diff options
14 files changed, 469 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/.bundle/config b/.bundle/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..601c76b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.bundle/config
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+BUNDLE_PATH: "/home/ist/.gem"
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 49b161f..0dace87 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index f0bb29e..3a3cd8c 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/application.rb b/application.rb
index 895b0c2..af78b05 100644
--- a/application.rb
+++ b/application.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
-require 'rdiscount'
-require_relative 'qmrf_report.rb'
+ 'batch.rb',
+ 'helper.rb',
+ 'login.rb',
+ 'prediction.rb',
+ 'qmrf_report.rb',
+ 'task.rb'
+].each do |lib|
+ require_relative lib
include OpenTox
+use Rack::Auth::Basic, "Please enter your login credentials." do |username, password|
+ [username, password] == [$user, $pass]
configure :production do
$logger =
diff --git a/batch.rb b/batch.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0002279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/batch.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+require 'csv'
+require 'tempfile'
+module OpenTox
+ class Batch
+ include OpenTox
+ include Mongoid::Document
+ include Mongoid::Timestamps
+ store_in collection: "batch"
+ field :name, type: String
+ field :source, type: String
+ field :identifiers, type: Array
+ field :compounds, type: Array
+ field :warnings, type: Array, default: []
+ def self.from_csv_file file
+ source = file
+ name = File.basename(file,".*")
+ batch = self.find_by(:source => source, :name => name)
+ if batch
+ $logger.debug "Skipping import of #{file}, it is already in the database (id: #{})."
+ else
+ $logger.debug "Parsing #{file}."
+ table = file, :skip_blanks => true, :encoding => 'windows-1251:utf-8'
+ batch = => source, :name => name, :identifiers => [], :compounds => [])
+ # features
+ feature_names = table.shift.collect{|f| f.strip}
+ warnings << "Duplicated features in table header." unless feature_names.size == feature_names.uniq.size
+ compound_format = feature_names.shift.strip
+ bad_request_error "#{compound_format} is not a supported compound format. Accepted formats: SMILES, InChI." unless compound_format =~ /SMILES|InChI/i
+ numeric = []
+ features = []
+ # guess feature types
+ feature_names.each_with_index do |f,i|
+ metadata = {:name => f}
+ values = table.collect{|row| val=row[i+1].to_s.strip; val.blank? ? nil : val }.uniq.compact
+ types = values.collect{|v| v.numeric? ? true : false}.uniq
+ feature = nil
+ if values.size == 0 # empty feature
+ elsif values.size > 5 and types.size == 1 and types.first == true # 5 max classes
+ numeric[i] = true
+ feature = NumericFeature.find_or_create_by(metadata)
+ else
+ metadata["accept_values"] = values
+ numeric[i] = false
+ feature = NominalFeature.find_or_create_by(metadata)
+ end
+ features << feature if feature
+ end
+ table.each_with_index do |vals,i|
+ identifier = vals.shift.strip
+ batch.identifiers << identifier
+ begin
+ case compound_format
+ when /SMILES/i
+ compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles(identifier)
+ when /InChI/i
+ compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_inchi(identifier)
+ end
+ rescue
+ compound = nil
+ end
+ if compound.nil? # compound parsers may return nil
+ batch.warnings << "Cannot parse #{compound_format} compound '#{identifier}' at line #{i+2} of #{source}."
+ next
+ end
+ batch.compounds <<
+ end
+ batch.compounds.duplicates.each do |duplicate|
+ dup = Compound.find duplicate
+ positions = []
+ batch.compounds.each_with_index do |co,i|
+ c = Compound.find co
+ if !c.blank? and c.inchi and c.inchi == dup.inchi
+ positions << i+1
+ end
+ end
+ batch.warnings << "Duplicate compound at ID #{positions.join(' and ')}."
+ end
+ end
+ batch
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/helper.rb b/helper.rb
index 54dbd5e..06b1517 100644
--- a/helper.rb
+++ b/helper.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,138 @@
helpers do
+ def embedded_svg image, options={}
+ doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse image
+ svg = doc.at_css 'svg'
+ title = doc.at_css 'title'
+ if options[:class].present?
+ svg['class'] = options[:class]
+ end
+ if options[:title].present?
