diff options
4 files changed, 49 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/application.rb b/application.rb
index a4dc7c4..6c6a73f 100644
--- a/application.rb
+++ b/application.rb
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ end
get '/predict/modeldetails/:model' do
model = OpenTox::Model::Prediction.find params[:model]
crossvalidations = model.crossvalidations
- confidence_plots = crossvalidations.collect{|cv| [, cv.confidence_plot]}
- confidence_plots.each do |confp|
-'public', "confp#{confp[0]}.png"), 'w'){|file| file.write(confp[1])} unless File.exists? File.join('public', "confp#{confp[0]}.png")
- end
- if model.regression?
- correlation_plots = crossvalidations.collect{|cv| [, cv.correlation_plot]}
- correlation_plots.each do |corrp|
-'public', "corrp#{corrp[0]}.png"), 'w'){|file| file.write(corrp[1])} unless File.exists? File.join('public', "corrp#{corrp[0]}.png")
- end
- end
+ #confidence_plots = crossvalidations.collect{|cv| [, cv.confidence_plot]}
+ #confidence_plots.each do |confp|
+ #'public', "confp#{confp[0]}.svg"), 'w'){|file| file.write(confp[1])} unless File.exists? File.join('public', "confp#{confp[0]}.svg")
+ #end
+ #if model.regression?
+ # correlation_plots = crossvalidations.collect{|cv| [, cv.correlation_plot]}
+ # correlation_plots.each do |corrp|
+ #'public', "corrp#{corrp[0]}.svg"), 'w'){|file| file.write(corrp[1])} unless File.exists? File.join('public', "corrp#{corrp[0]}.svg")
+ # end
+ #end
return haml :model_details, :layout=> false, :locals => {:model => model}
diff --git a/views/model_details.haml b/views/model_details.haml
index 04cc0f0..34e86ac 100644
--- a/views/model_details.haml
+++ b/views/model_details.haml
@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ Source:
= "Accuracy:\t"
= cv.accuracy.round(3) if cv.accuracy
- = "Weighted Accuracy:\t"
- = cv.weighted_accuracy.round(3) if cv.weighted_accuracy
- %br
= "True positive rate:\t"
= cv.true_rate["active"].round(3) if cv.true_rate["active"]
@@ -97,32 +94,26 @@ Source:
-#= "Confusion Matrix:\t"
-#= cv.confusion_matrix
- = "Confidence plot:"
- %p.plot
- %img{:src=>"confp#{}.png"}
+ /= "Confidence plot:"
+ /%p.plot
+ / %img{:src=>"confp#{}.svg"}
- if model.regression?
= "Root mean squared error:\t"
= cv.rmse.round(3) if cv.rmse
- = "Weighted root mean squared error:\t"
- = cv.weighted_rmse.round(3) if cv.weighted_rmse
- %br
= "Mean absolute error:\t"
= cv.mae.round(3) if cv.mae
- %br
- = "Weighted mean absolute error:\t"
- = cv.weighted_mae.round(3) if cv.weighted_mae
= "R square:\t"
= cv.r_squared.round(3) if cv.r_squared
- = "Confidence plot:"
- %p.plot
- %img{:src=>"/confp#{}.png"}
- %br
- = "Correlation plot"
- %p.plot
- %img{:src=>"/corrp#{}.png"}
+ /= "Confidence plot:"
+ /%p.plot
+ / %img{:src=>"/confp#{}.svg"}
+ /%br
+ /= "Correlation plot"
+ /%p.plot
+ / %img{:src=>"/corrp#{}.svg"}
diff --git a/views/neighbors.haml b/views/neighbors.haml
index 6001605..6011a6d 100644
--- a/views/neighbors.haml
+++ b/views/neighbors.haml
@@ -9,7 +9,17 @@
%ul.nav.nav-tabs.nav-justified{:id=>"neighborTabs", :role=>"tablist"}
/ each model a tab head ;
+ / hash for predictionFeature
+ - predictionFeature = {}
- @models.each_with_index do |model,i|
+ / get predictionFeature type
+ - m = Model::Lazar.find model.model_id.to_s
+ - predFeature = Feature.find m.prediction_feature_id.to_s
+ / define feature type (numeric : nominal)
+ - predFeatureType = (predFeature.numeric? ? "numeric" : "nominal")
+ / use prediction feature id for neighbor compound features
+ - predFeatureId = m.prediction_feature_id.to_s
+ - predictionFeature[i] = {"id" => predFeatureId, "type" => predFeatureType}
%li{:class => ("active" if i == 0)}
%a{:href => "#results_#{i+1}", :id => "linkTab#{i+1}", data: {toggle:"tab"}}
= "#{model.endpoint} (#{model.species})"
@@ -29,7 +39,7 @@
debug: false,
theme: "bootstrap",
headerTemplate: '{content} {icon}',
- widgets: ['zebra', 'columns', 'uitheme', 'stickyHeaders'],
