require "lib/validation_db.rb" require "lib/ot_predictions.rb" require "validation/validation_format.rb" class Array # cuts an array into chunks def chunk(pieces) q, r = length.divmod(pieces) (0..pieces).map { |i| i * q + [r, i].min }.enum_cons(2) \ .map { |a, b| slice(a...b) } end # shuffles the elements of an array def shuffle( seed=nil ) srand seed.to_i if seed sort_by { Kernel.rand } end # shuffels self def shuffle!( seed=nil ) self.replace shuffle( seed ) end end module Validation class Validation def self.from_cv_statistics( cv_id, subjectid=nil, waiting_task=nil ) v = Validation.find( :crossvalidation_id => cv_id, :validation_type => "crossvalidation_statistics" ).first unless v crossvalidation = Crossvalidation.get(cv_id) raise "Crossvalidation '#{cv_id}' not found." unless crossvalidation raise "Crossvalidation '"+cv_id.to_s+"' not finished" unless crossvalidation.finished vals = Validation.find( :crossvalidation_id => cv_id, :validation_type => "crossvalidation" ).collect{|x| x} v = v.subjectid = subjectid v.compute_prediction_data_with_cv(vals, waiting_task) v.compute_validation_stats() (VAL_PROPS_GENERAL-[:validation_uri]).each do |p| v.send("#{p.to_s}=".to_sym, vals.collect{ |vv| vv.send(p) }.uniq.join(";")) end = v.validation_type = "crossvalidation_statistics" v.crossvalidation_id = v.crossvalidation_fold = vals.collect{ |vv| vv.crossvalidation_fold }.uniq.join(";") v.real_runtime = vals.collect{ |vv| vv.real_runtime }.uniq.join(";") end v.subjectid = subjectid waiting_task.progress(100) if waiting_task v end # deletes a validation # PENDING: model and referenced datasets are deleted as well, keep it that way? def delete_validation( delete_all=true ) if (delete_all) to_delete = [:model_uri, :training_dataset_uri, :test_dataset_uri, :test_target_dataset_uri, :prediction_dataset_uri ] case self.validation_type when "test_set_validation" to_delete -= [ :model_uri, :training_dataset_uri, :test_dataset_uri, :test_target_dataset_uri ] when "bootstrapping" to_delete -= [ :test_target_dataset_uri ] when "training_test_validation" to_delete -= [ :training_dataset_uri, :test_dataset_uri, :test_target_dataset_uri ] when "training_test_split" to_delete -= [ :test_target_dataset_uri ] when "validate_datasets" to_delete = [] when "crossvalidation" to_delete -= [ :test_target_dataset_uri ] when "crossvalidation_statistics" to_delete = [] else raise "unknown validation type '"+self.validation_type.to_s+"'" end do # do deleting in background to not cause a timeout to_delete.each do |attr| uri = self.send(attr) LOGGER.debug "also deleting "+attr.to_s+" : "+uri.to_s if uri begin OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete(uri, :subjectid => subjectid) if uri sleep 1 if AA_SERVER # wait a second to not stress the a&a service too much rescue => ex LOGGER.warn "could not delete "+uri.to_s+" : "+ex.message.to_s end end end end self.delete if (subjectid) do begin res = OpenTox::Authorization.delete_policies_from_uri(validation_uri, subjectid) LOGGER.debug "Deleted validation policy: #{res}" rescue LOGGER.warn "Policy delete error for validation: #{validation_uri}" end end end "Successfully deleted validation ""." end # validates an algorithm by building a model and validating this model def validate_algorithm( task=nil ) raise "validation_type missing" unless self.validation_type raise "no algorithm uri: '"+self.algorithm_uri.to_s+"'" if self.algorithm_uri==nil or self.algorithm_uri.to_s.size<1 params = { :dataset_uri => self.training_dataset_uri, :prediction_feature => self.prediction_feature } if (self.algorithm_params!=nil) self.algorithm_params.split(";").each do |alg_params| alg_param = alg_params.split("=",2) raise "invalid algorithm param: '"+alg_params.to_s+"'" unless alg_param.size==2 or alg_param[0].to_s.size<1 or alg_param[1].to_s.size<1 LOGGER.warn "algorihtm param contains empty space, encode? "+alg_param[1].to_s if alg_param[1] =~ /\s/ params[alg_param[0].to_sym] = alg_param[1] end end algorithm = params[:subjectid] = subjectid self.model_uri =, OpenTox::SubTask.create(task, 0, 33)) #model =, params, # OpenTox::SubTask.create(task, 0, 33) ) raise "model building failed" unless model_uri #self.attributes = { :model_uri => model_uri }! # if # self.update :model_uri => model_uri #raise "error after building model: model.dependent_variable != validation.prediciton_feature ("+ # model.dependentVariables.to_s+" != "+self.prediction_feature+")" if self.prediction_feature!