+ title.children.remove
+ text_node =[:title], doc)
+ title.add_child(text_node)
+ end
+ doc.to_html.html_safe
+ end
+ def prediction_to_csv(m,c,p)
+ model = m
+ model_name = "#{model.endpoint.gsub('_', ' ')} (#{model.species})"
+ model_unit = model.regression? ? "(#{model.unit})" : ""
+ converted_model_unit = model.regression? ? "#{model.unit =~ /\b(mmol\/L)\b/ ? "(mg/L)" : "(mg/kg_bw/day)"}" : ""
+ csv = ""
+ compound = c
+ prediction = p
+ output = {}
+ line = ""
+ output["model_name"] = model_name
+ output["model_unit"] = model_unit
+ output["converted_model_unit"] = converted_model_unit
+ if prediction[:value]
+ inApp = (prediction[:warnings].join(" ") =~ /Cannot/ ? "no" : (prediction[:warnings].join(" ") =~ /may|Insufficient|Weighted/ ? "maybe" : "yes"))
+ if prediction[:info] =~ /\b(identical)\b/i
+ prediction[:info] = "This compound was part of the training dataset. All information "\
+ "from this compound was removed from the training data before the "\
+ "prediction to obtain unbiased results."
+ end
+ note = "\"#{prediction[:warnings].uniq.join(" ")}\""
+ output["prediction_value"] = model.regression? ? "#{prediction[:value].delog10.signif(3)}" : "#{prediction[:value]}"
+ output["converted_value"] = model.regression? ? "#{compound.mmol_to_mg(prediction[:value].delog10).signif(3)}" : nil
+ if prediction[:measurements].is_a?(Array)
+ output["measurements"] = model.regression? ? prediction[:measurements].collect{|value| "#{value.delog10.signif(3)}"} : prediction[:measurements].collect{|value| "#{value}"}
+ output["converted_measurements"] = model.regression? ? prediction[:measurements].collect{|value| "#{compound.mmol_to_mg(value.delog10).signif(3)}"} : false
+ else
+ output["measurements"] = model.regression? ? "#{prediction[:measurements].delog10.signif(3)}" : "#{prediction[:measurements]}"
+ output["converted_measurements"] = model.regression? ? "#{compound.mmol_to_mg(prediction[:measurements].delog10).signif(3)}" : false
+ end #db_hit
+ if model.regression?
+ if !prediction[:prediction_interval].blank?
+ interval = prediction[:prediction_interval]
+ output['interval'] = []
+ output['converted_interval'] = []
+ output['interval'] << interval[1].delog10.signif(3)
+ output['interval'] << interval[0].delog10.signif(3)
+ output['converted_interval'] << compound.mmol_to_mg(interval[1].delog10).signif(3)
+ output['converted_interval'] << compound.mmol_to_mg(interval[0].delog10).signif(3)
+ end #prediction interval
+ line += "#{output['model_name']},#{compound.smiles},"\
+ "\"#{prediction[:info] ? prediction[:info] : "no"}\",\"#{output['measurements'].join("; ") if prediction[:info]}\","\
+ "#{!output['prediction_value'].blank? ? output['prediction_value'] : ""},"\
+ "#{!output['converted_value'].blank? ? output['converted_value'] : ""},"\
+ "#{!prediction[:prediction_interval].blank? ? output['interval'].first : ""},"\
+ "#{!prediction[:prediction_interval].blank? ? output['interval'].last : ""},"\
+ "#{!prediction[:prediction_interval].blank? ? output['converted_interval'].first : ""},"\
+ "#{!prediction[:prediction_interval].blank? ? output['converted_interval'].last : ""},"\
+ "#{inApp},#{note.nil? ? "" : note.chomp}\n"
+ else # Classification
+ if !prediction[:probabilities].blank?
+ output['probabilities'] = []
+ prediction[:probabilities].each{|k,v| output['probabilities'] << v.signif(3)}
+ end
+ line += "Consensus mutagenicity,#{compound.smiles},"\
+ "\"#{prediction[:info] ? prediction[:info] : "no"}\",\"#{output['measurements'].join("; ") if prediction[:info]}\","\
+ "#{prediction['Consensus prediction']},"\
+ "#{prediction['Consensus confidence']},"\
+ "#{prediction['Structural alerts for mutagenicity']},"\
+ "#{output['prediction_value']},"\
+ "#{!prediction[:probabilities].blank? ? output['probabilities'].first : ""},"\
+ "#{!prediction[:probabilities].blank? ? output['probabilities'].last : ""},"\
+ "#{inApp},#{note.nil? ? "" : note}\n"
+ end
+ output['warnings'] = prediction[:warnings] if prediction[:warnings]
+ else #no prediction value
+ inApp = "no"
+ if prediction[:info] =~ /\b(identical)\b/i
+ prediction[:info] = "This compound was part of the training dataset. All information "\
+ "from this compound was removed from the training data before the "\
+ "prediction to obtain unbiased results."
