diff options
3 files changed, 247 insertions, 237 deletions
diff --git a/application.rb b/application.rb
index ecc9ff6..1409ac1 100644
--- a/application.rb
+++ b/application.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#require_relative 'helper.rb'
require 'rdiscount'
+require_relative 'qmrf_report.rb'
include OpenTox
@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ not_found do
redirect to('/predict')
+error do
+ @error = request.env['sinatra.error']
+ haml :error
get '/?' do
redirect to('/predict')
@@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ post '/predict/?' do
# process batch prediction
if !params[:fileselect].blank?
if params[:fileselect][:filename] !~ /\.csv$/
- @error_report = "Please submit a csv file."
+ @error = "Please submit a csv file."
return haml :error
end'tmp/' + params[:fileselect][:filename], "w") do |f|
@@ -96,16 +101,16 @@ post '/predict/?' do
if input.class == OpenTox::Dataset
dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.find input
- @error_report = "Could not serialize file '#{@filename}' ."
+ @error = "Could not serialize file '#{@filename}' ."
return haml :error
- @error_report = "Could not serialize file '#{@filename}' ."
+ @error = "Could not serialize file '#{@filename}' ."
return haml :error
@compounds = dataset.compounds
if @compounds.size == 0
- @error_report = dataset[:warnings]
+ @error = dataset[:warnings]
return haml :error
@@ -245,7 +250,7 @@ post '/predict/?' do
# get compound from SMILES
@compound = Compound.from_smiles @identifier
if @compound.blank?
- @error_report = "'#{@identifier}' is not a valid SMILES string."
+ @error = "'#{@identifier}' is not a valid SMILES string."
return haml :error
@@ -261,236 +266,9 @@ post '/predict/?' do
get "/report/:id/?" do
- lazarpath = `gem path lazar`
- lazarpath = File.dirname lazarpath
- lazarpath = File.dirname lazarpath
- qmrfpath = `gem path qsar-report`
- qmrfpath = File.dirname qmrfpath
- qmrfpath = File.dirname qmrfpath
prediction_model = Model::Validation.find params[:id]
- model = prediction_model.model
- validation_template = "./views/model_details.haml"
- if
- lazar_commit = `cd #{lazarpath}; git rev-parse HEAD`.strip
- lazar_commit = "{lazar_commit}"
- else
- lazar_commit = "{Gem.loaded_specs["lazar"].version}"
- end
- report =
- # QSAR Identifier Title 1.1
- report.value "QSAR_title", "Lazar model for #{prediction_model.species} #{prediction_model.endpoint.downcase}"
- # Software coding the model 1.3
- report.change_catalog :software_catalog, :firstsoftware, {:name => "lazar", :description => "lazar Lazy Structure- Activity Relationships. See #{lazar_commit}", :number => "1", :url => "", :contact => ""}
- report.ref_catalog :QSAR_software, :software_catalog, :firstsoftware
- # Date of QMRF 2.1
- report.value "qmrf_date", "#{'%d %B %Y')}"
- # QMRF author(s) and contact details 2.1
- report.change_catalog :authors_catalog, :firstauthor, {:name => "Christoph Helma", :affiliation => "in silico toxicology gmbh", :contact => "Rastatterstr. 41, CH-4057 Basel", :email => "", :number => "1", :url => ""}
- report.ref_catalog :qmrf_authors, :authors_catalog, :firstauthor
- # Model developer(s) and contact details 2.5
- report.change_catalog :authors_catalog, :modelauthor, {:name => "Christoph Helma", :affiliation => "in silico toxicology gmbh", :contact => "Rastatterstr. 41, CH-4057 Basel", :email => "", :number => "1", :url => ""}
- report.ref_catalog :model_authors, :authors_catalog, :modelauthor
- # Date of model development and/or publication 2.6
- report.value "model_date", "#{Time.parse(model.created_at.to_s).strftime('%Y')}"
- # Reference(s) to main scientific papers and/or software package 2.7
