REPORT_DIR = File.join(Dir.pwd,'/reports') require "lib/format_util.rb" # = Reports::ReportPersistance # # service that stores reports (Reports::ReportConent), and provides access in various formats # class Reports::ReportPersistance # lists all stored report ID-s of a certain type # # call-seq: # list_reports(type) => Array # def list_reports(type, filter_params) raise "not implemented" end # stores content of a report (Reports::ReportContent) and returns id # # call-seq: # new_report(report_content) => string # def new_report(report_content) raise "not implemented" end # returns a already created report (file path on server) in a certain format (converts to this format if it does not exist yet) # # call-seq: # get_report(type, id, format) => string # def get_report(type, id, format, force_formating, params) raise "not implemented" end # returns file path on server of a resource (i.e. image) of a report # # call-seq: # get_report_resource(type, id, resource) => string # def get_report_resource(type, id, resource) raise "not implemented" end # deletes a report # * returns true if deleting successfull # * returns false if report not found # * raises exception if error occurs # # call-seq: # delete_report(type, id) => boolean # def delete_report(type, id, subjectid=nil) raise "not implemented" end # raises exception if not valid id format def check_report_id_format(id) raise "not implemented" end end # = Reports::FileReportPersistance # # type of Reports::ReportPersistance, stores reports in file-system, see Reports::ReportPersistance for API documentation # class Reports::FileReportPersistance < Reports::ReportPersistance def initialize() FileUtils.mkdir REPORT_DIR unless raise "report cannot be found nor created" unless LOGGER.debug "reports are stored in "+REPORT_DIR end def list_reports(type, filter_params=nil) raise "filter params not supported" if filter_params ( - [".", ".."]).sort{|x,y| x.to_i <=> y.to_i} end def get_report(type, id, format, force_formating, params) report_dir = report_directory(type, id) raise_report_not_found(type, id) unless filename = "report."+Reports::ReportFormat.get_filename_extension(format) file_path = report_dir+"/"+filename return file_path if File.exist?(file_path) && !force_formating Reports::ReportFormat.format_report(report_dir, "report.xml", filename, format, force_formating, params) raise "formated file not found '"+file_path+"'" unless File.exist?(file_path) return file_path end def get_report_resource(type, id, resource) report_dir = report_directory(type, id) raise_report_not_found(type, id) unless file_path = report_dir+"/"+resource.to_s raise"resource not found, resource: '"+resource.to_s+"', type:'"+type.to_s+"', id:'"+id.to_s+"'") unless File.exist?(file_path) return file_path end def delete_report(type, id, subjectid=nil) report_dir = report_directory(type, id) raise_report_not_found(type, id) unless entries = ([".", ".."]).collect{|f| report_dir+"/"+f.to_s} FileUtils.rm(entries) FileUtils.rmdir report_dir raise "could not delete report directory '"+report_dir+"'" if return true end def check_report_id_format(id) raise "not valid report id format" unless id.to_s =~ /[0-9]+/ end def new_report(report_content, type, meta_data=nil, uri_provider=nil) new_report_with_id(report_content, type) end protected def new_report_with_id(report_content, type, force_id=nil) LOGGER.debug "storing new report of type "+type.to_s type_dir = type_directory(type) raise "type dir '"+type_dir+"' cannot be found nor created" unless if (force_id==nil) id = 1 while File.exist?( type_dir+"/"+id.to_s ) id += 1 end else raise "report with id '"+force_id.to_s+"' already exists, file system not consistent with db" if File.exist?( type_dir+"/"+force_id.to_s ) id = force_id end report_dir = type_dir+"/"+id.to_s FileUtils.mkdir(report_dir) raise "report dir '"+report_dir+"' cannot be created" unless xml_filename = report_dir+"/report.xml" xml_file =, "w") report_content.xml_report.write_to(xml_file, id) xml_file.close if (report_content.tmp_files) report_content.tmp_files.each do |k,v| tmp_filename = report_dir+"/"+k raise "tmp-file '"+tmp_filename.to_s+"' already exists" if File.exist?