path: root/views/predict.haml
diff options
authorgebele <>2018-08-27 11:33:10 +0000
committergebele <>2018-08-27 11:33:10 +0000
commitb3ed4f0dbf47ed4986b7ff745324fbde20123631 (patch)
treeb39541c0b8a08a0d29d9c0cba94ba0155b8b1b01 /views/predict.haml
parent878f014ec6cc808af99af5045bcc1a1143cab8d9 (diff)
updated to bs 4
Diffstat (limited to 'views/predict.haml')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/views/predict.haml b/views/predict.haml
index 2308911..d23f26a 100644
--- a/views/predict.haml
+++ b/views/predict.haml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- $(function() {
+ /*$(function() {
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('click', function (e) {
localStorage.setItem('lastTab', $('href'));
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
if (lastTab) {
- });
+ });*/
function getInput(){
identifier = document.getElementById("identifier").value.trim();
@@ -110,76 +110,72 @@
+ function loadDetails(id) {
+ button = document.getElementById("link"+id);
+ span = button.childNodes[1];
+ if (span.className == "fa fa-caret-right"){
+ span.className = "fa fa-caret-down";
+ } else if (span.className = "fa fa-caret-down"){
+ span.className = "fa fa-caret-right";
+ };
+ image = document.getElementById("circle"+id);
+ if ($('modeldetails'+id).length == 0) {
+ $(button).hide();
+ $(image).show();
+ aClient = new HttpClient();
+ aClient.get("#{to("/predict/modeldetails/")}"+id, function(response) {
+ var details = document.createElement("modeldetails"+id);
+ details.innerHTML = response;
+ document.getElementById("details"+id).appendChild(details);
+ $(button).show();
+ $(image).hide();
+ addExternalLinks();
+ });
+ }
+ }
// whole site content needs to be in one form. Input and checkboxes are proofed by js functions.
%form{:name => "form", :action => to('/predict'), :method => "post", :enctype => "multipart/form-data", :onsubmit => "return !!(showcircle())" }
- %fieldset#top.well
- %h2 1. Draw a chemical structure
- #insert
+ #insert.card-body
+ %h2.card-title 1. Draw a chemical structure
%label &nbsp;
- #appletContainer
- %br
- %label{:for => 'identifier'}
- or enter the
- %a{:href => "", :rel => "external"} SMILES
- string:
+ #appletContainer.d-flex
- %input{:type => 'text', :name => 'identifier', :id => 'identifier', :size => '60'}
- -#%label{:for=>"fileselect"}
- or upload a CSV file for batch predictions:
- -#%a.btn.glyphicon.glyphicon-info-sign{:href=>"javascript:void(0)", :title=>"File format", :tabindex=>"0", data: {trigger:"focus", toggle:"popover", placement:"auto", html:"true", content:"One column with compounds and keyword SMILES or InChI in the first row."}}
- -#%br
- %span.btn.btn-default.btn-file{:style=>"display:none;"}
- %input{:type=>"file", :name=> "fileselect", :id=>"fileselect", :accept=>"text/csv", :disabled=>"disabled", :type=>"hidden"}
+ %label{:for => 'identifier'}
+ or enter the
+ %a{:href => "", :rel => "external"} SMILES
+ string:
+ %input.form-control{:type => 'text', :name => 'identifier', :id => 'identifier'}
+ %p{:style=>"display:none;"}
+ %label{:for=>"fileselect"}
+ or upload a CSV file for batch predictions:
+ %br
+ %input.form-control-file{:type=>"file", :name=> "fileselect", :id=>"fileselect", :accept=>"text/csv"}
- %fieldset#middle.well
- %h2 2. Select one or more endpoints
- #models
+ #models.card-body
+ %h2.card-title 2. Select one or more endpoints
- @endpoints.each do |endpoint|
- %div{:id=>endpoint.gsub(/\s+/, "_")}
