#['rubygems', 'rexml/document' ].each do |g| # require g #end require "report/xml_report_util.rb" ENV['DOCBOOK_DIRECTORY'] = "docbook-xml-4.5" unless ENV['DOCBOOK_DIRECTORY'] ENV['REPORT_DTD'] = "docbookx.dtd" unless ENV['REPORT_DTD'] #transfer to absolute path #ENV['REPORT_DTD'] = File.expand_path(ENV['REPORT_DTD']) if File.exist?(ENV['REPORT_DTD']) # = XMLReport # # uses REXML to generate an XML document in DocBook article format # # uses Env-Variable _XMLREPORT_DTD_ to specifiy the dtd # module Reports class XMLReport include REXML def self.dtd_directory if $url_provider $url_provider.url_for('/'+ENV['DOCBOOK_DIRECTORY']+'/'+ENV['REPORT_DTD'], :full) else f = File.expand_path(File.join(ENV['DOCBOOK_DIRECTORY'],ENV['REPORT_DTD'])) raise "cannot find dtd" unless File.exist?(f) f end end # create new xmlreport def initialize(title, pubdate=nil, author_firstname = nil, author_surname = nil) @doc = Document.new decl = XMLDecl.new @doc << decl type = DocType.new('article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "'+XMLReport.dtd_directory+'"') @doc << type @root = Element.new("article") @doc << @root article_info = Element.new("articleinfo") article_info << Reports::XMLReportUtil.text_element("title", title) author = Element.new("author") author << Reports::XMLReportUtil.text_element("firstname", author_firstname) author << Reports::XMLReportUtil.text_element("surname", author_surname) article_info << author article_info << Reports::XMLReportUtil.text_element("pubdate", pubdate) @root << article_info @resource_path_elements = {} end # # returns the root element of the document # call-seq: # get_root_element => REXML::Element # def get_root_element @root end # adds a new section to a REXML:Element, returns the section as element # call-seq: # add_section(element, title) => REXML::Element # def add_section(element, title) section = Element.new("section") section << Reports::XMLReportUtil.text_element("title", title) element << section return section end # adds a new paragraph to a REXML:Element, returns the paragraph as element # call-seq: # add_paragraph( element, text ) => REXML::Element # def add_paragraph( element, text, literallayout=false ) unless literallayout para = Reports::XMLReportUtil.text_element("para", text) element << para return para else literal = Reports::XMLReportUtil.text_element("literallayout", Text.new(text,true)) element << literal return literal end end # adds a new image to a REXML:Element, returns the figure as element # # example: add_imagefigure( section2, "Nice graph", "/images/graph1.svg", "SVG", "This graph shows..." ) # # call-seq: # add_imagefigure( element, title, path, filetype, caption = nil ) => REXML::Element # def add_imagefigure( element, title, path, filetype, size_pct=100, caption = nil ) figure = Reports::XMLReportUtil.attribute_element("figure", {"float" => 0}) figure << Reports::XMLReportUtil.text_element("title", title) media = Element.new("mediaobject") image = Element.new("imageobject") imagedata = Reports::XMLReportUtil.attribute_element("imagedata", {"fileref" => path, "format"=>filetype, "contentwidth" => size_pct.to_s+"%", #"contentdepth"=> "4in" })#"width" => "6in", "height" => "5in"}) #"contentwidth" => "100%"}) #imagedata = Reports::XMLReportUtil.attribute_element("imagedata",{"width" => "6in", "fileref" => path, "format"=>filetype}) @resource_path_elements[imagedata] = "fileref" image << imagedata media << image # ulink = Element.new("ulink") # ulink.add_attributes({"url" => "http://google.de"}) # ulink << image # media << ulink media << Reports::XMLReportUtil.text_element("caption", caption) if caption figure << media element << figure return figure end def add_image( element, url ) image = Element.new("imageobject") imagedata = Reports::XMLReportUtil.attribute_element("imagedata", {"fileref" => url, "format"=>"PNG", "contentwidth" => "2in" }) #PENDING: do not hardcode size image << imagedata element << image return image end # adds a table to a REXML:Element, _table_values_ should be a multi-dimensional-array, returns the table as element # # call-seq: # add_table( element, title, table_values, first_row_header=true ) => REXML::Element # def add_table( element, title, table_values, first_row_header=true, first_col_header=false, transpose=false, auto_link_urls=true ) raise "table_values is not mulit-dimensional-array" unless table_values && table_values.is_a?