+ end
+ note = "\"#{prediction[:warnings].join(" ")}\""
+ output['warnings'] = prediction[:warnings]
+ output['info'] = prediction[:info] if prediction[:info]
+ if model.regression?
+ line += "#{output['model_name']},#{compound.smiles},#{prediction[:info] ? prediction[:info] : "no"},"\
+ "#{prediction[:measurements].collect{|m| m.delog10.signif(3)}.join("; ") if prediction[:info]},,,,,,,"+ [inApp,note].join(",")+"\n"
+ else
+ #line += "Consensus mutagenicity,#{compound.smiles},#{prediction[:info] ? prediction[:info] : "no"},"\
+ # "#{prediction[:measurements].join("; ") if prediction[:info]},,,,,,,"+ [inApp,note].join(",")+"\n"
+ line += "Consensus mutagenicity,#{compound.smiles},"\
+ "\"#{prediction[:info] ? prediction[:info] : "no"}\",\"#{output['measurements'].join("; ") if prediction[:info]}\","\
+ "#{prediction['Consensus prediction']},"\
+ "#{prediction['Consensus confidence']},"\
+ "#{prediction['Structural alerts for mutagenicity']},"\
+ "#{output['prediction_value']},"\
+ "#{!prediction[:probabilities].blank? ? output['probabilities'].first : ""},"\
+ "#{!prediction[:probabilities].blank? ? output['probabilities'].last : ""},"\
+ "#{inApp},#{note.nil? ? "" : note}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ csv += line
+ # output
+ csv
+ end
+ def dataset_storage
+ all = Batch.where(:source => /^tmp/)
+ out =
+ all.reverse.each{|d| out[] = [, d.created_at]}
+ out
+ end
diff --git a/prediction.rb b/prediction.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afceb08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prediction.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class Prediction
+ include OpenTox
+ include Mongoid::Document
+ include Mongoid::Timestamps
+ store_in collection: "predictions"
+ field :compound, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :model, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :prediction, type: Hash, default:{}
+ field :csv, type: String
+ attr_accessor :compound, :model, :prediction, :csv
+ def compound
+ self[:compound]
+ end
+ def model
+ self[:model]
+ end
+ def prediction
+ self[:prediction]
+ end
+ def csv
+ self[:csv]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/task.rb b/task.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b9ca26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class Task
+ include OpenTox
+ include Mongoid::Document
+ include Mongoid::Timestamps
+ store_in collection: "tasks"
+ field :pid, type: Integer
+ field :percent, type: Float, default: 0
+ field :predictions, type: Hash, default:{}
+ field :csv, type: String
+ attr_accessor :pid, :percent, :predictions, :csv
+ def pid
+ self[:pid]
+ end
+ def percent
+ self[:percent]
+ end
+ def predictions
+ self[:predictions]
+ end
+ def csv
+ self[:csv]
+ end
+ def update_percent(percent)
+ self[:percent] = percent
+ save
+ end
+ def
+ task = #uri
+ pid = fork do
+ yield
+ end
+ Process.detach(pid)
+ task[:pid] = pid
+ task
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/views/batch.haml b/views/batch.haml
index 0e7efc7..7f6ddb7 100644
--- a/views/batch.haml
+++ b/views/batch.haml
@@ -1,10 +1,94 @@
+ function progress(value,id) {
+ var percent = Math.round(value);
+ var bar = document.getElementById("bar_"+id);
+ var prog = document.getElementById("progress_"+id);
+ = value + '%';
+ if (percent == 100){
+ = "none";
+ };
+ };
+ var HttpClient = function() {
+ this.get = function(aUrl, aCallback) {
+ var anHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ anHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (anHttpRequest.readyState == 4 && anHttpRequest.status == 200)
+ aCallback(anHttpRequest.responseText);
+ }
+ "GET", aUrl, true );
+ anHttpRequest.send( null );
+ }
+ };
+ var markers = [];
+ function renderTask(task_id,model_id,id) {
+ var uri = "#{to("/")}" + 'task/?turi=' + task_id;
+ var aClient = new HttpClient();
+ aClient.get(uri, function(res) {
+ var response = JSON.parse(res);
+ if (model_id == "Cramer"){
+ $("").show();
+ }else{
+ progress(response['percent'],id);
+ }
+ if (response['percent'] == 100){
+ window.clearInterval(markers[id]);
+ $("a#downbutton_"+id).removeClass("disabled");
+ $("a#detailsbutton_"+id).removeClass("disabled");
+ $("").hide();
+ };
+ });
+ };
+ function simpleTemplating(data) {
