_class!=nil {:title =>title, :performance => perf} end def self.create_confidence_plot( out_files, validation_set, performance_attribute, performance_accept_value, split_set_attribute=nil, show_single_curves=false ) out_files = [out_files] unless out_files.is_a?(Array) LOGGER.debug "creating confidence plot for '"+validation_set.size.to_s+"' validations, out-file:"+out_files.inspect if split_set_attribute attribute_values = validation_set.get_values(split_set_attribute) names = [] confidence = [] performance = [] attribute_values.each do |value| begin data = transform_confidence_predictions(validation_set.filter({split_set_attribute => value}), performance_attribute, performance_accept_value, false) names << split_set_attribute.to_s.nice_attr+" "+value.to_s confidence << data[:confidence][0] performance << data[:performance][0] rescue LOGGER.warn "could not create confidence plot for "+value.to_s end end out_files.each do |out_file| info = confidence_plot_class_performance( validation_set, performance_attribute, performance_accept_value ) RubyPlot::confidence_plot(out_file, info[:title], "Confidence", info[:performance], names, confidence, performance, CONF_PLOT_RANGE[performance_attribute]) end else data = transform_confidence_predictions(validation_set, performance_attribute, performance_accept_value, show_single_curves) out_files.each do |out_file| info = confidence_plot_class_performance( validation_set, performance_attribute, performance_accept_value ) RubyPlot::confidence_plot(out_file, info[:title], "Confidence", info[:performance], data[:names], data[:confidence], data[:performance], CONF_PLOT_RANGE[performance_attribute]) end end end def self.create_box_plot( out_files, validation_set, title_attribute, value_attribute, class_value ) out_files = [out_files] unless out_files.is_a?(Array) LOGGER.debug "creating box plot, out-files:"+out_files.inspect data = {} validation_set.validations.each do |v| value = v.send(value_attribute) if value.is_a?(Hash) if class_value==nil avg_value = 0 value.values.each{ |val| avg_value+=val } value = avg_value/value.values.size.to_f else raise "box plot value is hash, but no entry for class-value ("+class_value.to_s+ "); value for "+value_attribute.to_s+" -> "+value.inspect unless value.key?(class_value) value = value[class_value] end end data[v.send(title_attribute).to_s] = [] unless data[v.send(title_attribute).to_s] data[v.send(title_attribute).to_s] << value end data_array = [] data.each do |k,v| data_array << [k, v] end Reports::r_util.boxplot( out_files, data_array.sort) end def self.create_bar_plot( out_files, validation_set, title_attribute, value_attributes ) out_files = [out_files] unless out_files.is_a?(Array) LOGGER.debug "creating bar plot, out-files:"+out_files.inspect data = [] titles = [] labels = [] validation_set.validations.each do |v| values = [] value_attributes.each do |a| accept = validation_set.get_accept_values_for_attr(a) if accept and accept.size>0 accept.each do |class_value| value = v.send(a) if value.is_a?(Hash) if class_value==nil avg_value = 0 value.values.each{ |val| avg_value+=val } value = avg_value/value.values.size.to_f else raise "bar plot value is hash, but no entry for class-value ("+class_value.to_s+"); value for "+a.to_s+" -> "+value.inspect unless value.key?(class_value) value = value[class_value] end end raise "value is nil\nattribute: "+a.to_s+"\nvalidation: "+v.inspect if value==nil values.push(value) labels.push(a.to_s.gsub("_","-") + ( class_value==nil ? "" : "("+class_value.to_s+")" )) end else value = v.send(a) values.push(value) labels.push(a.to_s.gsub("_","-")) end end titles << v.send(title_attribute).to_s raise "no title for '"+title_attribute.to_s+"' in validation: "+v.to_yaml if titles[-1].to_s.size==0 data << values end titles = titles.remove_common_prefix (0..titles.size-1).each do |i| data[i] = [titles[i]] + data[i] end LOGGER.debug "bar plot labels: "+labels.inspect LOGGER.debug "bar plot data: "+data.inspect out_files.each do |out_file| RubyPlot::plot_bars('Bar plot', labels, data, out_file) end end def self.create_ranking_plot( out_file, validation_set, compare_attribute, equal_attribute, rank_attribute, class_value=nil ) #compute ranks #puts "rank attibute is "+rank_attribute.to_s rank_set = validation_set.compute_ranking([equal_attribute],rank_attribute,class_value) #puts compare_attribute #puts