AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-11-13add swagger filedevelopmentrautenberg
2014-10-06add head methods for each servicemguetlein
2014-06-10update to ruby 2.0.0-p481 to solve openssl wheezy issueMicha Rautenberg
2013-10-17temp fix for: bundle install fails with ssl certificate verification err (see...rautenberg
2013-08-07Updated ruby to 2.0.0-p247davor
2013-07-10subjectids partially removedChristoph Helma
2013-07-02algorithm service call fixedChristoph Helma
2013-06-21unicorn configuration addedChristoph Helma
2013-05-15added HEAD/:id routegebele
2013-04-19installation with ruby 2.0.0-p0rautenberg
2013-04-08debug messsages partially removed, gem depencies updated. tested with ruby 2....Christoph Helma
2013-03-27validation tests okChristoph Helma
2013-03-26code cleanup and refactoring.Christoph Helma
2013-01-23VERSION updatedChristoph Helma
2012-10-23Enabled ds predictionsAndreas Maunz
2012-09-11Added silent mode.davor
2012-09-07Triggering algorithmAndreas Maunz
2012-09-07Added model POSTAndreas Maunz
2012-09-06Removed application.rb for developmentAndreas Maunz
2012-09-05Fixed Path.davor
2012-09-05Changed rubyforge_project.davor
2012-09-05Added installer.davor
2012-08-13gem name fixed to avoid bundler errorsChristoph Helma
2012-08-01gem files addedChristoph Helma
2012-07-26initial model serviceChristoph Helma
2012-07-12Merge branch 'release/v3.2.0' into developmentrautenberg
2012-07-12switch to opentox-ruby version 4.0.0release/v3.2.0rautenberg
2012-02-15uncomment code after positive testmr
2012-02-09Commented out caching (see Maunz
2011-09-23require opentox gem in ~>3v3.0.1v3.0.0pc_new_1pcnumericmr
2011-09-23Merge branch 'release/v3.0.0'mr
2011-09-14have json representation for HTML outputmr
2011-09-14unify GET '/' view for browser in HTMLmr
2011-08-25Merge branch 'feature/json' into developmentChristoph Helma
2011-08-25data directory excluded from gitChristoph Helma
2011-08-25json store for modelsChristoph Helma
2011-08-23fix output for fileextensions on curl requestsmr
2011-08-17move data directory to folder data for A&A reasonsmr
2011-08-16Merge branch 'master' into developmentv2.1.0mr
2011-08-04Merge branch 'release/v2.1.0'mr
2011-08-04add missing subject idsmguetlein
2011-06-23lazar predictions fixedChristoph Helma
2011-06-06halts (partially) substituted by OpenTox errorsChristoph Helma
2011-05-30cached predictions fixedChristoph Helma
2011-05-27fix predicted model features: return metadata isntead of feature itself as ya...mguetlein
2011-05-26/model/:id/predicted/[value|confidence] addedChristoph Helma
2011-05-24fix content type for get model requestmguetlein
2011-05-23owl-dl fixed for model and prediction datasetsChristoph Helma
2011-05-23Merge branch 'master' of
2011-05-23Merge branch 'development' of into developmentmr