+ var html = '<ul class=pagination>';
+ $.each(data, function(index, item){
+ html += '<li>'+ item +'</li>'+'</br>';
+ });
+ html += '</ul>';
+ return html;
+ };
+ function pagePredictions(task_id,model_id,id){
+ button = document.getElementById("detailsbutton_"+id);
+ span = button.childNodes[1];
+ if (span.className == "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right"){
+ span.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down";
+ $('#data-container_'+id).show();
+ $('#pager_'+id).show();
+ $('#pager_'+id).pagination({
+ dataSource: '#{to("/")}' + 'task/?predictions=' + task_id + '&model=' + model_id ,
+ locator: 'prediction',
+ totalNumber: #{@compounds.size},
+ pageSize: 1,
+ showPageNumbers: true,
+ showGoInput: true,
+ formatGoInput: 'go to <%= input %>',
+ formatAjaxError: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ $('#data-container_'+id).html(errorThrown);
+ },
+ /*ajax: {
+ beforeSend: function() {
+ $('#data-container_'+id).html('Loading content ...');
+ }
+ },*/
+ callback: function(data, pagination) {
+ var html = simpleTemplating(data);
+ $('#data-container_'+id).html(html);
+ $('#data-container_'+id).css("min-height", $(window).height() + "px" );
+ }
+ });
+ } else if (span.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down"){
+ span.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right";
+ $('#data-container_'+id).hide();
+ $('#pager_'+id).hide();
+ };
+ };
- %a.btn.btn-warning{:href => to('/predict')}
+ %a.btn.btn-warning{:href => to("/predict?tpid=#{@pid}")}
New Prediction
- %a.btn.btn-success{:id => "downbutton", :href=>"#{to("/predict/#{@tmppath}/#{@filename}")}", :title=>"download"}
- %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-download-alt
- Download CSV
/ show file name
@@ -13,97 +97,46 @@
%h3 Batch Prediction Results:
%h3= @filename
- / displays all prediction result in one table
- %div.table-responsive
- %table.table.table-bordered{:id=>"batch", :style=>"background-color:white;"}
- %tbody
- - if @warnings
- - @warnings.each do |warning|
- %tr
- %td
- %b Warning
- %td
- = warning.sub(/\b(tmp\/)\b/,"")
- - @view.each do |compound, array|
- %tr
- %td{:style=>"vertical-align:top;"}
- %p= compound.svg
- %p= compound.smiles
- - array.each do |model,prediction|
- %td{:style=>"vertical-align:top;white-space:nowrap;"}
- - model.model.class.to_s.match("Classification") ? type = "Classification" : type = "Regression"
- - unit = model.unit
- %b{:class => "title"}
- = "#{model.endpoint.gsub('_', ' ')} (#{model.species})"
- / check for prediction
- - if prediction[:value]
- %p
- / show model type (classification|regression)
- %b Type:
- = type
- %p
- / check for database hit
- - if prediction[:info] =~ /\b(identical)\b/i
- / show message about dbhit and measurements
- %p
- %b Compound is part of the training dataset
- %p
- %b Measured activity:
- %br
- - if prediction[:measurements].is_a?(Array)
- = (type == "Regression") ? prediction[:measurements].collect{|value| "#{value.delog10.signif(3)} (#{unit})</br>#{compound.mmol_to_mg(value.delog10).signif(3)} #{unit =~ /mmol\/L/ ? "(mg/L)" : "(mg/kg_bw/day)"}"}.join("</br>") : prediction[:measurements].join(", ")
- - else
- = (type == "Regression") ? "#{prediction[:measurements].delog10.signif(3)} (#{unit})</br>#{compound.mmol_to_mg(prediction[:measurements].delog10).signif(3)} #{(unit =~ /\b(mmol\/L)\b/) ? "(mg/L)" : "(mg/kg_bw/day)"}" : prediction[:measurements]
- / show prediction
- %p
- %b Prediction:
- %br
- = (type == "Regression") ? "#{prediction[:value].delog10.signif(3)} (#{unit})</br>#{compound.mmol_to_mg(prediction[:value].delog10).signif(3)} #{(unit =~ /\b(mmol\/L)\b/) ? "(mg/L)" : "(mg/kg_bw/day)"}" : prediction[:value]
- / show prediction interval or probability
- %p
- - if type == "Regression"
- %b 95% Prediction interval:
- - interval = (prediction[:prediction_interval].nil? ? nil : prediction[:prediction_interval])
- %br
- = interval.nil? ? "" : "#{interval[1].delog10.signif(3)} - #{interval[0].delog10.signif(3)} (#{unit})"
- %br
- = "#{compound.mmol_to_mg(interval[1].delog10).signif(3)} - #{compound.mmol_to_mg(interval[0].delog10).signif(3)} #{(unit =~ /\b(mmol\/L)\b/) ? "(mg/L)" : "(mg/kg_bw/day)"}" if !prediction[:prediction_interval].nil?
