require "report/environment.rb" def perform begin $rep ="/report", :full)) unless $rep yield( $rep ) rescue Reports::NotFound => ex halt 404, ex.message rescue Reports::BadRequest => ex halt 400, ex.message rescue Exception => ex #LOGGER.error(ex.message) LOGGER.error "report error: "+ex.message LOGGER.error ": "+ex.backtrace.join("\n") raise ex # sinatra returns 501 #halt 500, ex.message end end get '/report/:type/css_style_sheet/?' do perform do |rs| "@import \""+params[:css_style_sheet]+"\";" end end get '/report/?' do perform do |rs| content_type "text/uri-list" rs.get_report_types end end get '/report/:report_type' do perform do |rs| content_type "text/uri-list" rs.get_all_reports(params[:report_type], params) end end post '/report/:type/:id/format_html' do perform do |rs| rs.get_report(params[:type],params[:id],"text/html",true,params) content_type "text/uri-list" rs.get_uri(params[:type],params[:id]) end end get '/report/:type/:id' do perform do |rs| accept_header = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] if accept_header =~ /MSIE/ "Changing MSIE accept-header to text/html" accept_header = "text/html" end #request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = "application/pdf" #QMRF-STUB if params[:type] == Reports::ReportFactory::RT_QMRF #raise"only 'application/qmrf-xml' provided so far") if accept_header != "application/qmrf-xml" content_type "application/qmrf-xml" result = body(OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get("")) else report = rs.get_report(params[:type],params[:id],accept_header) format = Reports::ReportFormat.get_format(accept_header) content_type format #PENDING: get_report should return file or string, check for result.is_file instead of format if format=="application/x-yaml" or format=="application/rdf+xml" report else result = body( end end end end get '/report/:type/:id/:resource' do #hack: using request.env['REQUEST_URI'].split("/")[-1] instead of params[:resource] because the file extension is lost perform do |rs| filepath = rs.get_report_resource(params[:type],params[:id],request.env['REQUEST_URI'].split("/")[-1]) types = MIME::Types.type_for(filepath) content_type(types[0].content_type) if types and types.size>0 and types[0] result = body( end end delete '/report/:type/:id' do perform do |rs| content_type "text/plain" rs.delete_report(params[:type],params[:id]) end end post '/report/:type' do task_uri = OpenTox::Task.as_task do perform do |rs| content_type "text/uri-list" rs.create_report(params[:type],params[:validation_uris]?params[:validation_uris].split(/\n|,/):nil) end end halt 202,task_uri end post '/report/:type/:id' do perform do |rs| #QMRF-STUB if params[:type] == Reports::ReportFactory::RT_QMRF #raise"only 'application/qmrf-xml' provided so far") if request.content_type != "application/qmrf-xml" input = request.env["rack.input"].read "save qmrf would have been successfull, received data with "+input.to_s.size.to_s+" characters, this is just a stub, changes discarded" else "operation not supported yet" end end end