path: root/lib/leave-one-out-validation.rb
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2016-05-09 15:51:50 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2016-05-09 15:51:50 +0200
commita18218bd1586edd8097729d242abb8947d6988df (patch)
treee94ac3bffb25751ed7e11a626ddde8b96f1de816 /lib/leave-one-out-validation.rb
parente2e7045c3efeb59dd650b78772009281e7fa56a0 (diff)
parent0b416e3b55a9256915a2427afe5bc112bcabc203 (diff)
development branch mergedv0.9.3
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/leave-one-out-validation.rb')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/leave-one-out-validation.rb b/lib/leave-one-out-validation.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cd13db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leave-one-out-validation.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class LeaveOneOutValidation
+ field :model_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :dataset_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :nr_instances, type: Integer
+ field :nr_unpredicted, type: Integer
+ field :predictions, type: Array
+ field :finished_at, type: Time
+ def self.create model
+ model.training_dataset.features.first.nominal? ? klass = ClassificationLeaveOneOutValidation : klass = RegressionLeaveOneOutValidation
+ loo = :model_id =>, :dataset_id => model.training_dataset_id
+ compound_ids = model.training_dataset.compound_ids
+ predictions = model.predict model.training_dataset.compounds
+ predictions = predictions.each_with_index {|p,i| p[:compound_id] = compound_ids[i]}
+!{|p| p[:database_activities] and !p[:database_activities].empty?}
+ loo.nr_instances = predictions.size
+!{|p| p[:value]} # remove unpredicted
+ loo.predictions = predictions#.sort{|a,b| b[:confidence] <=> a[:confidence]}
+ loo.nr_unpredicted = loo.nr_instances - loo.predictions.size
+ loo.statistics
+ loo
+ end
+ def model
+ Model::Lazar.find model_id
+ end
+ end
+ class ClassificationLeaveOneOutValidation < LeaveOneOutValidation
+ field :accept_values, type: Array
+ field :confusion_matrix, type: Array, default: []
+ field :weighted_confusion_matrix, type: Array, default: []
+ field :accuracy, type: Float
+ field :weighted_accuracy, type: Float
+ field :true_rate, type: Hash, default: {}
+ field :predictivity, type: Hash, default: {}
+ field :confidence_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ def statistics
+ accept_values = Feature.find(model.prediction_feature_id).accept_values
+ confusion_matrix =,0){,0)}
+ weighted_confusion_matrix =,0){,0)}
+ predictions.each do |pred|
+ pred[:database_activities].each do |db_act|
+ if pred[:value]
+ if pred[:value] == db_act
+ if pred[:value] == accept_values[0]
+ confusion_matrix[0][0] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0] += pred[:confidence]
+ elsif pred[:value] == accept_values[1]
+ confusion_matrix[1][1] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1] += pred[:confidence]
+ end
+ else
+ if pred[:value] == accept_values[0]
+ confusion_matrix[0][1] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[0][1] += pred[:confidence]
+ elsif pred[:value] == accept_values[1]
+ confusion_matrix[1][0] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[1][0] += pred[:confidence]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ accept_values.each_with_index do |v,i|
+ true_rate[v] = confusion_matrix[i][i]/confusion_matrix[i].reduce(:+).to_f
+ predictivity[v] = confusion_matrix[i][i]/confusion_matrix.collect{|n| n[i]}.reduce(:+).to_f
+ end
+ confidence_sum = 0
+ weighted_confusion_matrix.each do |r|
+ r.each do |c|
+ confidence_sum += c
+ end
+ end
+ update_attributes(
+ accept_values: accept_values,
+ confusion_matrix: confusion_matrix,
+ weighted_confusion_matrix: weighted_confusion_matrix,
+ accuracy: (confusion_matrix[0][0]+confusion_matrix[1][1])/(nr_instances-nr_unpredicted).to_f,
+ weighted_accuracy: (weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0]+weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1])/confidence_sum.to_f,
+ true_rate: true_rate,
+ predictivity: predictivity,
+ finished_at:
+ )
+ $logger.debug "Accuracy #{accuracy}"
+ end
+ def confidence_plot
+ unless confidence_plot_id
+ tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_confidence.svg"
+ accuracies = []
+ confidences = []
+ correct_predictions = 0
+ incorrect_predictions = 0
+ predictions.each do |p|
+ p[:database_activities].each do |db_act|
+ if p[:value]
+ p[:value] == db_act ? correct_predictions += 1 : incorrect_predictions += 1
+ accuracies << correct_predictions/(correct_predictions+incorrect_predictions).to_f
+ confidences << p[:confidence]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ R.assign "accuracy", accuracies
+ R.assign "confidence", confidences
+ R.eval "image = qplot(confidence,accuracy)+ylab('accumulated accuracy')+scale_x_reverse()"
+ R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)"
+ file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.svg")
+ plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
+ update(:confidence_plot_id => plot_id)
+ end
+ $gridfs.find_one(_id: confidence_plot_id).data
+ end
+ end
+ class RegressionLeaveOneOutValidation < LeaveOneOutValidation
+ field :rmse, type: Float, default: 0.0
+ field :mae, type: Float, default: 0
+ #field :weighted_rmse, type: Float, default: 0
+ #field :weighted_mae, type: Float, default: 0
+ field :r_squared, type: Float
+ field :correlation_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :confidence_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ def statistics
+ confidence_sum = 0
+ predicted_values = []
+ measured_values = []
+ predictions.each do |pred|
+ pred[:database_activities].each do |activity|
+ if pred[:value]
+ predicted_values << pred[:value]
+ measured_values << activity
+ error = Math.log10(pred[:value])-Math.log10(activity)
+ self.rmse += error**2
+ #self.weighted_rmse += pred[:confidence]*error**2
+ self.mae += error.abs
+ #self.weighted_mae += pred[:confidence]*error.abs
+ #confidence_sum += pred[:confidence]
+ end
+ end
+ if pred[:database_activities].empty?
+ warnings << "No training activities for #{Compound.find(compound_id).smiles} in training dataset #{model.training_dataset_id}."
+ $logger.debug "No training activities for #{Compound.find(compound_id).smiles} in training dataset #{model.training_dataset_id}."
+ end
+ end
+ R.assign "measurement", measured_values
+ R.assign "prediction", predicted_values
+ R.eval "r <- cor(-log(measurement),-log(prediction),use='complete')"
+ r = R.eval("r").to_ruby
+ self.mae = self.mae/predictions.size
+ #self.weighted_mae = self.weighted_mae/confidence_sum
+ self.rmse = Math.sqrt(self.rmse/predictions.size)
+ #self.weighted_rmse = Math.sqrt(self.weighted_rmse/confidence_sum)
+ self.r_squared = r**2
+ self.finished_at =
+ save
+ $logger.debug "R^2 #{r**2}"
+ $logger.debug "RMSE #{rmse}"
+ $logger.debug "MAE #{mae}"
+ end
+ def correlation_plot
+ unless correlation_plot_id
+ tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_correlation.svg"
+ predicted_values = []
+ measured_values = []
+ predictions.each do |pred|
+ pred[:database_activities].each do |activity|
+ if pred[:value]
+ predicted_values << pred[:value]
+ measured_values << activity
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ attributes = Model::Lazar.find(self.model_id).attributes
+ attributes.delete_if{|key,_| key.match(/_id|_at/) or ["_id","creator","name"].include? key}
+ attributes = attributes.values.collect{|v| v.is_a?(String) ? v.sub(/OpenTox::/,'') : v}.join("\n")
+ R.assign "measurement", measured_values
+ R.assign "prediction", predicted_values
+ R.eval "all = c(-log(measurement),-log(prediction))"
+ R.eval "range = c(min(all), max(all))"
+ R.eval "image = qplot(-log(prediction),-log(measurement),main='#{}',asp=1,xlim=range, ylim=range)"
+ R.eval "image = image + geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1)"
+ R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)"
+ file =, :filename => "#{}_correlation_plot.svg")
+ plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
+ update(:correlation_plot_id => plot_id)
+ end
+ $gridfs.find_one(_id: correlation_plot_id).data
+ end
+ end