- - else
- %b Probability:
- - unless prediction[:probabilities].nil?
- - probabilities = ""
- - prediction[:probabilities].each{|k,v| probabilities += "#{k}: #{v.signif(3)}<br>"}
- %br
- = probabilities
- / show warnings
- %p
- - if !prediction[:info].blank?
- %b Info:
- %br
- %p=prediction[:info].sub(/\'.*\'/,"").sub(/,/, ",<br>")
- - if !prediction[:warnings].blank?
- %b Warnings:
- - prediction[:warnings].uniq.each do |warning|
- %br
- %p=warning.sub(/substances/, "substances<br>").sub(/prediction\:/, "prediction\:<br>")
- / no prediction
- - else
- %br
- - if !prediction[:info].blank?
- %b Info:
- %br
- %p=prediction[:info].sub(/\'.*\'/,"").sub(/,/, ",<br>")
- - if !prediction[:warnings].blank?
- %b Warnings:
- - prediction[:warnings].uniq.each do |warning|
- %br
- %p=warning.sub(/substances/, "substances<br>").sub(/prediction\:/, "prediction\:<br>")
- %tr
+ - @models.each_with_index do |model,idx|
+ - m = Model::Validation.find model
+ - task = @tasks[idx].id
+ #result.panel{:id=>idx}
+ %div.row
+ %div.col-md-6
+ %h5= "#{m.endpoint} (#{m.species})"
+ #pager{:id=>idx}
+ %div.col-md-6.h5
+ %a.btn.btn-default.btn-xs.disabled{:id => "detailsbutton_#{idx}", :data=>{:toggle=>"collapse"}, :href=>"javascript:void(0)", :onclick=>"pagePredictions('#{task}','#{model}','#{idx}')", :style=>"font-size:small;"}
+ %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-menu-right
+ Details
+ %a.btn.btn-default.btn-xs.disabled{:id => "downbutton_#{idx}", :href=>"#{to("/predict/csv/#{task}/#{model}/#{@filename}")}", :title=>"download", :style=>"font-size:small;"}
+ %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-download-alt
+ - if model == "Cramer"
+ %img.h2{:src=>"/images/wait30trans.gif", :id=>"circle", :class=>"circle", :alt=>"wait", :style=>"display:none;"}
+ - if model != "Cramer"
+ %div{:id=>"progress_#{idx}", :style=>"width:100%;height:3px;position:relative;background-color:#ccc;"}
+ %div{:id=>"bar_#{idx}", :style=>"background-color: #4CAF50;width:10px;height:3px;position:absolute;"}
+ - # increase interval timer for large datasets
+ - ctimer = ((@compounds.size/1000) == 0 ? 1000 : ((@compounds.size/1000)*1000))
+ :javascript
+ var timer = #{ctimer};
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ // check button class before execute a task
+ if (#{idx} > 0){
+ markers[#{idx}] = setInterval(function(){
+ var button = document.getElementById("detailsbutton_#{idx-1}");
+ if(!button.classList.contains('disabled')){
+ renderTask('#{task}','#{model}',#{idx});
+ }
+ }, timer );
+ }else{
+ markers[#{idx}] = setInterval(function(){
+ renderTask('#{task}','#{model}',#{idx});
+ }, timer );
+ };
+ });
+ #data-container{:id=>idx,:style=>"width:100%;"}
+ -#pager{:id=>idx}
diff --git a/views/details.haml b/views/details.haml
deleted file mode 100644
index be4948a..0000000
--- a/views/details.haml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- $(document).ready(function(){
- addExternalLinks();
- });
- %button.close{ :type=>" button", data: { dismiss:"modal"}} &times;
- %h3
- Names and synonyms:
- %p= @compound.svg
- %p
- %b="SMILES:"
- %p= @smiles
- %br
- %b="InChI:"
- %p= @inchi
- %br
- %b="Names:"
- %p{:style=>"padding-left:0.5em;"}
- - if @names !~ /^no names/i
- = @names.join("; ")
- - else
- = @names
- %hr
- %p{:style=>"padding-left:0.5em;"}
- / pubchem link
- %a.btn.btn-primary{:href=>"", :title=>"Link opens in new window.", :alt=>"pubchem read across", :rel=>"external"} PubChem read across
- %i (experimental)
- %br
diff --git a/views/faq.haml b/views/faq.haml
deleted file mode 100644
index 818b96a..0000000
--- a/views/faq.haml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- = @faq