rank_set.to_array([:algorithm_uri, :dataset_uri, :percent_correct, :percent_correct_ranking]).collect{|a| a.inspect}.join("\n") #puts "\n" #compute avg ranks merge_set = rank_set.merge([compare_attribute]) #puts merge_set.to_array([:algorithm_uri, :dataset_uri, :percent_correct, :percent_correct_ranking]).collect{|a| a.inspect}.join("\n") comparables = merge_set.get_values(compare_attribute) ranks = merge_set.get_values((rank_attribute.to_s+"_ranking").to_sym,false) plot_ranking( rank_attribute.to_s+" ranking", comparables, ranks, nil, #0.1, validation_set.num_different_values(equal_attribute), out_file) end protected def self.plot_ranking( title, comparables_array, ranks_array, confidence = nil, numdatasets = nil, out_file = nil ) (confidence and numdatasets) ? conf = "-q "+confidence.to_s+" -k "+numdatasets.to_s : conf = "" out_file ? show = "-o" : show = "" (title and title.length > 0) ? tit = '-t "'+title+'"' : tit = "" #title = "-t \""+ranking_value_prop+"-Ranking ("+comparables.size.to_s+" "+comparable_prop+"s, "+num_groups.to_s+" "+ranking_group_prop+"s, p < "+p.to_s+")\" " cmd = "java -jar "+ENV['RANK_PLOTTER_JAR']+" "+tit+" -c '"+ comparables_array.join(",")+"' -r '"+ranks_array.join(",")+"' "+conf+" "+show #+" > /home/martin/tmp/test.svg" #puts "\nplotting: "+cmd LOGGER.debug "Plotting ranks: "+cmd.to_s res = "" IO.popen(cmd) do |f| while line = f.gets do res += line end end raise "rank plot failed" unless $?==0 if out_file f = File.new(out_file, "w") f.puts res end out_file ? out_file : res end def self.demo_ranking_plot puts plot_ranking( nil, ["naive bayes", "svm", "decision tree"], [1.9, 3, 1.5], 0.1, 50) #, "/home/martin/tmp/test.svg") end private def self.transform_roc_predictions(validation_set, class_value, add_label=true ) if (validation_set.size > 1) values = { :true_positives => [], :confidence_values => []} (0..validation_set.size-1).each do |i| roc_values = validation_set.get(i).get_predictions.get_roc_prediction_values(class_value) values[:true_positives ] += roc_values[:true_positives ] values[:confidence_values] += roc_values[:confidence_values] end else values = validation_set.validations[0].get_predictions.get_roc_prediction_values(class_value) end tp_fp_rates = get_tp_fp_rates(values) labels = [] tp_fp_rates[:youden].each do |point,confidence| labels << ["confidence: "+confidence.to_nice_s, point[0], point[1]] end if add_label RubyPlot::LinePlotData.new(:name => "", :x_values => tp_fp_rates[:fp_rate], :y_values => tp_fp_rates[:tp_rate], :labels => labels) end def self.transform_confidence_predictions(validation_set, performance_attribute, performance_accept_value, add_single_folds) feature_type = validation_set.unique_feature_type accept_values = validation_set.unique_feature_type=="classification" ? validation_set.get_accept_values : nil if (validation_set.size > 1) names = []; performance = []; confidence = []; faint = [] sum_confidence_values = { :predicted_values => [], :actual_values => [], :confidence_values => []} (0..validation_set.size-1).each do |i| confidence_values = validation_set.get(i).get_predictions.get_prediction_values(performance_attribute, performance_accept_value) sum_confidence_values[:predicted_values] += confidence_values[:predicted_values] sum_confidence_values[:confidence_values] += confidence_values[:confidence_values] sum_confidence_values[:actual_values] += confidence_values[:actual_values] if add_single_folds begin perf_conf_rates = get_performance_confidence_rates(confidence_values, performance_attribute, performance_accept_value, feature_type, accept_values) names << "fold "+i.to_s performance << perf_conf_rates[:performance] confidence << perf_conf_rates[:confidence] faint << true rescue LOGGER.warn "could not get confidence vals for fold "+i.to_s end end end perf_conf_rates = get_performance_confidence_rates(sum_confidence_values, performance_attribute, performance_accept_value, feature_type, accept_values) names << nil # "all" performance << perf_conf_rates[:performance] confidence << perf_conf_rates[:confidence] faint << false return { :names => names, :performance => performance, :confidence => confidence, :faint => faint } else confidence_values = validation_set.validations[0].get_predictions.get_prediction_values(performance_attribute, performance_accept_value) perf_conf_rates = get_performance_confidence_rates(confidence_values, performance_attribute, performance_accept_value, feature_type, accept_values) return { :names => [""], :performance => [perf_conf_rates[:performance]], :confidence => [perf_conf_rates[:confidence]] } end end def self.demo_roc_plot seed = 831 #rand(1000) puts seed srand seed plot_data = [] n = 250 a_cutoff = 0.5 a_real = [] a_class = [] n.times do |i| a_real << rand a_class << ( a_real[-1]>a_cutoff ? "a" : "b") end puts a_real.to_csv puts a_class.to_csv p_props = [[],[]] p_classes = [] 2.times do |index| if (index==0) p_noise = 0.15 p_cutoff = 0.8 else p_noise = 0.5 p_cutoff = 0.5 end p_real = [] p_class = [] p_prop = [] correct = [] n.times do |i| if rand<0.04 p_real << rand else p_real << (a_real[i] + ((rand * p_noise) * (rand<0.5 ? 