diff options
authorAndreas Maunz <>2012-05-21 13:58:32 +0200
committerAndreas Maunz <>2012-05-21 13:58:32 +0200
commit8bc699c0914b5a779ccfd2a00f30c7c107c6b78c (patch)
parent4564c7bf92a53a97d787a09647efa69829eadfbc (diff)
Chisq estimation for /match
2 files changed, 92 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/bbrc-sample b/bbrc-sample
-Subproject 6ddfc2dc414f1e64ac16286c0cee5a4b0022d2e
+Subproject 0d1d349ac33ae2fcc1bbdf31617ed9132c7527c
diff --git a/fminer.rb b/fminer.rb
index d8da725..9942cfa 100644
--- a/fminer.rb
+++ b/fminer.rb
@@ -119,30 +119,109 @@ get "/fminer/last/?" do
-# Creates same features for dataset <dataset_uri> that have been created
-# with fminer in dataset <feature_dataset_uri>
-# accept params[:nr_hits] as used in other fminer methods
+# Matches features of a a feature dataset onto instances of another dataset.
+# The latter is referred to as 'training dataset', since p-values are computed,
+# if user passes a prediction feature, or if the training dataset has only one feature.
+# The result does not contain the prediction feature.
+# @param [String] dataset_uri URI of the dataset
+# @param [String] feature_dataset_uri URI of the feature dataset (i.e. dependent variable)
+# @param [optional] parameters Accepted parameters are
+# - prediction_feature URI of prediction feature to calculate p-values for
+# @return [text/uri-list] Task URI
post '/fminer/:method/match?' do
raise "feature_dataset_uri not given" unless params[:feature_dataset_uri]
raise "dataset_uri not given" unless params[:dataset_uri]
+ training_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.find "#{params[:dataset_uri]}"
+ unless params[:prediction_feature] # try to read prediction_feature from dataset
+ prediction_feature = OpenTox::Feature.find(training_dataset.features.keys.first) if training_dataset.features.size == 1
+ end
+ prediction_feature = OpenTox::Feature.find(params[:prediction_feature]) if params[:prediction_feature]
task = OpenTox::Task.create("Matching features", url_for('/fminer/match',:full)) do |task|
+ # get endpoint statistics
+ if prediction_feature
+ db_class_sizes = # for effect calculation
+ all_activities = # for effect calculation, indexed by id, starting from 1 (not 0)
+ id = 1
+ training_dataset.compounds.each do |compound|
+ entry=training_dataset.data_entries[compound]
+ entry.each do |feature,values|
+ if feature == prediction_feature.uri
+ values.each { |val|
+ if val.nil?
+ LOGGER.warn "No #{feature} activity for #{compound.to_s}."
+ else
+ if prediction_feature.feature_type == "classification"
+ activity= training_dataset.value_map(prediction_feature.uri).invert[val].to_i # activities are mapped to 1..n
+ db_class_sizes[activity-1].nil? ? db_class_sizes[activity-1]=1 : db_class_sizes[activity-1]+=1 # AM effect
+ elsif prediction_feature.feature_type == "regression"
+ activity= val.to_f
+ end
+ begin
+ all_activities[id]=activity # DV: insert global information
+ id += 1
+ rescue Exception => e
+ LOGGER.warn "Could not add " + smiles + "\t" + val.to_s + " to fminer"
+ LOGGER.warn e.backtrace
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Intialize result by adding compounds
f_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.find params[:feature_dataset_uri],@subjectid
c_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.find params[:dataset_uri],@subjectid
res_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.create CONFIG[:services]["dataset"],@subjectid
- f_dataset.features.each do |f,m|
- res_dataset.add_feature(f,m)
- end
c_dataset.compounds.each do |c|
+ # Run matching, put data entries in result. Features are recreated.
smi = [nil]; smi += c_dataset.compounds.collect { |c| }
smarts = f_dataset.features.collect { |f,m| m[OT.smarts] }
params[:nr_hits] == "true" ? hit_count=true: hit_count=false
- matches, counts =, smarts, hit_count)
+ matches, counts =, smarts, hit_count) if smarts.size>0
f_dataset.features.each do |f,m|
if (matches[m[OT.smarts]] && matches[m[OT.smarts]].size>0)
+ feature_uri = File.join res_dataset.uri,"feature","match", res_dataset.features.size.to_s
+ metadata = {
+ RDF.type => [OT.Feature, OT.Substructure],
+ OT.hasSource => f_dataset.uri,
+ OT.smarts => m[OT.smarts],
+ OT.parameters => [
+ { DC.title => "dataset_uri", OT.paramValue => params[:dataset_uri] }
+ ]
+ }
+ if (prediction_feature)
+ feat_hash = Hash[*( { |k,v| matches[m[OT.smarts]].include?(k) }.flatten)]
+ if prediction_feature.feature_type == "regression"
+ p_value = @@last.KSTest(all_activities.values, feat_hash.values).to_f # AM LAST: use internal function for test
+ effect = (p_value > 0) ? "activating" : "deactivating"
+ else
+ p_value = @@last.ChisqTest(all_activities.values, feat_hash.values).to_f
+ # g is filled in *a*scending activity
+ training_dataset.value_map(prediction_feature.uri).each { |y,act| g[y-1] }
+ feat_hash.each { |x,y| g[y-1].push(x) }
+ max = OpenTox::Algorithm.effect(g, db_class_sizes) # db_class_sizes is filled in *a*scending activity
+ effect = max+1
+ end
+ metadata[OT.effect] = effect
+ metadata[OT.pValue] = p_value.abs
+ metadata[OT.parameters] << { DC.title => "prediction_feature", OT.paramValue => prediction_feature.uri }
+ end
+ res_dataset.add_feature feature_uri, metadata
matches[m[OT.smarts]].each_with_index {|id,idx|
- res_dataset.add(c_dataset.compounds[id-1],f,counts[m[OT.smarts]][idx])
+ res_dataset.add(c_dataset.compounds[id-1],feature_uri,counts[m[OT.smarts]][idx])
@@ -225,9 +304,9 @@ post '/fminer/bbrc/?' do
p_value = f[1]
if (!@@bbrc.GetRegression)
- id_arrs = f[2..-1].flatten
- max = OpenTox::Algorithm.effect(f[2..-1], fminer.db_class_sizes)
- effect = f[2..-1].size-max
+ id_arrs = f[2..-1].flatten # f[2..-1] is filled in *de*scending order,
+ max = OpenTox::Algorithm.effect(f[2..-1], fminer.db_class_sizes) # db_class_size is filled in *a*scending order,
+ effect = f[2..-1].size-max # thus need to turn around effect
else #regression part
id_arrs = f[2]
# DV: effect calculation
@@ -344,7 +423,7 @@ post '/fminer/bbrc/sample/?' do
# method
unless params[:method]
- method="mean"
+ method="mle"
LOGGER.debug "Set method to default value #{method}"
raise "method is neither 'mle' nor 'mean'" unless (params[:method] == "mle" or params[:method] == "mean")
@@ -436,7 +515,7 @@ post '/fminer/bbrc/sample/?' do
@value_map.each { |y,act| g[y-1] }
feat_hash.each { |x,y| g[y-1].push(x) }
max = OpenTox::Algorithm.effect(g, fminer.db_class_sizes)
- effect = g.size-max
+ effect = max + 1
feature_uri = File.join feature_dataset.uri,"feature","bbrc", features.size.to_s
unless features.include? smarts
features << smarts