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5 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/views/jme_help.html b/views/jme_help.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adf3e1f
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+++ b/views/jme_help.html
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta name="generator" content=
+ "HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 12 April 2005), see">
+ <meta http-equiv="content-type" content=
+ "text/html; charset=us-ascii">
+ <title>JME Help</title>
+ <meta name="author" content="Peter Ertl, Novartis Pharma AG">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style.css" type="text/css">
+<style type="text/css">
+ body {
+ background-color: white;
+ }
+ h2.c3 {text-align: center}
+ p.c2 {font-style: italic; text-align: right}
+ p.c1 {text-align: center}
+<h1>JME Molecular Editor</h1>
+ <p class="c2">Written by Peter Ertl, Novartis Pharma
+ AG</p>
+ <h2 class="c3">Basic Instructions</h2>
+ <p>This editor is intended to be used without any special
+ documentation or training, but there are some tricks which
+ can help you to work with it more efficiently.</p>
+ <h3>Menu Buttons</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><b>D-R</b> deletes functional groups - choose this
+ option and then click on the bond connecting the group
+ with the main skeleton</li>
+ <li><b>UDO</b> undo last editing step</li>
+ <li><b>QRY</b> (if enabled in the param tag) allows easy
+ specification of atomic queries for substructure
+ searches</li>
+ <li><b>Stereo bonds</b> - the type of stereo bond (up,
+ down) may be changed by clicking on the already created
+ stereo bond; this cycles through two / four possible
+ stereo bond types</li>
+ <li><b>Atomic charges</b> may be changed by the
+ <b>+/-</b> button. Editor enables modification of charges
+ only in "reasonable" cases. If you are not satisfied with
+ the editor's inteligence (concerning charges and the
+ explicit number of hydrogens) you can force your will by
+ using the <b>X</b> button</li>
+ <li><b>"Non-organic" atoms</b> or atoms with nonstandard
+ valence may be entered with help of <b>X</b> button by
+ specifying atomic SMILES (without [ ] brackets, i.e. Si,
+ Fe++, NH3+).</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Keyboard Shortcuts</h3>
+ <p>Most of the commands may be accessed also by keyboard
+ shortcuts. It is possible to:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>change <b>atom type</b> by pressing <b>C</b>,
+ <b>N</b>, <b>O</b>, <b>S</b>, <b>F</b>, <b>L</b> (for Cl)
+ <b>B</b> (for Br) <b>I</b>, <b>P</b>, <b>H</b>, <b>X</b>,
+ <b>R</b> and clicking the respective atom</li>
+ <li>choose <b>bond order</b>: <b>-</b> for single bond,
+ <b>=</b> for double bond, <b>#</b> for triple bond</li>
+ <li>choose <b>ring type</b> by pressing <b>3</b>,
+ <b>4</b>, <b>5</b>, <b>6</b>, <b>7</b>, <b>8</b>,
+ <b>9</b> or <b>1</b> for phenyl, <b>0</b> for furyl</li>
+ <li>start <b>delete mode</b> by pressing <b>D</b> or
+ <b>Del</b> and</li>
+ <li>return to the <b>standard state</b> (carbon, single
+ bond) with <b>Esc</b></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><b>common functional groups</b> may also be added by
+ keyboard shortcuts. Use <b>t</b> for t-butyl, <b>ft</b> for
+ trifluoromethyl, <b>lt</b> for trichloromethyl, <b>a</b>
+ for COOH, <b>z</b> for SO2Me and <b>y</b> for nitro, and
+ then click the atom where the group should be
+ connected.</p>
+ <h3>Moving and Rotation</h3>
+ <p>You can move molecule by "dragging free space" with the
+ left mouse button and rotate it by using the left mouse
+ button and <b>Shift</b> key (or left and right mouse
+ buttons together).</p>
+ <h3>Adding rings</h3>
+ <p>When a ring template is selected and multivalent atom is
+ clicked, a new ring will be created connected by single
+ bond to this atom. When spiro ring is required, the
+ <b>Shift</b> key must be pressed when clicking on the atom.
+ Spiro ring may be added only to atom with 2 single
+ bonds.</p>
+ <h3>Multivalent nitrogen groups</h3>
+ <p>Multivalent nitrogen groups, such as nitro, azide,
+ N-oxide, nitrile etc, should be drawn with a pentavalent
+ nitrogen as shown below.</p>
+ <p class="c1"><img src="images/nitro.gif" alt=
+ "nitro stuff"></p>
+ <p>The program automatically converts polar form of these
+ groups into non-polar one with pentavalent nitrogen. If you
+ prefer polar nitro (and similar) groups, use keyword
+ "polarnitro" in the applet param tag.</p>
+ <h3>Stereochemistry</h3>
+ <p>Stereochemistry at C4 centers, double bonds and allenes
+ is supported. Use the up/down wedge bonds to indicate
+ stereochemistry at the C4 centers. Remember, that only
+ bonds with a "sharp point" towards the atom are considered.