1 : -1))) end p_prop << ((p_cutoff-p_real[i]).abs) p_class << ( p_real[-1]>p_cutoff ? "a" : "b") correct << ((p_class[i]==a_class[i]) ? 1 : 0) end puts "" puts p_real.to_csv puts p_class.to_csv puts p_prop.to_csv p_prop_max = p_prop.max p_prop_min = p_prop.min p_prop_delta = p_prop_max - p_prop_min n.times do |i| p_prop[i] = (p_prop[i] - p_prop_min)/p_prop_delta.to_f p_props[index][i] = p_prop[i] end puts p_prop.to_csv p_classes << p_class (0..n-2).each do |i| (i+1..n-1).each do |j| if p_prop[i] p_prop, :true_positives => correct} tp_fp_rates = get_tp_fp_rates(roc_values) labels = [] tp_fp_rates[:youden].each do |point,confidence| labels << ["confidence: "+confidence.to_s, point[0], point[1]] end plot_data << RubyPlot::LinePlotData.new(:name => "alg"+index.to_s, :x_values => tp_fp_rates[:fp_rate], :y_values => tp_fp_rates[:tp_rate]) #,:labels => labels) end puts "instance,class,prediction_1,propability_1,prediction_2,propability_2" n.times do |i| puts (i+1).to_s+","+a_class[i].to_s+","+p_classes[0][i].to_s+ ","+p_props[0][i].to_s+ ","+p_classes[1][i].to_s+","+p_props[1][i].to_s end RubyPlot::plot_lines("/tmp/plot.png", "ROC-Plot", "False positive rate", "True Positive Rate", plot_data ) end def self.get_performance_confidence_rates(pred_values, performance_attribute, performance_accept_value, feature_type, accept_values) c = pred_values[:confidence_values] p = pred_values[:predicted_values] a = pred_values[:actual_values] raise "no prediction values for confidence plot" if p.size==0 (0..p.size-2).each do |i| ((i+1)..p.size-1).each do |j| if c[i]0 && (c[i]>=conf[-1]-0.00001) perf.pop conf.pop end if (predictions == nil) data = {:predicted_values => [p[i]],:actual_values => [a[i]], :confidence_values => [c[i]], :feature_type => feature_type, :accept_values => accept_values} predictions = Lib::Predictions.new(data) else predictions.update_stats(p[i], a[i], c[i]) end val = predictions.send(performance_attribute) val = val[performance_accept_value] if val.is_a?(Hash) perf << val conf << c[i] end return {:performance => perf,:confidence => conf} end def self.get_tp_fp_rates(roc_values) c = roc_values[:confidence_values] tp = roc_values[:true_positives] raise "no prediction values for roc-plot" if tp.size==0 # hack for painting perfect/worst roc curve, otherwhise fp/tp-rate will always be 100% # determine if perfect/worst roc curve fp_found = false tp_found = false (0..tp.size-1).each do |i| if tp[i]==0 fp_found |= true else tp_found |=true end break if tp_found and fp_found end unless fp_found and tp_found #if perfect/worst add wrong/right instance with lowest confidence tp << (tp_found ? 0 : 1) c << -Float::MAX end (0..tp.size-2).each do |i| ((i+1)..tp.size-1).each do |j| if c[i]0 youden_hash[i] = c2[i] end end #puts youden.inspect+"\n"+youden_hash.inspect+"\n\n" (0..tp_rate.size-1).each do |i| tp_rate[i] = tp_rate[-1]>0 ? tp_rate[i]/tp_rate[-1].to_f*100 : 100 fp_rate[i] = fp_rate[-1]>0 ? fp_rate[i]/fp_rate[-1].to_f*100 : 100 end #puts tp_rate.inspect+"\n"+fp_rate.inspect+"\n\n" youden_coordinates_hash = {} youden_hash.each do |i,c| youden_coordinates_hash[[fp_rate[i],tp_rate[i]]] = c end #puts youden_coordinates_hash.inspect+"\n\n" return {:tp_rate => tp_rate,:fp_rate => fp_rate,:youden => youden_coordinates_hash} end end end #require "rubygems" #require "ruby-plot" ###Reports::PlotFactory::demo_ranking_plot #class Array # def sum # inject( nil ) { |sum,x| sum ? sum+x : x } # end # # def to_csv # s = "" # each do |x| # s += (x.is_a?(Float) ? ("%.3f"%x) : (" "+x.to_s) )+", " # end # s # end #end #Reports::PlotFactory::demo_roc_plot #a = [1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2] #puts a.compress_sum([100, 90, 70, 70, 30, 10, 0]).inspect #puts a.compress_max([100, 90, 70, 70, 30, 10, 0]).inspect