- report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1, {:title => "Maunz A., Guetlein M., Rautenberg M., Vorgrimmler D., Gebele D. and Helma C. (2013), lazar: a modular predictive toxicology framework ", :number => "1", :url => ""}
- report.ref_catalog :references, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1
- report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_2, {:title => "Helma C, Gebele D, Rautenberg M (2017) lazar, software available at,source code available at #{lazar_commit}", :number => "2", :url => ""}
- report.ref_catalog :references, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_2
- # Availability of information about the model 2.8
- report.value "info_availability", "Prediction interface and validation results available at"
- # Species 3.1
- report.value "model_species", prediction_model.species
- # Endpoint 3.2
- report.change_catalog :endpoints_catalog, :endpoints_catalog_1, {:name => prediction_model.qmrf["name"], :group => "#{prediction_model.qmrf["group"]}"}
- report.ref_catalog :model_endpoint, :endpoints_catalog, :endpoints_catalog_1
- # Endpoint Units 3.4
- report.value "endpoint_units", "#{prediction_model.unit}"
- # Dependent variable 3.5
- report.value "endpoint_variable", "#{prediction_model.endpoint} #{prediction_model.regression? ? "regression" : "classification"}"
- # Type of model 4.1
- model_type = model.class.to_s.gsub('OpenTox::Model::Lazar','')
- report.value "algorithm_type", "#{model_type}"
- # Explicit algorithm 4.2
- report.ref_catalog :algorithm_explicit, :algorithms_catalog, :algorithms_catalog_1
- report.change_catalog :algorithms_catalog, :algorithms_catalog_1, {:definition => "", :description => "modified k-nearest neighbor #{model_type.downcase} (#{model_type =~ /regression/i ? "local random forest" : "weighted majority vote"}), see #{lazar_commit}" }
- # Descriptors in the model 4.3
- if model.algorithms["descriptors"][:type]
- report.change_catalog :descriptors_catalog, :descriptors_catalog_1, {:description => "Molprint 2D (Bender et al. 2004)", :name => "#{model.algorithms["descriptors"][:type]} fingerprints", :publication_ref => "", :units => ""}
- report.ref_catalog :algorithms_descriptors, :descriptors_catalog, :descriptors_catalog_1
- end
- # Descriptor selection 4.4
- report.value "descriptors_selection", (model.class == OpenTox::Model::LazarRegression ? "Correlation with dependent variable (Pearson p <= 0.05)" : "none")
- # Algorithm and descriptor generation 4.5
- report.value "descriptors_generation", "lazar"
- # Software name and version for descriptor generation 4.6
- report.change_catalog :software_catalog, :software_catalog_2, {:name => "lazar, submitted version: #{lazar_commit}", :description => "", :number => "2", :url => "", :contact => ""}
- report.ref_catalog :descriptors_generation_software, :software_catalog, :software_catalog_2
- # Chemicals/Descriptors ratio 4.7
- report.value "descriptors_chemicals_ratio", (model.class == OpenTox::Model::LazarRegression ? "variable (local regression models)" : "not applicable (classification based on activities of neighbors, descriptors are used for similarity calculation)")
- # Description of the applicability domain of the model 5.1
- report.value "app_domain_description", "<html><head></head><body>
- <p>
- No predictions are made for query compounds without similar structures
- in the training data. Similarity is determined as the Tanimoto coefficient of
- Molprint 2D fingerprints with a threshold of 0.1.
- </p>
- <p>
- Predictions based on a low number and/or very dissimilar neighbors or
- on neighbors with conflicting experimental measurements
- should be treated with caution.
