path: root/test
diff options
authorgebele <>2018-10-26 10:57:53 +0200
committergebele <>2018-10-26 10:57:53 +0200
commitea518191d873c397a13a672c572fb7653ad17ecb (patch)
treebe20a3a62fe71383d226d865c324cecbeadb7549 /test
parent0311bf8faf159fe81136865c686adf9d865b85b1 (diff)
update service test
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
3 files changed, 41 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/test/lazarweb.rb b/test/lazarweb.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a93b5bf..0000000
--- a/test/lazarweb.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-require 'minitest/autorun'
-require 'capybara'
-require 'capybara-webkit'
-ENV['DISPLAY'] ="localhost:1.0"
-Capybara.register_driver :webkit do |app|
-{|d| d.browser.ignore_ssl_errors}
-Capybara.default_driver = :webkit
-Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 20
-Capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit
-Capybara.run_server = false
-Capybara.app_host = "http://localhost:8088"
- puts "Service URI is: http://localhost:8088"
- puts "Unable to start service."
- exit
-class LazarWebTest < MiniTest::Test
- def self.test_order
- :sorted
- end
- include Capybara::DSL
- def test_00_xsetup
- `Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x16 2>/dev/null &`
- sleep 2
- end
- def test_01_visit
- visit('/predict')
- assert page.has_content?('Lazar Toxicity Predictions')
- assert page.has_content?("Draw a chemical structure")
- assert page.has_content?("enter")
- assert page.has_content?("upload")
- assert page.has_content?("Select one or more endpoints")
- assert page.has_content?("Acute toxicity")
- assert page.has_content?("Fathead minnow")
- assert page.has_content?("Carcinogenicity")
- assert page.has_content?("Rat")
- assert page.has_content?("Rodents (multiple species/sites)")
- assert page.has_content?("Mouse")
- assert page.has_content?("Maximum Recommended Daily Dose")
- assert page.has_content?("Human")
- assert page.has_content?("Predict")
- end
- def test_02_insert_wrong_smiles
- visit('/')
- page.fill_in 'identifier', :with => "blahblah"
- check('selection[Rat]')
- first(:button, '>>').click
- assert page.has_content?('Attention')
- end
- def test_03_check_all_links_exists
- visit('/')
- links = ["Details | Validation", "SMILES", "toxicology gmbh 2004 - #{}"]
- links.each{|l| assert page.has_link?(l), "true"}
- end
- def test_04_model_details
- visit("/")
- details = page.all('a', :text => 'Details | Validation')
- details[0].click
- assert page.has_content?('Model:')
- assert page.has_content?('Source:')
- assert page.has_content?('Algorithm: LAZAR')
- assert page.has_content?('Type: regression')
- assert page.has_content?('Training dataset: EPAFHM.csv')
- assert page.has_content?('Training compounds: 617')
- assert page.has_content?('Validation:')
- assert page.has_content?('Num folds: 10')
- details[0].click
- #
- details[1].click
- assert page.has_content?('Model:')
- assert page.has_content?('Source:')
- assert page.has_content?('Algorithm: LAZAR')
- assert page.has_content?('Type: classification')
- assert page.has_content?('Training dataset: DSSTox_Carcinogenic_Potency_DBS_Rat.csv')
- assert page.has_content?('Training compounds: 1195')
- assert page.has_content?('Validation:')
- assert page.has_content?('Num folds: 10')
- details[1].click
- #
- details[2].click
- assert page.has_content?('Model:')
- assert page.has_content?('Source:')
- assert page.has_content?('Algorithm: LAZAR')
- assert page.has_content?('Type: classification')
- assert page.has_content?('Training dataset: DSSTox_Carcinogenic_Potency_DBS_MultiCellCall.csv')
- assert page.has_content?('Training compounds: 1116')
- assert page.has_content?('Validation:')
- assert page.has_content?('Num folds: 10')
- details[2].click
- #
- details[3].click
- assert page.has_content?('Model:')
- assert page.has_content?('Source:')
- assert page.has_content?('Algorithm: LAZAR')
- assert page.has_content?('Type: classification')
- assert page.has_content?('Training dataset: DSSTox_Carcinogenic_Potency_DBS_Mouse.csv')
- assert page.has_content?('Training compounds: 973')
- assert page.has_content?('Validation:')
- assert page.has_content?('Num folds: 10')
- details[3].click
- #
- details[4].click
- assert page.has_content?('Model:')
- assert page.has_content?('Source:')
- assert page.has_content?('Algorithm: LAZAR')
- assert page.has_content?('Type: regression')
- assert page.has_content?('Training dataset: FDA_v3b_Maximum_Recommended_Daily_Dose_mmol.csv')
- assert page.has_content?('Training compounds: 1216')
- assert page.has_content?('Validation:')
- assert page.has_content?('Num folds: 10')
- details[4].click
- end
- def test_05_predict
- visit('/')
- page.fill_in('identifier', :with => "NNc1ccccc1")
- check('selection[Rat]')
- first(:button, '>>').click