=model.dependentVariables validate_model OpenTox::SubTask.create(task, 33, 100) end # validates a model # PENDING: a new dataset is created to store the predictions, this should be optional: delete predictions afterwards yes/no def validate_model( task=nil ) raise "validation_type missing" unless self.validation_type LOGGER.debug "validating model '"+self.model_uri+"'" #model = OpenTox::Model::PredictionModel.find(self.model_uri) #raise "model not found: "+self.model_uri.to_s unless model model = OpenTox::Model::Generic.find(self.model_uri, self.subjectid) unless self.algorithm_uri self.algorithm_uri = model.metadata[OT.algorithm] end if self.prediction_feature.to_s.size==0 dependentVariables = model.metadata[OT.dependentVariables] raise "model has no dependentVariables specified, please give prediction_feature for model validation" unless dependentVariables self.prediction_feature = model.metadata[OT.dependentVariables] end prediction_dataset_uri = "" benchmark = Benchmark.measure do #prediction_dataset_uri = model.predict_dataset(self.test_dataset_uri, OpenTox::SubTask.create(task, 0, 50)) prediction_dataset_uri = {:dataset_uri => self.test_dataset_uri, :subjectid => self.subjectid}, "text/uri-list", OpenTox::SubTask.create(task, 0, 50)) end # self.attributes = { :prediction_dataset_uri => prediction_dataset_uri, # :real_runtime => benchmark.real } #! # self.update :prediction_dataset_uri => prediction_dataset_uri, # :real_runtime => benchmark.real self.prediction_dataset_uri = prediction_dataset_uri self.real_runtime = benchmark.real compute_prediction_data_with_model( model, OpenTox::SubTask.create(task, 50, 100) ) compute_validation_stats() end def compute_prediction_data_with_cv(cv_vals, waiting_task=nil) models = cv_vals.collect{|v| OpenTox::Model::Generic.find(v.model_uri, subjectid)} feature_type = models.first.feature_type(subjectid) test_dataset_uris = cv_vals.collect{|v| v.test_dataset_uri} test_target_dataset_uris = cv_vals.collect{|v| v.test_target_dataset_uri} prediction_feature = cv_vals.first.prediction_feature prediction_dataset_uris = cv_vals.collect{|v| v.prediction_dataset_uri} predicted_variables = models.collect{|m| m.predicted_variable(subjectid)} predicted_confidences = models.collect{|m| m.predicted_confidence(subjectid)} p_data = Lib::PredictionData.create( feature_type, test_dataset_uris, test_target_dataset_uris, prediction_feature, prediction_dataset_uris, predicted_variables, predicted_confidences, subjectid, waiting_task ) self.prediction_data = end def compute_prediction_data_with_model(model=nil, task=nil) model = OpenTox::Model::Generic.find(self.model_uri, self.subjectid) if model==nil and self.model_uri raise "model not found: "+self.model_uri.to_s unless model feature_type = model.feature_type(self.subjectid) dependentVariables = model.metadata[OT.dependentVariables] prediction_feature = self.prediction_feature ? nil : dependentVariables algorithm_uri = self.algorithm_uri ? nil : model.metadata[OT.algorithm] predicted_variable = model.predicted_variable(self.subjectid) predicted_confidence = model.predicted_confidence(self.subjectid) raise "cannot determine whether model '"+model.uri.to_s+"' performs classification or regression: '#{feature_type}', "+ "please set rdf-type of predictedVariables feature '"+predicted_variable.to_s+ "' to NominalFeature or NumericFeature" if (feature_type.to_s!="classification" and feature_type.to_s!="regression") compute_prediction_data( feature_type, predicted_variable, predicted_confidence, prediction_feature, algorithm_uri, task ) end def compute_prediction_data( feature_type, predicted_variable, predicted_confidence, prediction_feature, algorithm_uri, task ) self.prediction_feature = prediction_feature if self.prediction_feature==nil && prediction_feature self.algorithm_uri = algorithm_uri if self.algorithm_uri==nil && algorithm_uri LOGGER.debug "computing prediction stats" p_data = Lib::PredictionData.create( feature_type, self.test_dataset_uri, self.test_target_dataset_uri, self.prediction_feature, self.prediction_dataset_uri, predicted_variable, predicted_confidence, self.subjectid, OpenTox::SubTask.create(task, 