- </p>
- </body>
- </html>"
- # Method used to assess the applicability domain 5.2
- report.value "app_domain_method", "Number and similarity of training set compounds (part of the main lazar algorithm)"
- # Software name and version for applicability domain assessment 5.3
- report.change_catalog :software_catalog, :software_catalog_3, {:name => "lazar, submitted version: #{lazar_commit}", :description => "", :number => "3", :url => "", :contact => ""}
- report.ref_catalog :app_domain_software, :software_catalog, :software_catalog_3
- # Limits of applicability 5.4
- report.value "applicability_limits", "Compounds without similar substances in the training dataset"
- # Availability of the training set 6.1
- report.change_attributes "training_set_availability", {:answer => "Yes"}
- # Available information for the training set 6.2
- report.change_attributes "training_set_data", {:cas => "Yes", :chemname => "Yes", :formula => "Yes", :inchi => "Yes", :mol => "Yes", :smiles => "Yes"}
- # Data for each descriptor variable for the training set 6.3
- report.change_attributes "training_set_descriptors", {:answer => "on demand"}
- # Data for the dependent variable for the training set 6.4
- report.change_attributes "dependent_var_availability", {:answer => "Yes"}
- # Other information about the training set 6.5
- report.value "other_info", "Original data from: #{prediction_model.source}"
- # Pre-processing of data before modelling 6.6
- report.value "preprocessing", (model.class == OpenTox::Model::LazarRegression ? "-log10 transformation" : "none")
- # Robustness - Statistics obtained by leave-many-out cross-validation 6.9
- if prediction_model.repeated_crossvalidation
- crossvalidations = prediction_model.crossvalidations
- block = ""
- crossvalidations.each do |cv|
- block += "<p>
- <p>Num folds: #{cv.folds}</p>
- <p>Num instances: #{cv.nr_instances}</p>
- <p>Num unpredicted: #{cv.nr_unpredicted}</p>"
- if model_type =~ /classification/i
- block += "<p>Accuracy: #{cv.accuracy.signif(3)}</p>
- <p>Weighted accuracy: #{cv.weighted_accuracy.signif(3)}</p>
- <p>True positive rate: #{cv.true_rate[cv.accept_values[0]].signif(3)}</p>
- <p>True negative rate: #{cv.true_rate[cv.accept_values[1]].signif(3)}</p>
- <p>Positive predictive value: #{cv.predictivity[cv.accept_values[0]].signif(3)}</p>
- <p>Negative predictive value: #{cv.predictivity[cv.accept_values[1]].signif(3)}</p>"
- end
- if model_type =~ /regression/i
- block += "<p>RMSE: #{cv.rmse.signif(3)}</p>
- <p>MAE: #{cv.mae.signif(3)}</p>
- <p>R<sup>2</sup>: #{cv.r_squared.signif(3)}</p>"
- end
- block += "</p>"
- end
- report.value "lmo", "<html><head></head><body><b>3 independent 10-fold crossvalidations:</b>"+block+"</body></html>"
- end
- # Availability of the external validation set 7.1
- report.change_attributes "validation_set_availability", {:answer => "No"}
- # Available information for the external validation set 7.2
- report.change_attributes "validation_set_data", {:cas => "", :chemname => "", :formula => "", :inchi => "", :mol => "", :smiles => ""}
- # Data for each descriptor variable for the external validation set 7.3
- report.change_attributes "validation_set_descriptors", {:answer => "Unknown"}
- # Data for the dependent variable for the external validation set 7.4
- report.change_attributes "validation_dependent_var_availability", {:answer => "Unknown"}
- # Mechanistic basis of the model 8.1
- report.value "mechanistic_basis","<html><head></head><body>
- <p>
- Compounds with similar structures (neighbors) are assumed to have
- similar activities as the query compound.
- </p>
- </body>
- # A priori or a posteriori mechanistic interpretation 8.2
- report.value "mechanistic_basis_comments","A posteriori for individual predictions"
- # Other information about the mechanistic interpretation 8.3
- report.value "mechanistic_basis_info","<html><head></head><body>
- <p>
- Hypothesis about biochemical mechanisms can be derived from individual
- predictions by inspecting neighbors and relevant descriptors.
- </p>
- <p>
- Neighbors are compounds that are similar in respect to a certain
- endpoint and it is likely that compounds with high similarity act by
- similar mechanisms as the query compound. Links at the webinterface
- prove an easy access to additional experimental data and literature
- citations for the neighbors and the query structure.
- </p>
- <p>
- Please note that lazar predictions are based on neighbors.
- Descriptors are only used for the calculation of similarities.
