AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-09fixed for eNM brancheNMgebele
2017-06-08fixed mergegebele
2017-06-08update for sinatra cors and swagger in one imagegebele
2017-06-08update for sinatra cors and swagger in one imagegebele
2017-06-06set enm code to online versionrautenberg
2017-06-06set enm code to online versionrautenberg
2017-06-06change the model classgebele
2016-11-30fix READMEMicha Rautenberg
2016-11-23API sortingrautenberg
2016-11-18add more API summariesrautenberg
2016-11-18add more API summariesrautenberg
2016-11-18add github link to APIrautenberg
2016-11-18set LAZAR_ENV to RACK_ENVrautenberg
2016-11-17fix typo in API get feature/idrautenberg
2016-11-16add basic feature testsrautenberg
2016-11-16add basic feature testsrautenberg
2016-11-16adapt code to lazar 1.0.0rautenberg
2016-11-03finish version 1.0.0rautenberg
2016-10-31fix typo in api.jsonrautenberg
2016-10-31fix typo in api.jsonrautenberg
2016-10-31refine API callsrautenberg
2016-10-31refine API callsrautenberg
2016-10-31refine API callsrautenberg
2016-10-31refine API callsrautenberg
2016-10-31Version to 1.0.0, predict nanoparticle APIrautenberg
2016-10-20set License to GPL3rautenberg
2016-10-20edit README add some linksv1.0.0rautenberg
2016-10-20edit READMErautenberg
2016-10-20merge development to master and version bumprautenberg
2016-10-05adjust descriptor testsrautenberg
2016-10-05return complete descriptor json for name searchrautenberg
2016-10-05fix descriptor calculationrautenberg
2016-10-05fix descriptor calculationrautenberg
2016-10-04add subjectid for active A&Arautenberg
2016-09-28add neighbor_algorithm_parameters[:type] to 4.3rautenberg
2016-09-28add neighbor_algorithm_parameters[:type] to 4.3rautenberg
2016-09-28add more algoritm information to 4.2, 4.4rautenberg
2016-09-27add prediction_algorithm to 4.2rautenberg
2016-09-20check if repeated_crossvalidation is nilrautenberg
2016-09-14version jumprautenberg
2016-09-14add more publicationsrautenberg
2016-09-14add more publicationsrautenberg
2016-09-14refine HTML for validation detailsrautenberg
2016-09-14refine HTML for validation detailsrautenberg
2016-09-14refine HTML for validation detailsrautenberg
2016-09-14refine HTML for validation detailsrautenberg
2016-09-14refine HTML for validation detailsrautenberg
2016-09-14refine validation results to available html tagsrautenberg
2016-09-14test validation resultsrautenberg
2016-09-14test validation resultsrautenberg