0, 80) ) self.prediction_data = task.progress(100) if task end def compute_validation_stats( save_stats=true ) p_data = self.prediction_data raise "compute prediction data before" if p_data==nil predictions = case p_data[:feature_type] when "classification" self.classification_statistics = predictions.compute_stats() when "regression" self.regression_statistics = predictions.compute_stats() end self.num_instances = predictions.num_instances self.num_without_class = predictions.num_without_class self.percent_without_class = predictions.percent_without_class self.num_unpredicted = predictions.num_unpredicted self.percent_unpredicted = predictions.percent_unpredicted if (save_stats) self.finished = true raise unless self.valid? end end def filter_predictions( min_confidence, min_num_predictions, max_num_predictions, prediction=nil ) #3.times{LOGGER.debug("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")} #LOGGER.debug("filtering predictions") #self.prediction_data = nil raise "only supported for classification" if prediction!=nil and classification_statistics==nil raise "illegal confidence value #{min_confidence}" unless min_confidence==nil or (min_confidence.is_a?(Numeric) and min_confidence>=0 and min_confidence<=1) p_data = self.prediction_data if p_data==nil # this is to ensure backwards compatibilty # may cause a timeout on the first run, as this is not meant to run in a task if validation_type=="crossvalidation_statistics" vals = Validation.find( :crossvalidation_id => self.crossvalidation_id, :validation_type => "crossvalidation" ).collect{|x| x} compute_prediction_data_with_cv(vals) else compute_prediction_data_with_model end p_data = self.prediction_data end raise"illegal prediction value: '"+prediction+"', available: "+ p_data[:accept_values].inspect) if prediction!=nil and p_data[:accept_values].index(prediction)==nil p = Lib::PredictionData.filter_data(p_data, nil, min_confidence, min_num_predictions, max_num_predictions, prediction==nil ? nil : p_data[:accept_values].index(prediction)) self.prediction_data = compute_validation_stats(false) end def probabilities( confidence, prediction ) filter_predictions( confidence, 12, nil, prediction ) p_data = self.prediction_data p = prediction_counts = p.confusion_matrix_row( p_data[:accept_values].index(prediction) ) sum = 0 prediction_counts.each{|v| sum+=v} probs = {} p_data[:accept_values].size.times do |i| probs[p_data[:accept_values][i]] = prediction_counts[i]/sum.to_f end probs {:probs => probs, :num_predictions => sum, :min_confidence => p.min_confidence} end end class Crossvalidation def perform_cv ( task=nil ) create_cv_datasets( OpenTox::SubTask.create(task, 0, 33) ) perform_cv_validations( OpenTox::SubTask.create(task, 33, 100) ) end def clean_loo_files( delete_feature_datasets ) Validation.find( :crossvalidation_id =>, :validation_type => "crossvalidation" ).each do |v| LOGGER.debug "loo-cleanup> delete training dataset "+v.training_dataset_uri OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete v.training_dataset_uri,subjectid if (delete_feature_datasets) begin model = OpenTox::Model::Generic.find(v.model_uri) if model.metadata[OT.featureDataset] LOGGER.debug "loo-cleanup> delete feature dataset "+model.metadata[OT.featureDataset] OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.delete model.metadata[OT.featureDataset],subjectid end rescue end end end end # deletes a crossvalidation, all validations are deleted as well def delete_crossvalidation validations = Validation.find(:crossvalidation_id => do # do deleting in background to not cause a timeout validations.each do |v| v.subjectid = self.subjectid LOGGER.debug "deleting cv-validation "+v.validation_uri.to_s v.delete_validation sleep 1 if AA_SERVER # wait a second to not stress the a&a service too much end end self.delete if (subjectid) do begin res = OpenTox::Authorization.delete_policies_from_uri(crossvalidation_uri, subjectid) LOGGER.debug "Deleted crossvalidation policy: #{res}" rescue LOGGER.warn "Policy delete error for crossvalidation: #{crossvalidation_uri}" end end end "Successfully deleted crossvalidation ""." end # creates the cv folds def