- %h4.head-back=endpoint
- -{|m| m.endpoint == endpoint}.each do |model|
- %div.row{:id =>,:style=>"margin-bottom:1em;"}
- %span.col-lg-4.col-md-4.col-sm-4.col-xs-4
- %input{:type => "checkbox", :name => "selection[#{}]", :id => "selection[#{model.species.gsub(/\s+/, "_")}]", :value => true, :disabled => false}
- %label{:for => "selection[#{model.species.gsub(/\s+/, "_")}]"}
- = model.species
- %span.col-lg-8.col-md-8.col-sm-8.col-xs-8
- %a.btn.btn-default.btn-xs{:data=>{:toggle=>"collapse"}, :href=>"#details#{}", :onclick=>"load#{}Details('#{model}')", :id => "link#{}", :style=>"font-size:small;"}
- %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-menu-right
- Details | Validation
- %img.h2{:src=>"/images/wait30trans.gif", :id=>"circle#{}", :class=>"circle#{}", :alt=>"wait", :style=>"display:none;"}
- %div.panel-collapse.collapse{:id=>"details#{}", :style=>"margin-left:1em;"}
- :javascript
- function load#{}Details(model) {
- button = document.getElementById("link#{}");
- span = button.childNodes[1];
- if (span.className == "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right"){
- span.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down";
- } else if (span.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down"){
- span.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right";
- };
- image = document.getElementById("circle#{}");
- if ($('modeldetails#{}').length == 0) {
- $(button).hide();
- $(image).show();
- aClient = new HttpClient();
- aClient.get("#{to("/predict/modeldetails/#{}")}", function(response) {
- var details = document.createElement("modeldetails#{}");
- details.innerHTML = response;
- document.getElementById("details#{}").appendChild(details);
- $(button).show();
- $(image).hide();
- addExternalLinks();
- });
- }
- }
- %fieldset#bottom.well
- %div.row
- %div.col-lg-2.col-md-2.col-sm-2.col-xs-2
- %h2
- 3. Predict
- %div.col-lg-10.col-md-10.col-sm-10.col-xs-10
- %button.has-feedback.btn.btn-warning.h2{:type => "submit", :id => "submit", :value=>"", :onclick => "getsmiles()"}
- %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-play
- %img.h2{:src=>"/images/wait30trans.gif", :id=>"circle", :class=>"circle", :alt=>"wait", :style=>"display:none;"}
+ %div.card{:id=>endpoint.gsub(/\s+/, "_")}
+ %div.card-header
+ %h5.card-title=endpoint
+ %div.card-body
+ -{|m| m.endpoint == endpoint}.each do |model|
+ %div.row{:id =>,:style=>"margin-bottom:1em;"}
+ %span.col-6
+ %input{:type => "checkbox", :name => "selection[#{}]", :id => "selection[#{model.species.gsub(/\s+/, "_")}]", :value => true, :disabled => false}
+ %label{:for => "selection[#{model.species.gsub(/\s+/, "_")}]"}
+ = model.species
+ %span.col-6
+ %a.btn.btn-outline-info{:role=>"button", :data=>{:toggle=>"collapse"}, :href=>"#details#{}", :aria=>{:expanded=>"false", :controls=>"details#{}"}, :onclick=>"loadDetails('#{}')", :id => "link#{}", :style=>"font-size:small;"}
+ %span.fa.fa-caret-right
+ Details | Validation
+ %img.h2{:src=>"/images/wait30trans.gif", :id=>"circle#{}", :class=>"circle#{}", :alt=>"wait", :style=>"display:none;"}
+ %div.collapse{:id=>"details#{}", :style=>"margin-left:1em;"}
+ %div.card-body
+ %h2.card-title 3. Predict
+ %button.has-feedback.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg{:type => "submit", :id => "submit", :value=>"", :onclick => "getsmiles()"}
+ %span.fa.fa-play
+ %img.h2{:src=>"/images/wait30trans.gif", :id=>"circle", :class=>"circle", :alt=>"wait", :style=>"display:none;"}