+ When creating SMILES the editor tries to guess missing
+ stereo features, in unresolvable cases an error message is
+ issued and the SMILES without stereo information is
+ created.</p>
+ <p>When the autoez keyword is set, SMILES with E,Z
+ stereochemistry on all non-ring double bonds is generated
+ automatically. Without this keyword (or for ring double
+ bonds) you have to mark a double bond as stereo by clicking
+ on it with the stereo bond button selected. The bond color
+ will change to violet.</p>
+ <p>Stereochemistry may be completely disabled by the
+ "nostereo" option in the param tag.</p>
+ <h3>Input of Multipart Structures</h3>
+ <p>By default only non-disconnected structures are allowed.
+ This may be changed by a "multipart" option in the applet
+ param tag. A button <b>NEW</b> appears in the JME menu.
+ Creation of a new molecule may be started only after
+ clicking the <b>NEW</b> button, selecting a proper template
+ (atom, ring, bond) and clicking free space in the drawing
+ area. Without <b>NEW</b> button the click on the free space
+ has the same effect as in the standard mode (i.e moving or
+ rotation of the last touched molecule). In the multipart
+ mode <b>CLR</b> button deletes the last touched
+ molecule.</p>
+ <h3>Atom Numbering</h3>
+ <p>Atom numbering (marking) is enabled with the option
+ "number" in the applet param tag (for reaction input this
+ is default). Button <b>123</b> appears in the JME menu. To
+ mark an atom press the <b>123</b> button and then the atom.
+ You can mark more atoms with the same number when pressing
+ <b>Shift</b> while clicking the 2nd and further atoms.
+ Second click on the marked atom deletes the number.</p>
+ <h3>Reaction Input</h3>
+ <p>Reaction input is enabled with the option "reaction" in
+ the applet param tag. Button with an arrow, <b>NEW</b>
+ button and <b>123</b> button appear in the JME menu and
+ arrow appears also in the drawing area. Now simply draw
+ reactant(s), product(s) and modulator(s) (modulators have
+ to be above the arrow) as explained in the description of
+ input of multipart structures. The arrow button enables
+ simplified input of reactions. After clicking it, the
+ reactant will be copied to the product (including atom
+ numbering, if any). When the <b>Shift</b> is pressed during
+ this action all atoms will be automatically numbered.</p>
+ <h3>Query Features</h3>
+ <p>Query button (when enabled in the option tag) launches a
+ query window which allows creation of SMARTS atom queries
+ by combining various atom attributes. Create a SMARTS query
+ and then click the respective atom in the
+ molecule.</p>
diff --git a/views/js_link.haml b/views/js_link.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d8cdce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/js_link.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+%a{:href => "#{destination}", :id => "js_link#{@link_id}"} #{name}
+ $("a#js_link#{@link_id}").click(function () {
+ $("#{destination}").#{method}();
+ });
diff --git a/views/layout.haml b/views/layout.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14e9689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/layout.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+%html{:xmlns => "", "xml:lang" => "en", :lang => "en"}
+ %head
+ %meta{'http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', :content => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'}
+ %meta{'http-equiv' => "X-UA-Compatible", :content => "chrome=1"}
+ %title Lazar Toxicity Predictions
+ %link{ :href=>"/stylesheets/screen.css", :media=>"screen, projection", :rel=>"stylesheet", :type=>"text/css"}
+ -#%link{ :type=>"text/javascript", :src=>"/sketcher/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.css"}
+ -#%link{ :href=>"/stylesheets/css/print.css", :media=>"print", :rel=>"stylesheet", :type=>"text/css"}
+ -#%link{ :href=>"/stylesheets/css/ie.css", :media=>"screen, projection", :rel=>"stylesheet", :type=>"text/css"}
+ -#%link{:rel=>"stylesheet", :href=>""}
+ %script{:src=>""}
+ -#%script{ :type=>"text/javascript", :src=>"/javascripts/ChemDoodleWeb-libs.js"}
+ -#%script{ :type=>"text/javascript", :src=>"/javascripts/ChemDoodleWeb.js"}
+ -#%script{ :type=>"text/javascript", :src=>"/sketcher/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.js"}
+ -#%script{ :type=>"text/javascript", :src=>"/sketcher/ChemDoodleWeb-sketcher.js"}
+ -#%script{:src=>""}
+ -#%script{:src=>""}
+ -#%script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "#{to('/javascripts/toxcreate.js')}"}
+ %body
+ .logo
+ %h1 Lazar Toxicity Predictions
+ .info
+ This is a placeholder for informations about this IST application. In 3 steps to your prediction.