create_cv_datasets( task=nil ) if self.loo=="true" orig_dataset = Lib::DatasetCache.find(self.dataset_uri,self.subjectid) self.num_folds = orig_dataset.compounds.size self.random_seed = 0 self.stratified = "false" else self.random_seed = 1 unless self.random_seed self.num_folds = 10 unless self.num_folds self.stratified = "false" unless self.stratified end if copy_cv_datasets() # dataset folds of a previous crossvalidaiton could be used task.progress(100) if task else create_new_cv_datasets( task ) end end # executes the cross-validation (build models and validates them) def perform_cv_validations( task=nil ) LOGGER.debug "perform cv validations" i = 0 task_step = 100 / self.num_folds.to_f; @tmp_validations.each do | val | validation = Validation.create val validation.subjectid = self.subjectid validation.validate_algorithm( OpenTox::SubTask.create(task, i * task_step, ( i + 1 ) * task_step) ) raise "validation '"+validation.validation_uri+"' for crossvaldation could not be finished" unless validation.finished i += 1 "fold "+i.to_s+" done: "+validation.validation_uri.to_s end # self.attributes = { :finished => true } #! if self.finished = true end private # copies datasets from an older crossvalidation on the same dataset and the same folds # returns true if successfull, false otherwise def copy_cv_datasets( ) # for downwards compatibilty: search prediction_feature=nil is ok cvs = Crossvalidation.find( { :dataset_uri => self.dataset_uri, :num_folds => self.num_folds, :stratified => self.stratified, :random_seed => self.random_seed, :loo => self.loo, :finished => true} ).reject{ |cv| ( == || (cv.prediction_feature && cv.prediction_feature != self.prediction_feature)) } cvs.each do |cv| next if AA_SERVER and !OpenTox::Authorization.authorized?(cv.crossvalidation_uri,"GET",self.subjectid) tmp_val = [] Validation.find( :crossvalidation_id =>, :validation_type => "crossvalidation" ).each do |v| break unless v.prediction_feature == prediction_feature and OpenTox::Dataset.exist?(v.training_dataset_uri,self.subjectid) and OpenTox::Dataset.exist?(v.test_dataset_uri,self.subjectid) #make sure is set if tmp_val << { :validation_type => "crossvalidation", :training_dataset_uri => v.training_dataset_uri, :test_dataset_uri => v.test_dataset_uri, :test_target_dataset_uri => self.dataset_uri, :crossvalidation_id =>, :crossvalidation_fold => v.crossvalidation_fold, :prediction_feature => prediction_feature, :algorithm_uri => self.algorithm_uri, :algorithm_params => self.algorithm_params } end if tmp_val.size == self.num_folds.to_i @tmp_validations = tmp_val "copied dataset uris from cv "+cv.crossvalidation_uri.to_s return true end end false end # creates cv folds (training and testdatasets) # stores uris in validation objects def create_new_cv_datasets( task = nil ) "creating new datasets for crossvalidation" orig_dataset = Lib::DatasetCache.find(self.dataset_uri,self.subjectid) raise "Dataset not found: "+self.dataset_uri.to_s unless orig_dataset train_dataset_uris = [] test_dataset_uris = [] meta = { DC.creator => self.crossvalidation_uri } case self.stratified when "anti" raise "anti-stratification not yet supported for cv" when "false" if self.loo=="true" shuffled_compounds = orig_dataset.compounds else shuffled_compounds = orig_dataset.compounds.shuffle( self.random_seed ) end split_compounds = shuffled_compounds.chunk( self.num_folds.to_i ) LOGGER.debug "cv: num instances for each fold: "+split_compounds.collect{|c| c.size}.join(", ") self.num_folds.to_i.times do |n| test_compounds = [] train_compounds = [] self.num_folds.to_i.times do |nn| compounds = split_compounds[nn] if n == nn compounds.each{ |compound| test_compounds << compound} else compounds.each{ |compound| train_compounds << compound} end end raise "internal error, num test compounds not correct,"+ " is '#{test_compounds.size}', should be '#{(shuffled_compounds.size/self.num_folds.to_i)}'" unless (shuffled_compounds.size/self.num_folds.to_i - test_compounds.size).abs <= 1 raise "internal error, num train compounds not correct, should be '"+(shuffled_compounds.size-test_compounds.size).to_s+ "', is '"+train_compounds.size.to_s+"'" unless shuffled_compounds.size - test_compounds.size == train_compounds.size datasetname = 'dataset fold '+(n+1).to_s+' of '+self.num_folds.to_s meta[DC.title] = "training "+datasetname LOGGER.debug "training set: "+datasetname+"_train, compounds: "+train_compounds.size.to_s train_dataset_uri = orig_dataset.split( train_compounds, orig_dataset.features.keys, meta, self.subjectid ).uri train_dataset_uris << train_dataset_uri meta[DC.title] = "test "+datasetname LOGGER.debug "test set: "+datasetname+"_test, compounds: "+test_compounds.size.to_s test_features = orig_dataset.features.keys.dclone - [self.prediction_feature] test_dataset_uri = orig_dataset.split( test_compounds, test_features, meta, self.subjectid ).uri test_dataset_uris << test_dataset_uri end when /true|super/ if stratified=="true" features = [ self.prediction_feature ] else features = nil end r_util = train_datasets, test_datasets = r_util.stratified_k_fold_split(orig_dataset,meta, "NA",self.num_folds.to_i,@subjectid,self.random_seed, features) r_util.quit_r train_dataset_uris = train_datasets.collect{|d| d.uri} test_dataset_uris = test_datasets.collect{|d| d.uri} else raise end @tmp_validations = [] self.num_folds.to_i.times do |n| tmp_validation = { :validation_type => "crossvalidation", :training_dataset_uri => train_dataset_uris[n], :test_dataset_uri => test_dataset_uris[n], :test_target_dataset_uri => self.dataset_uri, :crossvalidation_id =>, :crossvalidation_fold => (n+1), :prediction_feature => self.prediction_feature, :algorithm_uri => self.algorithm_uri, :algorithm_params => self.algorithm_params} @tmp_validations << tmp_validation task.progress( n / self.num_folds.to_f * 100 ) if task end end end module Util # splits a dataset into test and training dataset via bootstrapping # (training dataset-size is n, sampling from orig dataset with replacement) # returns map with training_dataset_uri and test_dataset_uri def self.bootstrapping( orig_dataset_uri, prediction_feature, subjectid, random_seed=nil, task=nil ) random_seed=1 unless random_seed orig_dataset = Lib::DatasetCache.find orig_dataset_uri,subjectid orig_dataset.load_all raise "Dataset not found: "+orig_dataset_uri.to_s unless orig_dataset if prediction_feature raise "Prediction feature '"+prediction_feature.to_s+ "' not found in dataset, features are: \n"+ orig_dataset.features.inspect unless orig_dataset.features.include?(prediction_feature) else LOGGER.warn "no prediciton feature given, all features included in test dataset" end compounds = orig_dataset.compounds raise "Cannot split datset, num compounds in dataset < 2 ("+compounds.size.to_s+")" if compounds.size<2 compounds.each do |c| raise "Bootstrapping not yet implemented for duplicate compounds" if orig_dataset.data_entries[c][prediction_feature].size > 1 end srand random_seed.to_i while true training_compounds = [] compounds.size.times do training_compounds << compounds[rand(compounds.size)] end test_compounds = [] compounds.each do |c| test_compounds << c unless training_compounds.include?(c) end if test_compounds.size > 0 break else srand rand(10000) end end LOGGER.debug "bootstrapping on dataset "+orig_dataset_uri+ " into training ("+training_compounds.size.to_s+") and test ("+test_compounds.size.to_s+")"+ ", duplicates in training dataset: "+test_compounds.size.to_s task.progress(33) if task result = {} # result[:training_dataset_uri] = orig_dataset.create_new_dataset( training_compounds, # orig_dataset.features, # "Bootstrapping training dataset of "+orig_dataset.title.to_s, # $sinatra.url_for('/bootstrapping',:full) ) result[:training_dataset_uri] = orig_dataset.split( training_compounds, orig_dataset.features.keys, { DC.title => "Bootstrapping training dataset of "+orig_dataset.title.to_s, DC.creator => $url_provider.url_for('/bootstrapping',:full) }, subjectid ).uri task.progress(66) if task # result[:test_dataset_uri] = orig_dataset.create_new_dataset( test_compounds, # orig_dataset.features.dclone - [prediction_feature], # "Bootstrapping test dataset of "+orig_dataset.title.to_s, # $sinatra.url_for('/bootstrapping',:full) ) result[:test_dataset_uri] = orig_dataset.split( test_compounds, orig_dataset.features.keys.dclone - [prediction_feature], { DC.title => "Bootstrapping test dataset of "+orig_dataset.title.to_s, DC.creator => $url_provider.url_for('/bootstrapping',:full)} , subjectid ).uri task.progress(100) if