+ widgets: ['columns', 'uitheme', 'stickyHeaders'],
widgetOptions: {
stickyHeaders_attachTo : '.tab-content',
stickyHeaders : '',
@@ -74,19 +84,20 @@
- prediction[:neighbors].uniq.each_with_index do |neighbor,count|
/ Compound
+ - c = Compound.find(neighbor["_id"])
%td{:style =>"vertical-align:middle;padding-left:1em;width:50%;"}
- /%a.btn.btn-link{:href => "#details#{j+1}", data: { toggle: "modal", remote: to("/prediction/#{CGI.escape(neighbor[0].to_s)}/details"), :id=>"link#{j+1}#{count}"}}
- %p= Compound.find(neighbor[0]).svg
- %p= Compound.find(neighbor[0]).smiles
- - c = Compound.find(neighbor[0])
- //- mw = c.molecular_weight
- / Measured Activity
+ /%a.btn.btn-link{:href => "#details#{j+1}", data: { toggle: "modal", remote: to("/prediction/#{CGI.escape(neighbor["_id"])}/details"), :id=>"link#{j+1}#{count}"}}
+ %p= c.svg
+ %p= c.smiles
+ - mw = c.molecular_weight
+ / Measured Activity = compound.features
%td{:style =>"vertical-align:middle;padding-left:1em;width:20%;white-space:nowrap;"}
- = (type == "Regression") ? neighbor[2].collect{|n| weight = c.mmol_to_mg(n); '%.2e' % n + " (#{@models[j].unit})"+"|#{'%.2e' % weight} (mg/kg_bw/day)"}.join("</br>") : neighbor[2].join(", ")
- / Similarity
+ - features = c.features.collect{|k,v| v if k == predictionFeature[j]["id"] }.compact.flatten
+ = (predictionFeature[j]["type"] == "numeric") ? features.collect{|v| weight = c.mmol_to_mg(v); '%.2e' % v + " (#{@models[j].unit})"+" | #{'%.2e' % weight} (mg/kg_bw/day)"}.join("</br>") : features.join("</br>")
+ / Similarity = tanimoto
%td{:style =>"vertical-align:middle;padding-left:1em;width:20%;"}
/ TODO differentiate between no neighbors found and compound found in dataset, display neighbors for compounds in dataset?
- = neighbor[1] != nil ? neighbor[1].round(2) : "Not enough similar compounds </br>in training dataset."
+ = neighbor[:tanimoto] != nil ? neighbor[:tanimoto].to_f.round(3) : "Not enough similar compounds </br>in training dataset."
- else
diff --git a/views/prediction.haml b/views/prediction.haml
index 33e9ec5..aeaafdc 100644
--- a/views/prediction.haml
+++ b/views/prediction.haml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%td{:id=>"compound", :style=>"vertical-align:top;"}
%p= @compound.svg
%p= @compound.smiles
- -#- mw = @compound.molecular_weight
+ - mw = @compound.molecular_weight
- @model_types = {}
- @dbhit = {}
- @predictions.each_with_index do |prediction,i|
@@ -51,8 +51,13 @@
/ %a.btn.glyphicon.glyphicon-info-sign{:href=>"#", :title=>"Prediction", data: {toggle:"popover", placement:"left", html:"true", content:"LAZAR calculates searches the training dataset for similar compounds (neighbors) and calculates the prediction from their measured activities. LAZAR calculates predictions using <ul><li>a majority vote (weighted by compound similarity) for<br /><b>classification</b> (<a href='', target='_blank'>original publication</a>) </li><li>a local QSAR model based on neighbors for<br /><b>regression</b> (<a href='', target='_blank'</h>original publication</a>) </li></ul>Please keep in mind that predictions are based on the measured activities of neighbors."}}
/ TODO probability
- %b Confidence:
- = prediction[:confidence].round(2)
+ - if type == "Regression"
+ %b 95% Prediction interval:
+ - interval = prediction[:prediction_interval].collect{|i| i.round(2)}
+ = interval
+ - else
+ %b Confidence:
+ = prediction[:confidence].round(2) unless prediction[:confidence].nil?
/ %a.btn.glyphicon.glyphicon-info-sign{:href=>"#", :title=>"Confidence", data: {toggle:"popover", placement:"left", html:"true", content:"Indicates the applicability domain of a model. Predictions with a high confidence can be expected to be more reliable than predictions with low confidence. Confidence values may take any value between 0 and 1. For most models confidence > 0.025 is a sensible (hard) cutoff to distinguish between reliable and unreliable predictions."}}
/TODO add tooltip for significant ftagments and descriptors