+ .content
+ = yield
+ .footer
+ &copy;
+ %a{:href => '', :rel => "external"} in-silico toxicology gmbh 2004-2013
diff --git a/views/predict.haml b/views/predict.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2de8b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/predict.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ function getsmiles() {
+ if (document.JME.smiles() != '') {
+ document.form.identifier.value = document.JME.smiles() ;
+ }
+ }
+%form{:name => "form", :action => to('/predict'), :method => "post", :enctype => "multipart/form-data" }
+ %fieldset#top
+ %a{:href => "#insert", :id => "linkInsert#{p.object_id}"}
+ %h1 1. Draw or insert your compound
+ :javascript
+ $("a#linkInsert#{p.object_id}").click(function () {
+ $("#insert").toggle();
+ document.location = document.location + "#" + "insert";
+ });
+ #insert{ :style => "display: none" }
+ %p
+ %label &nbsp;
+ .jme
+ %applet{:code => "JME.class", :name => "JME", :archive => "JME.jar", :width => "500", :height => "360"}
+ %param{ :name => "options", :value => "polarnitro"}
+ Please enable Java and JavaScript in your browser to use the JME editor.
+ %span{:style=>"font-size:75%"}
+ &copy;
+ %a{:href => '', :rel => "external"} JME Editor
+ courtesy of Peter Ertl, Novartis
+ %br
+ %label{:for => 'identifier'}
+ or enter the
+ %a{:href => "", :rel => "external"} SMILES
+ string
+ %input{:type => 'text', :name => 'identifier', :id => 'identifier', :size => '60'}
+ .close
+ = hide_link "#insert"
+ .arrow
+ %img{:src=>"/images/arrow_down_float.png", :alt=>"arrow", :class=> "arrow"}
+ %fieldset#middle
+ %a{:href => "#models", :id => "linkModels#{p.object_id}"}
+ %h1 2. Select one or more toxic endpoints
+ :javascript
+ $("a#linkModels#{p.object_id}").click(function () {
+ $("#models").toggle();
+ document.location = document.location + "#" + "models";
+ });
+ #models{ :style => "display: none;"}
+ %p Description about these models.
+ %br
+ - @models.each do |model|
+ %input{:type => 'checkbox', :name => "selection[#{model.title}]", :value => "#{model.metadata}", :uri => "#{model.uri}", :disabled => false}
+ %model= model.title
+ %p= model.metadata["#{RDF::DC.modified}"]
+ %br
+ .close
+ = hide_link "#models"
+ .arrow
+ %img{:src=>"/images/arrow_down_float.png", :alt=>"arrow", :class=> "arrow"}
+ %fieldset#bottom
+ %a{:href => "#predict", :id => "linkPredict#{p.object_id}"}
+ %h1 3. Predict
+ :javascript
+ $("a#linkPredict#{p.object_id}").click(function () {
+ $("#predict").toggle();
+ document.location = document.location + "#" + "predict";
+ });
+ #predict{ :style => "display: none;"}
+ %p Display the prediction including neighbours and sort mechanism
+ %br
+ %input{ :type => "submit", :value => "Predict", :onclick => "getsmiles();"}
+ .close
+ = hide_link "#predict"
diff --git a/views/prediction.haml b/views/prediction.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1286d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/prediction.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ .back
+ %h1
+ %img{:src=>"/images/arrow_left_float.png", :alt=>"arrow"}
+ %a{:href => to('/predict')} New Prediction
+ .was
+ %h2= "Compound image: "
+ %img{:src=>"#{@compound.uri}/image", :alt=>@compound.uri, :width=>"100px"}
+ %br
+ %h2= "Compound SMILES string: "
+ %p= @identifier
+ .results
+ %h2= "Selected Entpoints: "
+ - @models.each do |m|
+ %p= m.inspect
+ %br
+ %h2= "Prediction Uri: "
+ - @predictions.each do |p|
+ %p= p.uri
+ %br
+ %h2= "Prediction Results: "
+ - @prediction_results.each do |r|
+ %p= r