(tmp_filename) raise "tmp-file '"+v.to_s+"' not found" unless File.exist?(v),tmp_filename) raise "could not move tmp-file to '"+tmp_filename.to_s+"'" unless File.exist?(tmp_filename) end end return id end private def raise_report_not_found(type, id) raise"report not found, type:'"+type.to_s+"', id:'"+id.to_s+"'") end def type_directory(type) dir = REPORT_DIR+"/"+type FileUtils.mkdir dir.to_s unless ( return dir end def report_directory(type, id) type_dir = type_directory(type) raise "type dir '"+type_dir+"' cannot be found nor created" unless return type_dir+"/"+id.to_s end end module Reports #class ReportData < ActiveRecord::Base # serialize :validation_uris # serialize :crossvalidation_uris # serialize :algorithm_uris # serialize :model_uris # alias_attribute :date, :created_at class ReportData < Ohm::Model attribute :report_type attribute :date attribute :validation_uris attribute :crossvalidation_uris attribute :model_uris attribute :algorithm_uris index :report_type index :validation_uris index :crossvalidation_uris attr_accessor :subjectid def self.create(params={}) params[:date] = super params end def save super OpenTox::Authorization.check_policy(report_uri, subjectid) end def report_uri raise "no id" if Reports::ReportService.instance.get_uri(self.report_type, end def get_content_as_hash map = {} [ :date, :report_type, :validation_uris, :crossvalidation_uris, :algorithm_uris, :model_uris ].each do |p| map[p] = self.send(p) end map end def to_yaml get_content_as_hash.keys_to_rdf_format.keys_to_owl_uris.to_yaml end def to_rdf s = s.add_resource(report_uri,OT.Report,get_content_as_hash.keys_to_rdf_format.keys_to_owl_uris) s.to_rdfxml end end class ExtendedFileReportPersistance < FileReportPersistance def new_report(report_content, type, meta_data, uri_provider, subjectid=nil) raise "report meta data missing" unless meta_data meta_data[:report_type] = type report = ReportData.create(meta_data) report.subjectid = subjectid OpenTox::Authorization.check_policy(report.report_uri, subjectid) new_report_with_id(report_content, type, end def list_reports(type, filter_params={}) LOGGER.debug "find reports for params: "+filter_params.inspect reports = Lib::OhmUtil.find( ReportData, filter_params ) reports.collect{ |r| } end def get_report(type, id, format, force_formating, params) report = ReportData[id] raise"Report with id='"+id.to_s+"' and type='"+type.to_s+"' not found.") if report==nil or report.report_type!=type # begin # report = ReportData.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => id, :report_type => type}) # rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound # raise"Report with id='"+id.to_s+"' and type='"+type.to_s+"' not found.") # end case format when "application/rdf+xml" report.to_rdf when "application/x-yaml" report.to_yaml else super end end def delete_report(type, id, subjectid=nil) # begin # report = ReportData.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => id, :report_type => type}) # rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound # raise"Report with id='"+id.to_s+"' and type='"+type.to_s+"' not found.") # end # ReportData.delete(id) report = ReportData[id] raise"Report with id='"+id.to_s+"' and type='"+type.to_s+"' not found.") if report==nil || report.report_type!=type report.delete if (subjectid) begin res = OpenTox::Authorization.delete_policies_from_uri(report.report_uri, subjectid) LOGGER.debug "Deleted validation policy: #{res}" rescue LOGGER.warn "Policy delete error for validation: #{report.report_uri}" end end super end end end #module Reports # def self.check_filter_params(model, filter_params) # prop_names ={|p|} # filter_params.keys.each do |k| # key = k.to_s # unless prop_names.include?(key) # key = key.from_rdf_format # unless prop_names.include?(key) # key = key+"_uri" # unless prop_names.include?(key) # key = key+"s" # unless prop_names.include?(key) # err = "no attribute found: '"+k.to_s+"'" # if $sinatra # $sinatra.halt 400,err # else # raise err # end # end # end # end # end # filter_params[key] = filter_params.delete(k) # end # filter_params # end # # def ReportData.all( params ) # super Reports.check_filter_params( ReportData, params ) # end #end