- assert page.has_content?('Carcinogenicity (Rat)'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('Type: Classification'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('Prediction: active'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('Confidence: 0.019'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('Neighbors'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('Compound'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('Measured Activity'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('Similarity'), "true"
- assert page.has_link?('Significant fragments'), "true"
- assert page.has_link?('v'), "true"
- open 'significant fragments' view
- find_link('linkPredictionSf').click
- sleep 5
- within_frame('details_overview') do
- assert page.has_content?('Predominantly in compounds with activity "inactive"'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('Predominantly in compounds with activity "active"'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('p value'), "true"
- # inactive
- assert page.has_content?('[#6&a]:[#6&a]:[#6&a]:[#6&a]:[#6&a]-[#7&A]'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('0.98674'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('[#6&a]:[#6&a](-[#7&A])(:[#6&a]:[#6&a]:[#6&a])'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('0.97699'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('[#6&a]:[#6&a](-[#7&A])(:[#6&a]:[#6&a])'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('0.97699'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('[#6&a]:[#6&a](-[#7&A])(:[#6&a])'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('0.97699'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('[#6&a]:[#6&a]'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('0.99605'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('[#6&a]:[#6&a]:[#6&a]:[#6&a]'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('0.99791'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('[#6&a]:[#6&a]:[#6&a]:[#6&a]:[#6&a]'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('0.99985'), "true"
- # active
- assert page.has_content?('[#7&A]-[#7&A]'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('0.99993'), "true"
- # close 'significant fragments' view
- find_button('closebutton').click
- end
- find_link('link0').click
- sleep 2
- assert page.has_content?('Supporting information'), "true"
- first(:link, 'linkCompound').click
- sleep 5
- within_frame('details_overview') do
- assert page.has_content?('SMILES:'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('c1ccc(cc1)NN'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('InChI:'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('1S/C6H8N2/c7-8-6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5,8H,7H2'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('Names:'), "true"
- assert page.has_content?('Phenylhydrazine'), "true"
- assert page.has_link?('PubChem read across'), "true"
- end
- end
- def test_99_kill
- `pidof Xvfb|xargs kill`
- end
diff --git a/test/service-test.rb b/test/service-test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de2cc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/service-test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+require 'minitest/autorun'
+require 'rest-client'
+require 'nokogiri'
+require '~/lazar/lib/lazar.rb'
+$models = OpenTox::Model::Validation.all
+$r_model = ${|m| m if == "LOAEL (training_log10)"}[0].id.to_s
+$c_model = ${|m| m if == "Mutagenicity (kazius)"}[0].id.to_s
+class WebServiceTests < Minitest::Test
+ def test_prediction
+ # regression
+ response = "http://localhost:8088/predict", {identifier: "O=[N+]([O-])c1ccccc1", selection: {$r_model=>""}}
+ xml = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(response.body)
+ value = xml.css('td')[1].css('p')[2].text.split[1].to_f
+ assert value.between?(0.06,0.09)
+ # classification
+ response = "http://localhost:8088/predict", {identifier: "O=[N+]([O-])c1ccccc1", selection: {$c_model=>""}}
+ xml = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(response.body)
+ value = xml.css('td')[1].css('p')[4].text.split.last
+ assert_equal "mutagenic", value
+ end
+ def test_validation
+ # regression
+ response = RestClient.get "http://localhost:8088/predict/modeldetails/#{$r_model}"
+ xml = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(response.body)
+ links = xml.css('a')
+ assert_equal "Algorithm::Caret.rf", links[3].children.text.strip
+ # classification
+ response = RestClient.get "http://localhost:8088/predict/modeldetails/#{$c_model}"
+ xml = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(response.body)
+ links = xml.css('a')
+ assert_equal "Algorithm::Classification.weighted_majority_vote", links[3].children.text.strip
+ end
diff --git a/test/setup.rb b/test/setup.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dad683..0000000
--- a/test/setup.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-require 'minitest/autorun'
-require_relative '../lib/lazar.rb'
-include OpenTox
-TEST_DIR ||= File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
-DATA_DIR ||= File.join(TEST_DIR,"data")
-#$gridfs = $mongo.database.fs # recreate GridFS indexes