require "lib/format_util.rb" module Validation # adding to_yaml and to_rdf functionality to validation class Validation < Lib::Validation # builds hash for valiation, as the internal presentation differs from the owl-object # the hash is directly printed in to_yaml, or added to the owl-structure def get_content_as_hash() h = {} (Lib::VAL_PROPS - [:validation_uri]).each do |p| h[p] = self.send(p) end if crossvalidation_id!=nil cv = {:type => OT.CrossvalidationInfo} #skip crossvalidation_id cv[:crossvalidation_fold] = self.crossvalidation_fold cv[:crossvalidation_uri] = self.crossvalidation_uri h[:crossvalidation_info] = cv end if classification_statistics raise "classification_statistics is no has: "+classification_statistics.class.to_s unless classification_statistics.is_a?(Hash) clazz = { :type => OT.ClassificationStatistics } Lib::VAL_CLASS_PROPS_SINGLE.each{ |p| clazz[p] = classification_statistics[p] } # transpose results per class class_values = {} Lib::VAL_CLASS_PROPS_PER_CLASS.each do |p| raise "missing classification statitstics: "+p.to_s+" "+classification_statistics.inspect if classification_statistics[p]==nil classification_statistics[p].each do |class_value, property_value| class_values[class_value] = {:class_value => class_value, :type => OT.ClassValueStatistics} unless class_values.has_key?(class_value) map = class_values[class_value] map[p] = property_value end end clazz[:class_value_statistics] = class_values.values #converting confusion matrix cells = [] raise "confusion matrix missing" unless classification_statistics[:confusion_matrix]!=nil classification_statistics[:confusion_matrix].each do |k,v| cell = { :type => OT.ConfusionMatrixCell } # key in confusion matrix is map with predicted and actual attribute k.each{ |kk,vv| cell[kk] = vv } cell[:confusion_matrix_value] = v cells.push cell end cm = { :confusion_matrix_cell => cells, :type => OT.ConfusionMatrix } clazz[:confusion_matrix] = cm h[:classification_statistics] = clazz elsif regression_statistics regr = {:type => OT.RegressionStatistics } Lib::VAL_REGR_PROPS.each{ |p| regr[p] = regression_statistics[p]} h[:regression_statistics] = regr end return h end def to_rdf s = s.add_resource(validation_uri,OT.Validation,get_content_as_hash.keys_to_rdf_format.keys_to_owl_uris) s.to_rdfxml end def to_yaml get_content_as_hash.keys_to_rdf_format.keys_to_owl_uris.to_yaml end end class Crossvalidation < Lib::Crossvalidation def get_content_as_hash h = {} (Lib::CROSS_VAL_PROPS_REDUNDANT - [:crossvalidation_uri]).each do |p| h[p] = self.send(p) end v = [] #Validation.find( :all, :conditions => { :crossvalidation_id => } ).each do |val| Validation.all( :crossvalidation_id => ).each do |val| v.push( val.validation_uri.to_s ) end h[:validation_uris] = v h end def to_rdf s = s.add_resource(crossvalidation_uri,OT.Crossvalidation,get_content_as_hash.keys_to_rdf_format.keys_to_owl_uris) s.to_rdfxml end def to_yaml get_content_as_hash.keys_to_rdf_format.keys_to_owl_uris.to_yaml end end end