- </p>
- </body>
- # Comments 9.1
- report.value "comments", "<html><head></head><body>
- <p>
- Public model interface:
- </p>
- <p>
- Source code: #{lazar_commit}
- </p>
- <p>
- Docker image:
- </p>
- </body>
- # Bibliography 9.2
- report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1, {:title => "Helma (2017), Nano-Lazar: Read across Predictions for Nanoparticle Toxicities with Calculated and Measured Properties", :url => ""}
- report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_2, {:title => "Lo Piparo (2014), Automated and reproducible read-across like models for predicting carcinogenic potency", :url => ""}
- report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_3, {:title => "Helma (2006), Lazy structure-activity relationships (lazar) for the prediction of rodent carcinogenicity and Salmonella mutagenicity.", :url => ""}
- report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_4, {:title => "Bender et al. (2004), Molecular similarity searching using atom environments, information-based feature selection, and a nave bayesian classifier.", :url => ""}
- report.ref_catalog :bibliography, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1
- report.ref_catalog :bibliography, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_2
- report.ref_catalog :bibliography, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_3
- report.ref_catalog :bibliography, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_4
+ bad_request_error "model with id: '#{params[:id]}' not found." unless prediction_model
+ report = qmrf_report params[:id]
# output
t =
t << report.to_xml
diff --git a/qmrf_report.rb b/qmrf_report.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a23607f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qmrf_report.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+def qmrf_report id
+ lazarpath = `gem path lazar`
+ lazarpath = File.dirname lazarpath
+ lazarpath = File.dirname lazarpath
+ qmrfpath = `gem path qsar-report`
+ qmrfpath = File.dirname qmrfpath
+ qmrfpath = File.dirname qmrfpath
+ prediction_model = Model::Validation.find id
+ model = prediction_model.model
+ #validation_template = "./views/model_details.haml"
+ if
+ lazar_commit = `cd #{lazarpath}; git rev-parse HEAD`.strip
+ lazar_commit = "{lazar_commit}"
+ else
+ lazar_commit = "{Gem.loaded_specs["lazar"].version}"
+ end
+ report =
+ # QSAR Identifier Title 1.1
+ report.value "QSAR_title", "Lazar model for #{prediction_model.species} #{prediction_model.endpoint.downcase}"
+ # Software coding the model 1.3
+ report.change_catalog :software_catalog, :firstsoftware, {:name => "lazar", :description => "lazar Lazy Structure- Activity Relationships. See #{lazar_commit}", :number => "1", :url => "", :contact => ""}
+ report.ref_catalog :QSAR_software, :software_catalog, :firstsoftware
+ # Date of QMRF 2.1
+ report.value "qmrf_date", "#{'%d %B %Y')}"
+ # QMRF author(s) and contact details 2.1
+ report.change_catalog :authors_catalog, :firstauthor, {:name => "Christoph Helma", :affiliation => "in silico toxicology gmbh", :contact => "Rastatterstr. 41, CH-4057 Basel", :email => "", :number => "1", :url => ""}
+ report.ref_catalog :qmrf_authors, :authors_catalog, :firstauthor
+ # Model developer(s) and contact details 2.5
+ report.change_catalog :authors_catalog, :modelauthor, {:name => "Christoph Helma", :affiliation => "in silico toxicology gmbh", :contact => "Rastatterstr. 41, CH-4057 Basel", :email => "", :number => "1", :url => ""}
+ report.ref_catalog :model_authors, :authors_catalog, :modelauthor
+ # Date of model development and/or publication 2.6
+ report.value "model_date", "#{Time.parse(model.created_at.to_s).strftime('%Y')}"
+ # Reference(s) to main scientific papers and/or software package 2.7
+ report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1, {:title => "Maunz A., Guetlein M., Rautenberg M., Vorgrimmler D., Gebele D. and Helma C. (2013), lazar: a modular predictive toxicology framework ", :number => "1", :url => ""}
+ report.ref_catalog :references, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1
+ report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_2, {:title => "Helma C, Gebele D, Rautenberg M (2017) lazar, software available at,source code available at #{lazar_commit}", :number => "2", :url => ""}
+ report.ref_catalog :references, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_2
+ # Availability of information about the model 2.8
+ report.value "info_availability", "Prediction interface and validation results available at"
+ # Species 3.1
+ report.value "model_species", prediction_model.species
