path: root/pc.rb
diff options
authorrautenberg <>2012-07-13 09:36:44 +0200
committerrautenberg <>2012-07-13 09:36:44 +0200
commit9d0d9642ac0514fabc936dd4c69af33a0360d1b7 (patch)
tree1dcee6f7878ba3f19f0e8b2ed0f418efdd8cb1b9 /pc.rb
parent6dc3e7443093d6613d3db40eb610fc4d3da4988d (diff)
parentbc73e239d9bce83f008314415246802a9151ae3f (diff)
Merge branch 'release/v3.2.0'v4.0.0
Diffstat (limited to 'pc.rb')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pc.rb b/pc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3718eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# pc.rb
+# (P)hysico (C)hemical descriptor calculation
+# Author: Andreas Maunz
+# Get a list of descriptor calculation algorithms
+# @return [text/uri-list] URIs of descriptor calculation algorithms
+get '/pc' do
+ algorithms = YAML::load_file File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".opentox", "config", "pc_descriptors.yaml")
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list'
+ list = (algorithms.keys.sort << "AllDescriptors").collect { |name| url_for("/pc/#{name}",:full) }.join("\n") + "\n"
+ case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT']
+ when /text\/html/
+ content_type "text/html"
+ OpenTox.text_to_html list
+ else
+ content_type 'text/uri-list'
+ list
+ end
+# Get representation of descriptor calculation algorithm
+# @return [application/rdf+xml] OWL-DL representation of descriptor calculation algorithm
+get '/pc/:descriptor' do
+ descriptors = YAML::load_file File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".opentox", "config", "pc_descriptors.yaml")
+ alg_params = [ { DC.description => "Dataset URI", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "dataset_uri" } ]
+ if params[:descriptor] != "AllDescriptors"
+ descriptors = descriptors[params[:descriptor]]
+ else
+ alg_params << { DC.description => "Physico-chemical type, one or more of '#{descriptors.collect { |id, info| info[:pc_type] }.uniq.sort.join(",")}'", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "pc_type" }
+ alg_params << { DC.description => "Software Library, one or more of '#{descriptors.collect { |id, info| info[:lib] }.uniq.sort.join(",")}'", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "lib" }
+ descriptors = {:id => "AllDescriptors", :name => "All PC descriptors" }
+ end
+ if descriptors
+ # Contents
+ algorithm ="/pc/#{params[:descriptor]}",:full))
+ algorithm.metadata = {
+ DC.title => params[:descriptor],
+ DC.creator => "",
+ DC.description => descriptors[:name],
+ RDF.type => [OTA.DescriptorCalculation],
+ }
+ algorithm.metadata[OT.parameters] = alg_params
+ algorithm.metadata[DC.description] << (", pc_type: " + descriptors[:pc_type]) unless descriptors[:id] == "AllDescriptors"
+ algorithm.metadata[DC.description] << (", lib: " + descriptors[:lib]) unless descriptors[:id] == "AllDescriptors"
+ # Deliver
+ case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT']
+ when /text\/html/
+ content_type "text/html"
+ OpenTox.text_to_html algorithm.to_yaml
+ when /yaml/
+ content_type "application/x-yaml"
+ algorithm.to_yaml
+ else
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml'
+ algorithm.to_rdfxml
+ end
+ else
+ raise "Unknown descriptor #{params[:descriptor]}."
+ end
+# Run pc descriptor calculation algorithm on dataset for a set of descriptors. Can be constrained to types and libraries.
+# @param [String] dataset_uri URI of the training dataset
+# @param optional [String] pc_type Physico-chemical descriptor type to generate, see TODO
+# @param optional [String] lib Library to use, see TODO
+# @return [text/uri-list] Task URI
+post '/pc/AllDescriptors' do
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list'
+ raise "Parameter 'dataset_uri' missing." unless params[:dataset_uri]
+ descriptors = YAML::load_file File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".opentox", "config", "pc_descriptors.yaml")
+ params[:pc_type] = descriptors.collect { |id,info| info[:pc_type]}.uniq.sort.join(',') unless params[:pc_type]
+ task = OpenTox::Task.create("PC descriptor calculation for dataset ", @uri) do |task|
+ Rjb.load(nil,["-Xmx64m"]) # start vm
+ byteArray = Rjb::import(''); printStream = Rjb::import('');
+ out = ; Rjb::import('java.lang.System').out = # joelib is too verbose
+ s = Rjb::import('JoelibFc') # import main class
+ LOGGER.debug "Running PC with pc_type '#{params[:pc_type]}' and lib '#{params[:lib]}'"
+ OpenTox::Algorithm.pc_descriptors( { :dataset_uri => params[:dataset_uri], :pc_type => params[:pc_type], :rjb => s, :add_uri => true, :task => task, :lib => params[:lib], :subjectid => @subjectid} )
+ end
+ raise OpenTox::ServiceUnavailableError.newtask.uri+"\n" if task.status == "Cancelled"
+ halt 202,task.uri.to_s+"\n"
+# Run pc descriptor calculation algorithm on dataset for a specific descriptor.
+# @param [String] dataset_uri URI of the training dataset
+# @return [text/uri-list] Task URI
+post '/pc/:descriptor' do
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list'
+ raise "Parameter 'dataset_uri' missing." unless params[:dataset_uri]
+ descriptors = YAML::load_file File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".opentox", "config", "pc_descriptors.yaml")
+ params[:pc_type] = descriptors.collect { |id,info| info[:pc_type]}.uniq.sort.join(',')
+ task = OpenTox::Task.create("PC descriptor calculation for dataset ", @uri) do |task|
+ Rjb.load(nil,["-Xmx64m"]) # start vm
+ byteArray = Rjb::import(''); printStream = Rjb::import('');
+ out = ; Rjb::import('java.lang.System').out = # joelib is too verbose
+ s = Rjb::import('JoelibFc') # import main class
+ OpenTox::Algorithm.pc_descriptors( { :dataset_uri => params[:dataset_uri], :pc_type => params[:pc_type], :descriptor => params[:descriptor], :rjb => s, :add_uri => false, :task => task, :subjectid => @subjectid} )
+ end
+ raise OpenTox::ServiceUnavailableError.newtask.uri+"\n" if task.status == "Cancelled"
+ halt 202,task.uri.to_s+"\n"