task if ENV['RACK_ENV'] =~ /test|debug/ training_dataset = Lib::DatasetCache.find result[:training_dataset_uri],subjectid raise "Training dataset not found: '"+result[:training_dataset_uri].to_s+"'" unless training_dataset training_dataset.load_all value_count = 0 training_dataset.compounds.each do |c| value_count += training_dataset.data_entries[c][prediction_feature].size end raise "training compounds error" unless value_count==training_compounds.size raise "Test dataset not found: '"+result[:test_dataset_uri].to_s+"'" unless Lib::DatasetCache.find result[:test_dataset_uri], subjectid end LOGGER.debug "bootstrapping done, training dataset: '"+result[:training_dataset_uri].to_s+"', test dataset: '"+result[:test_dataset_uri].to_s+"'" return result end # splits a dataset into test and training dataset # returns map with training_dataset_uri and test_dataset_uri def self.train_test_dataset_split( orig_dataset_uri, prediction_feature, subjectid, stratified="false", split_ratio=nil, random_seed=nil, task=nil ) split_ratio=0.67 unless split_ratio split_ratio = split_ratio.to_f random_seed=1 unless random_seed random_seed = random_seed.to_i raise "Split ratio invalid: "+split_ratio.to_s unless split_ratio and split_ratio=split_ratio.to_f raise "Split ratio not >0 and <1 :"+split_ratio.to_s unless split_ratio>0 && split_ratio<1 orig_dataset = Lib::DatasetCache.find orig_dataset_uri, subjectid orig_dataset.load_all subjectid raise "Dataset not found: "+orig_dataset_uri.to_s unless orig_dataset if prediction_feature raise "Prediction feature '"+prediction_feature.to_s+ "' not found in dataset, features are: \n"+ orig_dataset.features.keys.inspect unless orig_dataset.features.include?(prediction_feature) else LOGGER.warn "no prediciton feature given, all features will be included in test dataset" end meta = { DC.creator => $url_provider.url_for('/training_test_split',:full) } case stratified when /true|super|anti/ if stratified=="true" raise "prediction feature required for stratified splits" unless prediction_feature features = [prediction_feature] else LOGGER.warn "prediction feature is ignored for super- or anti-stratified splits" if prediction_feature features = nil end r_util = train, test = r_util.stratified_split( orig_dataset, meta, "NA", split_ratio, @subjectid, random_seed, features, stratified=="anti" ) r_util.quit_r result = {:training_dataset_uri => train.uri, :test_dataset_uri => test.uri} when "false" compounds = orig_dataset.compounds raise "Cannot split datset, num compounds in dataset < 2 ("+compounds.size.to_s+")" if compounds.size<2 split = (compounds.size*split_ratio).to_i split = [split,1].max split = [split,compounds.size-2].min LOGGER.debug "splitting dataset "+orig_dataset_uri+ " into train:0-"+split.to_s+" and test:"+(split+1).to_s+"-"+(compounds.size-1).to_s+ " (shuffled with seed "+random_seed.to_s+")" compounds.shuffle!( random_seed ) training_compounds = compounds[0..split] test_compounds = compounds[(split+1)..-1] task.progress(33) if task meta[DC.title] = "Training dataset split of "+orig_dataset.uri result = {} result[:training_dataset_uri] = orig_dataset.split( training_compounds, orig_dataset.features.keys, meta, subjectid ).uri task.progress(66) if task meta[DC.title] = "Test dataset split of "+orig_dataset.uri result[:test_dataset_uri] = orig_dataset.split( test_compounds, orig_dataset.features.keys.dclone - [prediction_feature], meta, subjectid ).uri task.progress(100) if task if ENV['RACK_ENV'] =~ /test|debug/ raise "Training dataset not found: '"+result[:training_dataset_uri].to_s+"'" unless Lib::DatasetCache.find(result[:training_dataset_uri],subjectid) test_data = Lib::DatasetCache.find result[:test_dataset_uri],subjectid raise "Test dataset not found: '"+result[:test_dataset_uri].to_s+"'" unless test_data test_data.load_compounds subjectid raise "Test dataset num coumpounds != "+(compounds.size-split-1).to_s+", instead: "+ test_data.compounds.size.to_s+"\n"+test_data.to_yaml unless test_data.compounds.size==(compounds.size-1-split) end LOGGER.debug "split done, training dataset: '"+result[:training_dataset_uri].to_s+"', test dataset: '"+result[:test_dataset_uri].to_s+"'" else raise "stratified != false|true|super, is #{stratified}" end result end end end