+ # Endpoint 3.2
+ report.change_catalog :endpoints_catalog, :endpoints_catalog_1, {:name => prediction_model.qmrf["name"], :group => "#{prediction_model.qmrf["group"]}"}
+ report.ref_catalog :model_endpoint, :endpoints_catalog, :endpoints_catalog_1
+ # Endpoint Units 3.4
+ report.value "endpoint_units", "#{prediction_model.unit}"
+ # Dependent variable 3.5
+ report.value "endpoint_variable", "#{prediction_model.endpoint} #{prediction_model.regression? ? "regression" : "classification"}"
+ # Type of model 4.1
+ model_type = model.class.to_s.gsub('OpenTox::Model::Lazar','')
+ report.value "algorithm_type", "#{model_type}"
+ # Explicit algorithm 4.2
+ report.ref_catalog :algorithm_explicit, :algorithms_catalog, :algorithms_catalog_1
+ report.change_catalog :algorithms_catalog, :algorithms_catalog_1, {:definition => "", :description => "modified k-nearest neighbor #{model_type.downcase} (#{model_type =~ /regression/i ? "local random forest" : "weighted majority vote"}), see #{lazar_commit}" }
+ # Descriptors in the model 4.3
+ if model.algorithms["descriptors"][:type]
+ report.change_catalog :descriptors_catalog, :descriptors_catalog_1, {:description => "Molprint 2D (Bender et al. 2004)", :name => "#{model.algorithms["descriptors"][:type]} fingerprints", :publication_ref => "", :units => ""}
+ report.ref_catalog :algorithms_descriptors, :descriptors_catalog, :descriptors_catalog_1
+ end
+ # Descriptor selection 4.4
+ report.value "descriptors_selection", (model.class == OpenTox::Model::LazarRegression ? "Correlation with dependent variable (Pearson p <= 0.05)" : "none")
+ # Algorithm and descriptor generation 4.5
+ report.value "descriptors_generation", "lazar"
+ # Software name and version for descriptor generation 4.6
+ report.change_catalog :software_catalog, :software_catalog_2, {:name => "lazar, submitted version: #{lazar_commit}", :description => "", :number => "2", :url => "", :contact => ""}
+ report.ref_catalog :descriptors_generation_software, :software_catalog, :software_catalog_2
+ # Chemicals/Descriptors ratio 4.7
+ report.value "descriptors_chemicals_ratio", (model.class == OpenTox::Model::LazarRegression ? "variable (local regression models)" : "not applicable (classification based on activities of neighbors, descriptors are used for similarity calculation)")
+ # Description of the applicability domain of the model 5.1
+ report.value "app_domain_description", "<html><head></head><body>
+ <p>
+ No predictions are made for query compounds without similar structures
+ in the training data. Similarity is determined as the Tanimoto coefficient of
+ Molprint 2D fingerprints with a threshold of 0.1.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Predictions based on a low number and/or very dissimilar neighbors or
+ on neighbors with conflicting experimental measurements
+ should be treated with caution.
+ </p>
+ </body>
+ </html>"
+ # Method used to assess the applicability domain 5.2
+ report.value "app_domain_method", "Number and similarity of training set compounds (part of the main lazar algorithm)"
+ # Software name and version for applicability domain assessment 5.3
+ report.change_catalog :software_catalog, :software_catalog_3, {:name => "lazar, submitted version: #{lazar_commit}", :description => "", :number => "3", :url => "", :contact => ""}
+ report.ref_catalog :app_domain_software, :software_catalog, :software_catalog_3
+ # Limits of applicability 5.4
+ report.value "applicability_limits", "Compounds without similar substances in the training dataset"
+ # Availability of the training set 6.1
+ report.change_attributes "training_set_availability", {:answer => "Yes"}
+ # Available information for the training set 6.2
+ report.change_attributes "training_set_data", {:cas => "Yes", :chemname => "Yes", :formula => "Yes", :inchi => "Yes", :mol => "Yes", :smiles => "Yes"}
+ # Data for each descriptor variable for the training set 6.3
+ report.change_attributes "training_set_descriptors", {:answer => "on demand"}
+ # Data for the dependent variable for the training set 6.4
+ report.change_attributes "dependent_var_availability", {:answer => "Yes"}
+ # Other information about the training set 6.5
+ report.value "other_info", "Original data from: #{prediction_model.source}"
+ # Pre-processing of data before modelling 6.6
+ report.value "preprocessing", (model.class == OpenTox::Model::LazarRegression ? "-log10 transformation" : "none")
+ # Robustness - Statistics obtained by leave-many-out cross-validation 6.9
+ if prediction_model.repeated_crossvalidation