diff --git a/views/license.haml b/views/license.haml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2813220..0000000
--- a/views/license.haml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-= @license
diff --git a/views/predict.haml b/views/predict.haml
index 2308911..1c995e9 100644
--- a/views/predict.haml
+++ b/views/predict.haml
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@
%input{:type => 'text', :name => 'identifier', :id => 'identifier', :size => '60'}
- -#%label{:for=>"fileselect"}
+ %label{:for=>"fileselect"}
or upload a CSV file for batch predictions:
- -#%a.btn.glyphicon.glyphicon-info-sign{:href=>"javascript:void(0)", :title=>"File format", :tabindex=>"0", data: {trigger:"focus", toggle:"popover", placement:"auto", html:"true", content:"One column with compounds and keyword SMILES or InChI in the first row."}}
- -#%br
- %span.btn.btn-default.btn-file{:style=>"display:none;"}
- %input{:type=>"file", :name=> "fileselect", :id=>"fileselect", :accept=>"text/csv", :disabled=>"disabled", :type=>"hidden"}
+ %a.btn.glyphicon.glyphicon-info-sign{:href=>"javascript:void(0)", :title=>"File format", :tabindex=>"0", data: {trigger:"focus", toggle:"popover", placement:"auto", html:"true", content:"One column with compounds and keyword SMILES or InChI in the first row."}}
+ %br
+ %span.btn.btn-default.btn-file
+ %input{:type=>"file", :name=> "fileselect", :id=>"fileselect", :accept=>"text/csv"}
%h2 2. Select one or more endpoints
diff --git a/views/significant_fragments.haml b/views/significant_fragments.haml
deleted file mode 100644
index bd3598d..0000000
--- a/views/significant_fragments.haml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- %button.close{ :type=>" button", data: { dismiss:"modal"}} &times;
- - if @type =~ /classification/i
- %div.row
- %div.col-md-4
- %h3{:style=>"margin-left:8px;"}
- Significant fragments:
- %img{:src=>"#{@compound.uri}/image", :alt=>"#{@compound.smiles}", :title=>"#{@compound.smiles}", :width=>"300px", :heigth=>"300px"}
- - if !@significant_fragments.empty?
- %div.col-md-8
- %table{:id => "sf"}
- %tr
- / @value_map => hash; interpret the effect
- %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"}
- Predominantly in compounds with activity "inactive"
- %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"}
- p value
- - @significant_fragments.each do |fragments|
- / fragments == [effect, smarts, pValue]
- / fragments[0] = effect
- /- $logger.debug "effect:\t#{fragments[0]}\n"
- - if fragments[0] == @value_map.index("inactive")
- %tr
- %td
- / fragments[1] = smarts
- = fragments[1]
- -#%img{:src => "{CGI.escape(fragments[1])}", :class => "smarts"}
- %td
- /fragments[2] = pValue
- = fragments[2]
- %tr
- %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"}
- Predominantly in compounds with activity "active"
- %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"}
- p value
- - @significant_fragments.each do |fragments|
- / fragments == [effect, smarts, pValue]
- - if fragments[0] == @value_map.index("active")
- %tr
- %td
- -#%img{:src => "{CGI.escape(fragments[1])}", :class => "smarts"}
- = fragments[1]
- %td
- = fragments[2]
- %br
- - if @type =~ /regression/i
- %div.row
- %div.col-md-4
- %h3
- Descriptors:
- %img{:src=>"#{@compound.uri}/image", :alt=>"#{@compound.smiles}", :title=>"#{@compound.smiles}", :width=>"300px", :heigth=>"300px"}
- - if !@significant_fragments.empty?
- %div.col-md-8
- %table{:id =>"de"}
- %tr
- %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"}
- Descriptor
- %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"}
- value
- - @significant_fragments.each do |fragments|
- %tr
- %td
- = fragments[0]
- %td
- = fragments[1][0].round(3)
- %br