(Array) && table_values[0].is_a?(Array) values = transpose ? table_values.transpose : table_values params = {"frame" => "none", "colsep" => 1, "rowsep" => 1 } params["rowheader"] = "firstcol" if first_col_header table = Reports::XMLReportUtil.attribute_element("table",params) table << Reports::XMLReportUtil.text_element("title", title) raise "column count 0" if values.at(0).size < 1 tgroup = Reports::XMLReportUtil.attribute_element("tgroup",{"cols" => values.at(0).size}) table_body_values = values if first_row_header table_head_values = values[0]; table_body_values = values[1..-1]; thead = Element.new("thead") row = Element.new("row") table_head_values.each do |v| entry = Element.new("entry") if auto_link_urls && v.to_s =~ /^http(s?):\/\// add_url(entry, v.to_s) else entry.text = v.to_s end row << entry end thead << row tgroup << thead end tbody = Element.new("tbody") table_body_values.each do |r| row = Element.new("row") r.each do |v| entry = Element.new("entry") if auto_link_urls && v.to_s =~ /depict/ || v.to_s =~ /image\/png$/ #PENDING add_image(entry, v.to_s) elsif auto_link_urls && v.to_s =~ /^http(s?):\/\// add_url(entry, v.to_s, v.to_s) else entry.text = v.to_s end row << entry end tbody << row end tgroup << tbody table << tgroup element << table return table end # adds a list to a REXML:Element, returns the list as element # # call-seq: # add_list( element, list_values ) => REXML::Element # def add_list( element, list_values ) list = Element.new("itemizedlist") list_values.each do |l| listItem = Element.new("listitem") add_paragraph(listItem, l.to_s) list << listItem end element << list return list end def add_url (element, url, description=url ) ulink = Element.new("ulink") ulink.add_attributes({"url" => url}) ulink.text = description element << ulink return ulink end # writes xml document def write_to( out = $stdout, resource_path=nil ) #alternativly use base href in html-header if (resource_path) @resource_path_elements.each do |k,v| raise "attribute '"+v+"' not found in element '"+k+"'" unless k.attributes.has_key?(v) k.add_attribute( v, resource_path.to_s+"/"+k.attributes[v].to_s ) end end @doc.write(out) #,2, true, true) out.flush end # call-seq: # self.generate_demo_xml_report => Reports::XMLReport # def self.generate_demo_xml_report rep = Reports::XMLReport.new("Demo report", "subtitle" "Fistname", "Surname") section1 = rep.add_section(rep.get_root_element, "First Section") rep.add_paragraph(section1, "some text") rep.add_paragraph(section1, "even more text") rep.add_imagefigure(section1, "Figure", "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/eb/Siegel_der_Albert-Ludwigs-Universit%C3%A4t_Freiburg.svg/354px-Siegel_der_Albert-Ludwigs-Universit%C3%A4t_Freiburg.svg", "SVG", 100, "this is the logo of freiburg university") section2 = rep.add_section(rep.get_root_element,"Second Section") rep.add_section(section2,"A Subsection") rep.add_section(section2,"Another Subsection") rep.add_url(section2,"www.google.de", "link zu google") sec3 = rep.add_section(rep.get_root_element,"Third Section") rep.add_paragraph(sec3, "some \n more text for section 3",true) rep.add_image(sec3, "http://ambit.uni-plovdiv.bg:8080/ambit2/depict/cdk?search=c1ccccc1") #vals= [["a", "b", "c"],["a2", "b2", "c2"],["1", "2", "http://3"]] #rep.add_table(rep.get_root_element, "demo-table", vals) return rep end end end #Reports::XMLReport.generate_demo_xml_report.write_to #puts "\n\n" #puts REXML::Text.new("hey ho, lets go!\nasdf",false).to_s