+ crossvalidations = prediction_model.crossvalidations
+ block = ""
+ crossvalidations.each do |cv|
+ block += "<p>
+ <p>Num folds: #{cv.folds}</p>
+ <p>Num instances: #{cv.nr_instances}</p>
+ <p>Num unpredicted: #{cv.nr_unpredicted}</p>"
+ if model_type =~ /classification/i
+ block += "<p>Accuracy: #{cv.accuracy.signif(3)}</p>
+ <p>Weighted accuracy: #{cv.weighted_accuracy.signif(3)}</p>
+ <p>True positive rate: #{cv.true_rate[cv.accept_values[0]].signif(3)}</p>
+ <p>True negative rate: #{cv.true_rate[cv.accept_values[1]].signif(3)}</p>
+ <p>Positive predictive value: #{cv.predictivity[cv.accept_values[0]].signif(3)}</p>
+ <p>Negative predictive value: #{cv.predictivity[cv.accept_values[1]].signif(3)}</p>"
+ end
+ if model_type =~ /regression/i
+ block += "<p>RMSE: #{cv.rmse.signif(3)}</p>
+ <p>MAE: #{cv.mae.signif(3)}</p>
+ <p>R<sup>2</sup>: #{cv.r_squared.signif(3)}</p>"
+ end
+ block += "</p>"
+ end
+ report.value "lmo", "<html><head></head><body><b>3 independent 10-fold crossvalidations:</b>"+block+"</body></html>"
+ end
+ # Availability of the external validation set 7.1
+ report.change_attributes "validation_set_availability", {:answer => "No"}
+ # Available information for the external validation set 7.2
+ report.change_attributes "validation_set_data", {:cas => "", :chemname => "", :formula => "", :inchi => "", :mol => "", :smiles => ""}
+ # Data for each descriptor variable for the external validation set 7.3
+ report.change_attributes "validation_set_descriptors", {:answer => "Unknown"}
+ # Data for the dependent variable for the external validation set 7.4
+ report.change_attributes "validation_dependent_var_availability", {:answer => "Unknown"}
+ # Mechanistic basis of the model 8.1
+ report.value "mechanistic_basis","<html><head></head><body>
+ <p>
+ Compounds with similar structures (neighbors) are assumed to have
+ similar activities as the query compound.
+ </p>
+ </body>
+ # A priori or a posteriori mechanistic interpretation 8.2
+ report.value "mechanistic_basis_comments","A posteriori for individual predictions"
+ # Other information about the mechanistic interpretation 8.3
+ report.value "mechanistic_basis_info","<html><head></head><body>
+ <p>
+ Hypothesis about biochemical mechanisms can be derived from individual
+ predictions by inspecting neighbors and relevant descriptors.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Neighbors are compounds that are similar in respect to a certain
+ endpoint and it is likely that compounds with high similarity act by
+ similar mechanisms as the query compound. Links at the webinterface
+ prove an easy access to additional experimental data and literature
+ citations for the neighbors and the query structure.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Please note that lazar predictions are based on neighbors.
+ Descriptors are only used for the calculation of similarities.
+ </p>
+ </body>
+ # Comments 9.1
+ report.value "comments", "<html><head></head><body>
+ <p>
+ Public model interface:
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Source code: #{lazar_commit}
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Docker image:
+ </p>
+ </body>
+ # Bibliography 9.2
+ report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1, {:title => "Helma (2017), Nano-Lazar: Read across Predictions for Nanoparticle Toxicities with Calculated and Measured Properties", :url => ""}
+ report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_2, {:title => "Lo Piparo (2014), Automated and reproducible read-across like models for predicting carcinogenic potency", :url => ""}
+ report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_3, {:title => "Helma (2006), Lazy structure-activity relationships (lazar) for the prediction of rodent carcinogenicity and Salmonella mutagenicity.", :url => ""}
+ report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_4, {:title => "Bender et al. (2004), Molecular similarity searching using atom environments, information-based feature selection, and a nave bayesian classifier.", :url => ""}
+ report.ref_catalog :bibliography, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1
+ report.ref_catalog :bibliography, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_2
+ report.ref_catalog :bibliography, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_3
+ report.ref_catalog :bibliography, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_4
+ report
diff --git a/views/error.haml b/views/error.haml
index 555982b..05cb0da 100644
--- a/views/error.haml
+++ b/views/error.haml
@@ -4,5 +4,4 @@
- = @error_report
+ = @error